Toronto Prop Makers

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If you're new, you should definitely read all the FAQs, they will save you a lot of headaches.

And, Welcome to the RPF.
Oh, I just realized, you're not quite 'new' are you?
Yeah, should definitely get some pictures up and show off your stuff
I'm out of Oakville, and I go to school at OCAD downtown near Queen and Spadina. I actually started a similar thread looking to meet people from the area. I'm mostly into costuming props but I also do photo and video work. Check me out on FB and if anyone wants some product shots/ pics of their cosplays I'm your guy!
I'm out of Oakville, and I go to school at OCAD downtown near Queen and Spadina. I actually started a similar thread looking to meet people from the area. I'm mostly into costuming props but I also do photo and video work. Check me out on FB and if anyone wants some product shots/ pics of their cosplays I'm your guy!

We've got a few folks in Burlington & Oakville here. :thumbsup

I'm Burlington myself.
Oshawa here originally from Scarborough lived all through ontario mostly West... Niagra ,St Cathrines, Hamilton, Woodstock, Pickering, East York..just reading for now would love to start building some props, when i get the time and space.
Hey all! I know this thread is a little old but I could use some help.

Next month (September 2013) I will be moving from the UK, to Ontario on a working holiday visa, and would love to get my foot in the door of move prop making / set design, etc. I was just wondering if somebody could point me in the right direction or the best place for me to apply? or even if some of you on here do that kind of thing and could help me out?

Even if all I could get was a unpaid apprenticeship I would be willing to do that and just get a part time job somewhere else to pay for things!

Any help I could get at ALL would be much appreciated! I have this one chance in such a great country so I would love to try my hardest to persure my dream career in the best place to do so :)

Thank you all in advance for your help!

Burlington here. :) Mostly historical props but there's a flair of Sci-Fi in my collection.

Hello, im a fashion design student at ryerson and am looking to get some props made for a collection being presented next year at mass exodus, one of the largest fashion shows in canada with much media attention.

Im have designed a greek mythology collection and im looking to get a few weapons and a trident made to complete the look. if any of you are interested and will be paid, please email me at

any help will be much appreciated!
I'm in Hamilton and haven't made anything or own anything yet, just have done a few 3D models for people to print. I would love to go check out some props at a party. I'm fairly new to this game.
Come to next year's prop party and you'll have a blast. Plus there's a bunch of people from Hamilton who attend.
Hey, there! I'm not an experienced props maker, though I do work in the industry. I'm trying to commission a build, intended as a christmas gift.
The original builder has been swamped and can't make the deadline. My budget is about $200. The replica I'm looking for is a Barrel Bear from the short-lived Tim Minnear series "Wonderfalls". 9484c0e597ad9a961b6392bd8dee3a7e-385923-512-341.jpg2636178147_f6c0a7f792_o.jpgindex_wonderfalls_01_03_02.jpg
Anyone in the GTA interested?
Oh, I figure I should let people know. If you happen to be going to the 9:30 screening of Desolation of Smaug at the Scotiabank Theatre Thursday night, come find me in my dwarf helm and say hi!
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