Vader Helmet cast from Original?

Check out the auction text. It is clearly mentioned that they think the tube may have been added later and not part of the original cast. So no luck there.
The way I read it, was that the tube was the outer thicker part added on top of the original "tube".
That's certainly one way of interpreting it, but I see no reason to assume that they are only talking about one section of the tube and not the whole tube... otherwise they would probably have indicated that it was only the top piece that was added and not the whole tube.

Oh well... :confused
The Skull was totally smooth - no tabs, no tube, no nothing. Then the
"Mushroom-Tube" was added on afterwards - :)
I struggle to believe that an original ANH Vader casting was languishing in the vacinity of Elstree Props reach for so long and they have only decided to make money with it now.:unsure

The items in the auction look canny good, but they don't look authentic as direct replicas of the screen used ANH Vader.

Fraudulent auctions are fine to post and discuss.

Not according to forum rules in the FAQ section.

But then maybe I must have had an over zelous jerk mod and members get a few of my threads deleted when I posted asking the authenticity of the claims to an eBay auction. Figures though, many forum mods seem to have delusions of grandeur.
Everything in the auction was resculpted or recast from another item. No doubt about it. That is the worst example of a chestbox casting I've seen.......there is literally no knurling on the rods......LOL. This is like 20 generations down the evolutionary line. You would think people would start catching on to this Elstree bunch eventually. Their stuff gets worse and worse. Peace,

Dave :)
Everything in the auction was resculpted or recast from another item. No doubt about it. That is the worst example of a chestbox casting I've seen.......there is literally no knurling on the rods......LOL. This is like 20 generations down the evolutionary line. You would think people would start catching on to this Elstree bunch eventually. Their stuff gets worse and worse. Peace,

Dave :)

I think that the one bid it got attests to the fact that people aren't 'buying' it.
Now I am curious as to who this line is for?

We are starting this auction at £500 to cover all our costs, bid early if you want these as they may disappear from eBay when the sad cases who have nothing better to do start kicking up a fuss. We know who you are, it must really hurt to know you had nothing to do with the original movies, and never will, never mind :)

Q: Hello, I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm very curious. Who are you refering to in the last paragraph? Thanks, and good luck with the sale!

A: He will know :) and it isn't George Lucas as someone suggested lol
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I thought they were refering to anyone, like us here on the RPF, who would dare question the validity of the items for auction.... Who are any of us to question "Elstree" after all?:rolleyes
There's been a lot of buzz about this auction at some of the more "Vader-centric" boards. I agree with Clutch, the number of bids (or lack thereof) speaks volumes...
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