unique DARTH VADER helmet (WIP/scratchbuilt/pic heavy)

in close up you can see scratches and air bubbles i dug out. i guess this will be fixed with a filler primer? havent used one so far. what brand should i get? preferably to put on acrylic paint on top (im used to tamiya products )

To really fill the holes I would mix up some bondo. this will make sure the holes are really filled up. It's more work.... I'm eager to hear if someone has a better option though as I have small holes to fill on a few things I'm working on.
To really fill the holes I would mix up some bondo. this will make sure the holes are really filled up. It's more work.... I'm eager to hear if someone has a better option though as I have small holes to fill on a few things I'm working on.

For such small pinholes, I really recommend "Porenfüller" or "Porenwischfüller" (f.e. by STANDOX)...I LOVE this stuff!!!!!

Any updates on this?
Hope you are still making progress. This is shaping up to be a really great interpretation of my favorite villain.
Keep up the awesome work.
fantastic work!! can't wait to see this come together!:thumbsup

thanks man!...... well i cant wait either :D but im letting you guys down ...again and again

Really cool design and impressive work!!!

many thanks Nairod

To really fill the holes I would mix up some bondo. this will make sure the holes are really filled up. It's more work.... I'm eager to hear if someone has a better option though as I have small holes to fill on a few things I'm working on.
thanks for the advice! OdiWan72 had mentioned a pinhole filler !
loving this thread :) any updates on this?
im happy to hear that mate! oh well FINALLY i found some spare time to get back to my project :)
For such small pinholes, I really recommend "Porenfüller" or "Porenwischfüller" (f.e. by STANDOX)...I LOVE this stuff!!!!!

wow thanks mate! i just ordered some :) thats exactly the stuff i needed (although i didnt know it existed in the first place ) :D

hehe ;D

Any updates on this?
Hope you are still making progress. This is shaping up to be a really great interpretation of my favorite villain.
Keep up the awesome work.

making progress! but its hard to get something done with my busy job... sigh!
many thanks . so nice of you =) glad you dig!

so here is an update. you guys must be thinking that i wont finish this one :D ....since im working on an off for such a long time now... meeh sigh







as you can see i applied some quick primer. the rattle can was allmost empty resulting in uncontrollable bursts D: well nothing i can retough with some more sanding . this wont be the last coat of primer anyways. still got to fill the fine pinholes .

BUT! i was lucky to kinda solve my eye lense problem. in the end i invested much apoxie sculpt to build a 2 part PRESS-mold. the problem with the smkoed acyrlic glas is that its 1mm thick. right now im trying to heat it up enough for me to get it in shape with the press-mold. the difficulty is to not overdo it or ill have little tiny bubbles and a slight blurred vision in the acryllic glas.

id be glad to form my lenses and get these done even if they might be a bit flawed. it wont be visible on the "outside" surface

also im happy with the result of the grill :) its detachable as it is now. again the quick primer application was just for the kicks

sorry for not posting for such a long time! T_T







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id be glad to form my lenses and get these done even if they might be a bit flawed. it wont be visible on the "outside" surface

also im happy with the result of the grill :) its detachable as it is now. again the quick primer application was just for the kicks

sorry for not posting for such a long time! T_T


I have heard of people heating this type of plastic in boiling water. It will get a nice uniform heating profile for forming. Also, an oven would work I think.
I have heard of people heating this type of plastic in boiling water. It will get a nice uniform heating profile for forming. Also, an oven would work I think.

thanks for the input! I just tried it:) it sure gets soft to bend it. Sadly not soft enough for me to press it into that curveture .damn

But i had another try with the heat gun.there is something i witnessed. The glass did only get those tiny micro bubble indents after pressing it in shape. It must be steam trying to escape and resulting in tiny air bubble pushing against the acrylig glass.
I applied baby powder to the molds and it worked! It bloody hell worked! Such a great day :D

Oh and here i tested some metall grid for the grill :)


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looks fantastic, love this build!
many many thanks mate!

guys guys! i think i found a cool design for the tusks!. all the tubing and pipes you can see in my former speedpaint image are cool too but i guess i really found a neat solution

how about that?:

subtle but still there

well.. i dont know if id be able to shape these out of real metal tho. might not have the tool for that


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I reworked the metal grill for a perfect fit

Also there is a shot of the bottom opening too :)


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I have read through this thread before, and am still impressed. On the latest viewing though, it brought General Grievous to mind when I saw it.
I like it, but are you not going for the tubes? They looked really good in the concept art you made...
Nice too see you are back on track with this helmet. :thumbsup
Will the dome have the Mcquarrie look, or are you going a different direction?
I have read through this thread before, and am still impressed. On the latest viewing though, it brought General Grievous to mind when I saw it.
:) ah yeah you are right. i got very similar eye pockets in terms of shape and that long mouth grill shares similarities too. i guess it will turn more into darth vader once the forehead is covered by the dome, right?

I like it, but are you not going for the tubes? They looked really good in the concept art you made...
Nice too see you are back on track with this helmet. :thumbsup
Will the dome have the Mcquarrie look, or are you going a different direction?
ah yeah the tubes. its a love and hate relationship :D i love the tubes for being tubes. they would add a different material to the design and have a gritty feel as well
but they also cover the connection line where the different angled surfaces come together, which makes up much of the overall design. its really a hard choice for me
id like to sculpt the dome first and see what i will get and how everything will come together :) maybe ill try and go for a single tube on just one side perhaps. that might be something to try out too. just like the initial first draft of the mask sculpted on page 1 here.

as for the dome. ... i guess i dont know =D i will go with the flow . a mixture of mcquerrie and some of the more aggressive design feel i got going on the mask. surely i wont end up with a totally clean dome. i MUST add some more shapes to it. the middle stripe is a very safe last resort here i guess :)

ahh much talk here. so i gotta step up and make it happen :p

many thanks for the comments! highly appreciated
I can see it both ways, I know im no help. The tube tusks definitely make it look more vader-esk, however the triangular light tusks are totally unique and very much speak to the angularity of your sculpt. You are right that the dome will inform the final decision I think. if I had to choose right now I would be 60-40 for the tubes. either way it will look amazing.
dasAdam, don't get me wrong, the observation wasn't a criticism, just an observation. I actually like that it has inadvertently picked up some of those design elements. I can see an alternate reality where Anakin voluntarily adopted some of the same tech as Grievous.
I can see it both ways, I know im no help. The tube tusks definitely make it look more vader-esk, however the triangular light tusks are totally unique and very much speak to the angularity of your sculpt. You are right that the dome will inform the final decision I think. if I had to choose right now I would be 60-40 for the tubes. either way it will look amazing.
Thanks for the input! I agree that the tubes with thosetusks might make it more vaderish. But its also kind of an "in your face " homage to the original design. It kind fights the redesign idea quite a lot :/ must rethink all of this! !!
dasAdam, don't get me wrong, the observation wasn't a criticism, just an observation. I actually like that it has inadvertently picked up some of those design elements. I can see an alternate reality where Anakin voluntarily adopted some of the same tech as Grievous.
no worries i didn't get you wrong. I really agreed with you on this one :)

Ok so it really started! THE DOME
(I need to order some more clay soon :D )


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More progress :)
The middle stripe is missing cause id like to make sure that the overall shape is smooth.

I hope you guys like it :)



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