Watchmen props

Thanks everyone for the compliments! Below are links to the hires images (hope they work). Please forgive any wee typos that might still be in the copy. While I placed actual copy in the stories, I don't really mean them to be read front to back. I just wanted something in there so when people walk by and skim it over, it looks legit.



Oh, and I found Walmart has cheap black wood frames that are 11" x 14" that these look great in!
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Thanks for the newspapers :)

Watchmen has been my favourite film so far this year (which isn't surprising considering my major fandom for the book).

Btw, does anyone own the Comedian guns? I saw them at Midtown comics in March and they looked great but I think they were built into the frame. It seems like they were just half guns. Also, the Rorschach mask and gun are nice but the gun needs weathering and is attached to the base. I would maybe spend $100 on the set but 250 is too much for what you get.

So is the Rubies Nightowl cowl worth getting?
Btw, does anyone own the Comedian guns? I saw them at Midtown comics in March and they looked great but I think they were built into the frame.

I don't own the guns, but I saw them at Midtown Comics as well. I wasn't too impressed with them, unfortunately. Perhaps I was expecting too much, but when looking at the guns up close they looked a bit sloppy (though they did look decent from a few feet away and I did like the grips). It's really the frame and presentation that seem to make the piece worth the price...
So is the Rubies Nightowl cowl worth getting?

It depends on what you're going for. If you are normally a fan of Rubies Batman cowls, then definitely go for it. It is very large though, too large for most people. If it was made smaller, I would be much more in favor of it.
Good to know. I really want to set up a Watchmen display in my apartment but I'm having a hard time finding something to actually display other than my Minutemen photo.
Good to know. I really want to set up a Watchmen display in my apartment but I'm having a hard time finding something to actually display other than my Minutemen photo.

Have you seen my Watchmen display in previous pages of this thread? There is a surprising number of small prominent props from the movie.
Bladefans: I have now and they are great. Is the patch from the Flickr site and printed? Its nice.

Someone asked "Has anyone looked into the earrings Dr. Manhattan gave to Janie? " That is something I would pay good money for. When I saw the film the first time, I knew I had to have them! :)

Btw, this thread has been a treasure trove! I'm excited to get to work on paper and hard props. Thanks everyone!
Bladefans: I have now and they are great. Is the patch from the Flickr site and printed? Its nice.

Someone asked "Has anyone looked into the earrings Dr. Manhattan gave to Janie? " That is something I would pay good money for. When I saw the film the first time, I knew I had to have them! :)

Btw, this thread has been a treasure trove! I'm excited to get to work on paper and hard props. Thanks everyone!

Haha I was the one that asked about the earrings! And I actually got the patch off ebay. I think the guy is still selling them for pretty cheap. Looking up 'watchmen patch' will probably do.
I know someone was working on a clean version of this image. Has anyone seen this?

Would there be an interest in the Sally Jupiter Zippo? Accurate, of course. ;)

Definitely, I was wondering if there are any custom zippo makers that would add the design for me if I sent it to them, like some people do with id card movie props.
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