The Amazing Spider-Man (Post-release)

Haha...well people do tend to post there disdain for films, but an explanation for it would be good!

I mean seriously, it got good reviews, that tells me it's a good film. But if you say you won't see it for some unforeseen reason, it leaves us scratching our heads.
I carn't wait for this film, been waiting a long time to see it. Loved the other films, and I'm sure that they have achieved something just as epic for this movie, and the ones that come after. BIG spidey fan.
saw the movie just now and it is great ! 3d effects are the best i have seen this year and andrew garfield whould fit the avengers if it was coming to that point.

the old spider man look like a comedy movie besides this one

of course a nice end credit :p
Saw it today, and I think it was better than the Raimi films. Yes, it is another origin story, but besides the costume, it seemed closer to the comic book Spiderman I remember reading when I was younger.
Andrew Garfield does a really good job as Peter and Spiderman. And Emma Stone is amazing as Gwen. She looks like Gwen stepped out of the pages of the comic books. And the rest of the cast were great as well.
I see it again Monday night, and I am really looking forward to it.
All I can say is give it a chance. You may find that you like it more than you thought you would.

Tickets booked for three shows of The Amazing Spider-Man for tomorrow with various friends. Spidey fan since I was 4 years old, don't judge me :lol.

I wanted the morning show, but they are not sure if they will get access to the print in time for 10 am. So I booked 1 pm and 10 pm.

10 am booking not officially open to outsiders, but I confirmed my tickets through the internal staff in case the early morning screening does take place.
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I don't think I've got any spoilers here but here's my quick review for whoever might be interested.

I saw the movie last night at a press-screener here in Atlanta. I gotta say, I went in with no expectations and left very pleased. Keep in mind you'll probably dig it more if you go in with no expectations... probably anyway. I won't say it's the greatest comic movie ever but it's up there and possibly will join them once I've had time to digest it and see it in hindsight some. For me, the greatest is still somewhere up between the Avengers, the Dark Knight, the Rocketeer and probably a few other of my favorites.

I'm really fond of Raimi's first two movies and didn't like the idea of them rebooting the franchise but even as an origin, I thought it was done very well. It covers some of the same territory but if you're a fan, I doubt you're going to have that much of a problem sitting through the origin again. It's well written and well acted in my own opinion at least. And honestly, the suit changes were really not that big of a deal when I was watching it in context. Yeah, I'd prefer something like the Raimi suit but I didn't find the suit distracting at all.

I love that they went with Gwen Stacy. The origin actually does a very solid job of explaining how you could not only get a fantastic monster like the Lizard but also subsequent monster-like villains. Keep in mind Curt Connors worked at Oscorp which leads to what I hope will be the sequel featuring another monster-ish villain that everybody complained about being a helmeted figure in the first Raimi movie. Not to mention the incredibly iconic "Death of Gwen Stacy" storyline the Raimi movies couldn't do because they went with Mary Jane from the start... I could seriously see the next movie being of the quality of The Dark Knight which IS one of the greatest superhero films of all time IMHO.

I was impressed they made a movie featuring a villain like the Lizard in a "real world environment" kind of movie not completely unlike the world of Gotham in the Nolan Batman universe while maintaining the spirit of the Spider-Man comics (for me, anyway.)

What put it over the top for me was the way Spider-Man has to fight the Lizard. The Lizard is stronger so Spidey has to use his agility and web-slinging and I felt like I was watching comic pages come to life and not in a cheesy way.

All that said, your mileage is gonna vary pretty widely. Some are gonna hate it, some are gonna love it but it IS a solid movie. It's not another Green Lantern or Fantastic Four type of movie. My wife loved it and she does NOT have the superhero movie bias I have.
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So far it sounds like I am hearing a lot of great things about this film isn't one I have really been interested in.

How was Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey?
I've also seen a few scenes from the trailers where Spidey seems to magically fly upward on the line. My assumption is that Spidey is hella strong because of his spider DNA, right, so he's pretty much flinging himself upward by janking so hard on the web he gets lift. This makes a lot of sense because you can't simply get lift by simply swinging off the ground without a force pulling you upward. I think the retractable web bit is pretty absurb myself, but I haven't seen the movie yet.
I have seen this movie last wednesday and thought it was great. Much more comic related.

And to those who have seen it, what did you think of Stan Lee? I thought it was his best part ever!
I saw the movie twice already :) and will post my thoughts later today.

Having reservations about The Amazing Spider-Man movie? Here is some perspective from Dan Slott who has been the writer for The Amazing Spider-Man comics for past few years now.

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter

"A quick thought about THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN movie:

A lot of you here have already heard me gush about how much I LOVE the new SPIDER-MAN movie. This isn't more of that. And there are NO SPOILERS here. This is just a quick thought about where my expectations were and how I approached this walking into the theater...

I did NOT go in expecting to see a movie about the current Marvel Comics (616 Universe) Spider-Man.

Or the Raimi-film version of Spider-Man.

Or the current Spider-Man cartoon.

Or the Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (Peter or Miles), the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, the 70's live action TV show version, or the live action Japanese TV version, or the Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends version, or the '67 cartoon version, or any of the dozens and dozens of other versions of Spider-Man that are already out there... (Including the Spider-Man who showed up on The Electric Company.) :)

I went in there thinking, "This is a NEW version of Spider-Man! The Marc Webb version of Spider-Man! All right... Show me what ya got!"

And I had a BLAST! Can't wait to see it again!"
Heavy Future: The Amazing Spider-Man Review

(T-shirt worn by me at the screening)

**Minor Spoilers Ahead**

Every movie reboot has the burden of being compared to its predecessor and it's hard not to do so especially when its previous movies are relatively fresh in the minds of the audience. For some fans Amazing Spider-Man needs to not only stack-up to the Sam Raimi films but also to the Spider-Man comics.

In terms of origin Raimi's films were more closer to the classic Spidey stories from The Amazing Spider-Man comics by Stan Lee, but lot of the other classic character elements were still missing in those movies. The Ultimate Spider-Man comic which was a reboot of the Spider-Man comics had a modern interpretation of the character. And it would seem that director Marc Webb would approach his reboot using the Ultimate Spider-Man as a template, but thankfully he and the writers didn't restrict to just one. They used both, traits from the classic and modern comics to weave their adaptation.

There is no real mystery as to what will happen to the characters in Amazing Spider-Man, but it's how those events unfold this time that keeps us hooked and entertained. The origin in the movie though deviates from the original setup, it still leads Peter to the same state of conflict and self discovery under different circumstances. Skipping the origin may seem like a better idea, but then getting the audience to be emotionally invested in those characters becomes a bigger challenge since its a reboot.

Andrew Garfield gives a great depth to the character of Peter. He is able to balance off the nerdy and quirky sides of Peter while conveying his confident and youthful spirit. He channels the character's emotional vulnerability right up to a brink while keeping it contained. It's a great performance. Emma Stone portrays Gwen as a smart and strong character while being able to resonate emotionally and thankfully wasn't made to fall in the territory of damsel in distress.

The movie's biggest reward for me was the relationship between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy. Andrew and Emma's on-screen chemistry is heart warming and it will really pay off in a major way when the movie treads into darker territory for the sequel.

Peter being a scientific genius is really portrayed well and bodes naturally to the caliber of Dr. Curt Connors. Spider-Man using his spider like moving agility and webbings from the webshooters to tackle The Lizard offers some of the visuals in the film especially during their fight at the school, it's like comic panels coming to life. Spidey's early web slinging scenes across New York City is a blend of CGI along with lot of practical stunts, which was also a real treat to watch. Spidey's lack of his classic wisecracks humour was my biggest gripe with the Raimi films, thankfully it's present in Amazing Spider-Man to a certain extent though I wanted it to be much more. And though the score to the movie feels lackluster, I really like the main theme by James Horner.

I have seen the movie two times already and it's still hard for me to say if this movie is the best Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man 2 is still a great one for me and though this movie has some strong qualities it still largely suffers from being formulaic as far as superhero movies and villains are considered. The fight in the final act feels less than desirable while the pacing of the film staggers towards the end, though those characters moments are indeed essential.

Director Marc Webb had a challenging task to bring something fresh to the Spider-Man franchise while not straying away too much from the original source material. And I feel overall he has done a good job with that. But I hope for the sequel he moves away from the city in peril situation and chooses Spider-Man's adversaries not having any connections to Peter. Also it would be great to have more day time scenes with Spider-Man in action. And more importantly hope he tries to incorporate characters and their qualities represented in the classic comics, including Peter being burdened with too many personal problems.

I stopped reading Spider-Man comics after the controversial "One More Day" storyline in the The Amazing Spider-Man comics during early 2008. Then for months together I bought several issues of the continuing storyline "Brand New Day", but beyond the first issue I was not able to bring myself to read the rest. I pretty much shunned myself from Marvel comics. But many fans have been praising the writing of Dan Slott, who has been writing the Amazing Spider-Man comics since 2008.

Watching the movie Amazing Spider-Man just reminded me how much I still love the world of Spider-Man. Especially thanks to Marc Webb and Andrew Garfield, I have renewed interest to see what adventures lies in the current comics for Peter Parker. The guy with amazing powers who is always ready to take on any challenge no matter what the cost, just because that is the right thing to do.
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I've also seen a few scenes from the trailers where Spidey seems to magically fly upward on the line. ...

I always thought that was pretty self-explanatory in that the web is elastic. It's thrown out at force in a semi-fluid state and then naturally contracts to pull him up.

You can see it when he swings because he bobs up and down like he's on a bungee.
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