The Nautilus redesigned


Active Member
Assuming Nemo and crew survived their near death experience, I think this is the way they would have rebuilt the Nautilus.
Firstly, the recources they had to build the original would not be at their disposal. I think Nemo would be most interested in making the Nautilus more lethal and stealthy.
I've extended the killing raker and lowered the height of the wheelhouse.
The gator spots have been removed from the top of the wheelhouse and relocated on the forward deck.
Because the raker arch is now longer and higher, she can make here attack runs with a lower profile and run deeper in the water.
....What ever.:cool

This is the Scott Brodeen 1/69 kit. She's 31" length and roughly a 6" beam.
Thanks for the kind words.
Great looking Nautilus concept build very sleek looking in a steam punk way. I like it,
What base color paint did you use?

Use a base coat of flat black, then apply highlights with burnt iron.
Next application is a dry brush gold.
The paint on this build has just been roughed in so I can see how all the sanding and rivet replacement looks. Won't get really fussy until she much closer to done.
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