The X-Files to return to TV! - I WANT TO BELIEVE

Re: The X-Files Starts Tonight (1/24)--DON'T FORGET!

It sounded to me like the artist guy unleashed it somehow. It's kind of fuzzy what the explanation was. This really reminded me of that episode "Arcadia" where they go undercover in a planned community and the trash monster was killing people who violated the homeowner's association rules.

thats what i was wondering, the artist unleashed this monster. and now that the artist is traveling maybe the monster will come back? idk... looking forward to next week
Re: The X-Files Starts Tonight (1/24)--DON'T FORGET!

Now I know this is just me, but I'm wondering if all this is, is a set-up for something bigger.

Let me say, I am really liking the series, warts & all, but c'mon! Some of these warts have grown into full on appendages.

The first episode went out of it's way to almost completely wrap up the previous 9 seasons worth of mythology in one fell swoop, with the idea that the whole thing was just misdirection from the powers that be. That felt this show. Then, as others have said, the editing was so bad, I almost was thinking of INCEPTION, with the idea that, in a dream, you never travel, you're just suddenly where you need to be. I thought to myself, though, that's ludicrous...then the other episodes aired, & to be truthful, although I liked them, they've all had something in them that was almost sloppy. Sloppy to the point of being glaring.

One minute, the office is in shambles, unused for over a decade, then suddenly, it's like they never left, including the poster that Mulder tore in the earlier episode. I may have missed it, but I still don't know why the X-Files were reopened & why Mulder came back full time. The there's the question of the CSM, how he survived, & why he seems to be in a position of power again. the entire were-lizard episode with it's meta moments. Finally, how every single story seems to tie into William in some way or another...etc.

I know Carter, Morgan, & Wong aren't perfect storytellers, but I truly believe that they're better than this. I'm not saying the last shot will be of either character in some coma-like state, where all their thoughts are being manipulated from the MiB or anything, but I can't help but think there's something going on that we just don't see from our POV.

Heck, wasn't William supposed to have some sort of psychic or telekinetic powers? Just sayin'...
Re: The X-Files Starts Tonight (1/24)--DON'T FORGET!

The last scene will be Mulder waking up next to Suzanne Pleshette, confused. Just then, Bobby Ewing will exit the shower. Still baffled by what's happening around him, Mulder will ponder all of this while staring deeply into his favorite snow globe...

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Re: The X-Files Starts Tonight (1/24)--DON'T FORGET!

Trashman was definitely old X-Files, but I found the show's mixed tone a little odd: Mulder is cracking jokes with the people arguing over moving the homeless and a few minutes later Scully's mother is dying. Seems a bit of a clash.

Still, overall I am loving this being back on.
Re: The X-Files Starts Tonight (1/24)--DON'T FORGET!

Trashman was definitely old X-Files, but I found the show's mixed tone a little odd: Mulder is cracking jokes with the people arguing over moving the homeless and a few minutes later Scully's mother is dying. Seems a bit of a clash.

Still, overall I am loving this being back on.

the only thing I can really think of is their trying to jam as much as they can I to these 6 issues

I too feel like some episodes are all over the place

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Scully's Mom passing just didn't fit at all, I think.
As for the Trashman, I thought of it like a Golem in ancient Judaism.
Hey guys. At the beginning of Home Again, did the first victim's dialogue suddenly kicked in while he was talking to the street people or was that just me? :confused
Hey guys. At the beginning of Home Again, did the first victim's dialogue suddenly kicked in while he was talking to the street people or was that just me? :confused

The broadcast version seems to have had an audio issue, yeah. All of the, ah, unofficially distributed copies of the episode had it Monday night. There's a fixed version floating around out there if you know where to look.
I'm waiting for the blu-ray. I am going to pick it up along with the big full series package, I still haven't seen "the last season".

Quite happy about all the old tv shows coming back(with the same cast, not the reboots) :)
The broadcast version seems to have had an audio issue, yeah. All of the, ah, unofficially distributed copies of the episode had it Monday night. There's a fixed version floating around out there if you know where to look.

There are multiple fixed version, the one to look for is the "real proper". Just sayin'.
idk next week looks very cool

No, it's a pure mythology episode, the counterpart of the first one, just told from Scully's point of view. If you didn't like the first episode, as most people didn't, you won't like this either. The best is behind us.
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