The Crow, Eric Draven Costume

<div class='quotetop'>(Propazoid @ Jul 21 2006, 12:52 PM) [snapback]1285196[/snapback]</div>
here's my screen used display...

I am so in love with your display...and that costume. :love
One thing to remember about the costume is that it wasn't leather. It was all black textured vinyl made to look like leather. There was ONE pair of leather pants used for a couple shots that Brandon Lee insisted the production team buy, but he's usually in the vinyl, as the leather would not allow him to properly execute his fight moves.

That info on more on his costume is all covered in the book, "The Crow: The Story Behind the Film" by Bridget Baiss. It's a fascinating, moving, informative, and tear jerking read, and I recommend it to all Crow fans.

Edit: His boots were standard issue 11" US Army paratrooper boots.
<div class='quotetop'>(TridCloudwalker @ Sep 24 2006, 10:44 PM) [snapback]1325780[/snapback]</div>
One thing to remember about the costume is that it wasn't leather. It was all black textured vinyl made to look like leather. There was ONE pair of leather pants used for a couple shots that Brandon Lee insisted the production team buy, but he's usually in the vinyl, as the leather would not allow him to properly execute his fight moves.

That info on more on his costume is all covered in the book, "The Crow: The Story Behind the Film" by Bridget Baiss. It's a fascinating, moving, informative, and tear jerking read, and I recommend it to all Crow fans.

Edit: His boots were standard issue 11" US Army paratrooper boots.

No offense, but I call BS. Leather has stretching properties that Vinyl does not. Therefore it would be easier to "properly execute his fight moves" in leather. Vinyl binds, does not breathe, and just looks bad no matter how much you spend on it. I think this info is suspect.

Someone here has a screen-used costume tho. I'm sure he can clear this up.
While re-re-rewatching the movie, I have been trying to look at the pants and how it moves. It seems stiff, and thin.

The way his pants look in the shot where he is falling off the roof before he kills tin-tin looks like vinyl. The way his pants bunch down at his boots, which is tucked in, looks like leather.

Being vinyl in some shots and leather in others, would only say that screen costumes out there would be either/or.
I know this topic is really old but I'm a crow fanatic and have dressed up as eric once budget style with no leather coat and would so love to find someone who makes a really good replica coat I know there's south beach leather but i heard there not good at all.
Yeah one complete costume I'd love in the Collection.. I have a replica of Shelly's ring.. Been searching for a replica of the snow ball.. But would love to find a complete costume..
While you're at it Roy, you can hit me up with one too.. :lol Go on help a fellow Aussie.. Remember, " It can't rain all the time.."
holy crap! i thought this was a real person..


heres my Crow so far..


I'm wearing mmy fau leather pants from when i was a kid, i need to get a custom coat, real leather pants, para trooper boots, and a nylon shirt.