The Winter Soldier - Falcon (Possible Build)

this might sound stupid...but if you modified a buzz lightyear foam pepakura file you might get the desired look of the jetpack. sorry if this is a silly idea. captain-america-the-winter-solider-screenshot-falcon-jet-pack.jpg


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Very impressive indeed. I am working on actually making the wings fold in and out just like the movie. although that was all CGI I am working out the science and laws of practical physics to get it done in time for august. I also have made the jetpack but I have it mocked up for fiberglass molds for those who don't want to stress over how to make all the small details. im trying to upload a pics of it in progress but it is not allowing me to at the moment idk why...I am going to put real sound effects inside as well as motion LED's
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You could use springs to make the wings pop out when you pull a chord or something (like a parachute). I will be tackling something similar to this once I finish my Iron Man Mk 4.5 suit, but this will instead be used for a Batman suit.
I started to show my sets on making the jetpack and wings on someone else's thread, but didn't have time to keep posting the steps. So now after getting fan favorite in the lobby of the wizard world comic-con Chicago this past weekend, I felt like celebrating. especially when you can get Mr. Stan Lee and Anthony Mackie to take pics with me and take notice to my suit, I was overwhelmed with excitement. here's some pics. as far as materials: I chose to take the more realistic finished look, so I used High impact plastic sheets that I got from my local plastics manufacturer. as well as corrugated plastic sheets for thickness, structure and look. I then took hours of using my drimmel to cut out the patterns of the outside trim and shell. I then used commercial grade vinyl to create the inside wings links that you see on top of the white part of the wings. to add a little more I put aviation navigation markers on the back of the wings. I used cardboard and fiberglass for the jetpack aswell as wood and LED lights with blinking action. I am still improving the suit for the next 2 events leading to Halloween. my next to tasks is to get the Co2 rocket boost kits in the jet pack and also put a portable jet rocket boost sound effect system that is loud enough to be heard over the cheering crowd :)

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Try and for Marvel figure files by Unfold Brazil.I have seen a Falcon figure as well.
The files are low poly,but will nevertheless give you the shape you are looking for to use in your build.
I couldn't find the wing pack template so I decided to mash things I found on here and there and combine them to make my own version of the jet pack. Here they are after some fresh paint I still have to weather the paint a bit especially the silver portions. Painting the wings next. This is for my 4 year old's Halloween costume so I have to keep it light for him. I couldn't stack on lots of foam or else it starts to get bulky so I had to adjust it. So far he loves it can't wait for him to see it put together.

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Well, since we're bumping... So much has happened since this thread was first made and yet I still haven't figured out a practical way to do these. Has anyone else had any luck?
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