Toys That Never Were Appreciation Thread.


Master Member
Being someone that grew up with action figures, vehicles and playsets, I figured (no pun intended) I'd start a "toys that never were appreciation thread. We all know of the unproduced Alien action figures by Kenner that was planned but never completed (but are finally getting a chance to exist due to another company), but this thread is for other toys that were considered but never saw the production line or the toy isle shelves. If you guys happen to think there are some that you want to share or discuss, feel free to post here.

Playmates never-released Star Trek toys:

New Force Comics, who I was introduced to at Panama City down here in Florida, has a website that has information of unreleased figures, playsets and toys from the Playmates line. Below is one of the items they were going to produce: a TOS Bridge playset that could fold up into its own carrying case.



Here's the site, covering everything from unreleased figures to unreleased toys from the line: Never Released Playmates Toys Items

Galoob's never-releated ST:TNG toys:

Before Playmates got the license for making toys based off of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Galoob had the license and released some figures, a shuttle craft, a Ferengi ship, a toy phaser and a shuttlecraft toy in the 1/18th scale. They were going to release figures for Wesley Crusher, Dr. Crusher and Troi. Trekcore actually had an interview with one of the toy line's producers to reveal a variety of TNG items that was never released, including two different prototype bridges (including one of the bridge).


Here's an interview in three pages that covers the development of the line with the toys released and items that you never knew Galoob was considering:

Galoob 25: The First Generation of TNG Toys (Part I) | TrekCore Blog
Galoob 25: The First Generation of TNG Toys (Part II) | TrekCore Blog
Galoob 25: The First Generation of TNG Toys (Part III) | TrekCore Blog

Kenner's Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures unreleased toys:

Of course, they released figures for the line based on the movie, but there is a figure that wasn't released, as well as two vehicles and a playset inspired by the locations in the movie. You may recognize the car from the top of the scan from the Kenner catalog for the line.


This page has pictures of the figures that were released, those that weren't released and pictures of the prototypes as well: Bill & Ted's Excellent Online Adventure - Collectibles - Action Figures & Toys - Kenner Action Figures

Unreleased Star Wars toys:

To represent the other side of the franchises that start with the word "star", Star Wars is chock full of its own unreleased figures, such as the unreleased "Rocket Fett", in which the prototype has been seen in the show Toy Hunter. But did you know, Kenner had planned, designed and produced prototypes of figures of Chewbacca's family, based on the ill-fated Star Wars Holiday Special?


Here's a Wiki page about an article that discusses some of the unreleased toys: The Toys That Never Were - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki


That's right. The robots in disguise has its own unreleased figures. In fact, even Unicron came close to getting a figure for the Generation 1 line.


How about a statue that appeases the Transformers and G.I. Joe fans alike?


This wiki has a page dedicated to a lot of unreleased TF figures. Check it out: Unreleased toy - Transformers Wiki

I hope this thread keeps going and feel free to post unreleased action figures and toy information here if you have any. :)
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To represent the other side of the franchises that start with the word "star", Star Wars is chock full of its own unreleased figures, such as the unreleased "Rocket Fett", in which the prototype has been seen in the show Toy Hunter. But did you know, Kenner had planned, designed and produced prototypes of figures of Chewbacca's family, based on the ill-fated Star Wars Holiday Special?

Actually, yes, I did know. I know someone who has both the Fett and the Chewbacca family.
The Chewie one was totally news to me! Just when you think you know everything on a topic...

Don't worry, Cayman. I didn't know Playmates were considering on doing a TOS Bridge playset, as well as a TNG Phaser Rifle game, and even found out about the Galoob TNG toys and merchandise they were going to do. That's the fun thing about this post and why I did it: to appreciate, and in some cases, educate those who are unaware of such toys. :D
I'd so have bought that Baroness statue. There's so many unreleased Transformers out there that it's amazing starting with G1 to now or they're versions that they changed but should have been released. Let's not forget the little remembered Mario Brothers movie figures, i never saw them in stores when the movie came out.
Kenner's Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures unreleased toys:

Of course, they released figures for the line based on the movie, but there is a figure that wasn't released, as well as two vehicles and a playset inspired by the locations in the movie. You may recognize the car from the top of the scan from the Kenner catalog for the line.
Repurposed Knight Rider car?

Ah, I can't believe I forgot about the Aliens Dropship! If they had released that one instead of the ship that they went with, it would have been flying off the shelves (metaphorically speaking). Would totally get one of those if I could.

Repurposed Knight Rider car?
That's right! The funny thing is this: Kenner had a habit of reusing molds for other toylines. A lot of SW toy molds were made from molds from other lines, and some of the original molds used for the SW line was reused for other toys. There's this page talking about the recycling of the molds.

I'd kill for the Phaser Rifle... I don't care if it was Playmates, that was sweet.

Yeah, I know, right? The funny thing is that the concept, which appears to be a target game, appears to be inspired by the original Mego Phaser target game. But, honestly, I think it would have sold because of the fact its a phaser rifle, and I would totally had one too. :)
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Found a couple of more unreleased figures. This one from the Battlestar Galactica line by Diamond Select. Now, one of these figures was released (I myself have one still on the card) and that's the Bill Adama from this first picture. The other three figures, of Roslin, Lawyer Lee and Admiral Cain, were not released.


Apparently, after the initial setup, Diamond Select changed their minds about the figures being released and were going to do Admiral Cain, Defendant (or maybe President?) Gaius Baltar and Bill Adama with the 'Stache.


Found a better picture of Roslin:
Ah, I can't believe I forgot about the Aliens Dropship! If they had released that one instead of the ship that they went with, it would have been flying off the shelves (metaphorically speaking). Would totally get one of those if I could.

That's right! The funny thing is this: Kenner had a habit of reusing molds for other toylines. A lot of SW toy molds were made from molds from other lines, and some of the original molds used for the SW line was reused for other toys. There's this page talking about the recycling of the molds.

Yeah, I know, right? The funny thing is that the concept, which appears to be a target game, appears to be inspired by the original Mego Phaser target game. But, honestly, I think it would have sold because of the fact its a phaser rifle, and I would totally had one too. :)

Kenner set the stage for Hasbro reusing molds to the point it's idiotic. I mean they honest reuse the same transformer molds for at least 2 figures per line these days.
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