Tie - Stick

When I can't find the exact greeblie, the next best thing will have to do. But the next best thing must have some relevence and fit within a certain production time frame. For now, these oxygen mask mic plugs will do nicely. Made for use with Clansman field gear and based on a mid 70s design - to fit and replace earlier Larkspur radio equipment. That'll do me, after just a couple of simple mods and a lick'a'paint.

There's possibly a couple of either Larkspur or Clansman parts on the first Falcon, so these plugs are not wildly off target. There's a small junction box sitting at the front between the mandibles.

I'm not sure if this plug was found already but with help from a great blaster prop photo scottjua enhanced a while back, thanks that man, I think this plug type is very close - except for the obvious colour difference. The photo makes it clear that the blaster's din plug is probably a cast from the Tie's left side grip (that's assuming the plug on the grip is an original real part to begin with). The photo shows the plug having a fairly clean cut mark around the main body in order for the string/wire to get a better grip when it's connected to the grip. The cut could be just scored into the plastic or actually to remove the lower end, which is then stuck back in to the body to create an all around lip - I'll have to find a photo of the other side of this blaster to check.




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I have the black/left one from Waveys last pic - but with the ridgeless metal part of the grey one.

Iirr i´ve thrown some of the gray in the trash bin, didn´t know they could be usefull.
This is THE coolest thing ever, esp if you fab up that TIE window and stuff a fully dressed and done TIE pilot behind it..

Yep. Better than porn.
I have the black/left one from Waveys last pic - but with the ridgeless metal part of the grey one.

Iirr i´ve thrown some of the gray in the trash bin, didn´t know they could be usefull.

I'm tempted to use two of the black Japan made plugs on a second control set as I'll be using very slightly different parts on it from the late 70s, a sort of Mk1.2 version that will look 'factory fresh' lol.

Wow, this thing is going nicely. Finding parts is pretty difficult, especially on something like this which is generally so unknown.

It's the waiting for stuff to magically appear at the door that drives me mad - Where's ma FAIRY DRONE?!!1

This is THE coolest thing ever, esp if you fab up that TIE window and stuff a fully dressed and done TIE pilot behind it..

Yep. Better than porn.

Making a kind of collapsible triptic background is very doable as the set Tie is quite small and uses a few perspective tricks in the roof and side areas. Maybe 2mH x 2mW x 1m Deep would do it. Something like that.

Interesting to see Merr Sonn plug on the TIE. It's cool to see how creative the ILM guys were back then

It's got to be from the same plug, surely?
Curly leads.... One type here is definitely used in SW, unfortunately it's the wrong size for the Tie - boohoo! That would have been too easy though, innit lol.

Oh you nit-picker you. You'll have me checking all my curly leads now!

It's one of them finicky things. In the pic, top is 18mm in diameter, two in the middle are 19mm and lastly, the Death Star 'DJ' Trooper headphones lead is 15mm. Second lead down is spot on. I think the Tie's chunk is probably a piece taken from the long lead in the X-Wing.

EDIT: Second lead down at 19mm may still be too big - the research continues.
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Man... I recognize all the words in this thread to be english, but I didn't know what the eff I was reading or looking out until about halfway through. This is amazing!
Well there's a thing, when comparing the Tie lead to the blaster's (taking into account angles and distortions between the two plug pics and working with the averages) the closest size is nearer to the 15mm headphone lead for the blaster. I would expect around a +/- 1-2mm error in this pic but not a 3-4mm difference ....Needs more inspection!!!

That be an upside down polyprop manhole cover in its base fixing. With the centre part the wrong way up it works almost like a 'Lazy Susan', just needs some bearings in there. This way up looks rather good and gives it a few options for fixing some other aircraft parts on to it - Vickers of course.
Looking closer at the headphone curly lead, which I thought was too small in diameter for the Tie, seems to show a better similarity with the blaster. Long story short - if you hang up your headphones for a long period of time the lead will stretch and slighly unravel a little, by approximately +2mm. In the pics, the lead is 15mm at the plug end but at the speaker end it widens to 16mm and then 17mm over a space of 10 loops (on my vintage headphones). Still some more checking to be done though.

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