Terminator: Genisys

The "beat" or "pulse" or whatever in the new trailer is off putting to me. I liked the first trailer a lot more. But I'm still stoked to the gills, and I love the new poster.
I know it's been 12 years but he hasn't aged well since T3, he was doing really good for a while then bam it caught up. That said he's still in better shape than most of us will be at that age lol. I do like the poster though. Hate to say it but this could be the last time we see a non-cgi Arnold in a Terminator movie. Man that's depressing: all the action heroes I grew up with are getting old and there's hardly any taking their place.
Sigh....every new clip makes this movie look worse and worse and I'm REALLY wanting to like this.

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Man that's depressing: all the action heroes I grew up with are getting old and there's hardly any taking their place.

Agreed. I think Jason Statham is the only legit action star we have had in a while. He just doesn't choose the best films to be in.
The more they show, the worse it looks :facepalm
Why the hell did they add muscle detail and what-not to the T-1000. Someone must have not seen T2. When it transforms it's like it goes from a chrome blob to an extremely generic human chrome form and then the details gets added in. But definitely not from the inside out....

The original still got it:
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So, what edge does the good 800 have against the bad 800? I would think the bad 800 would be newer and faster because the good one has been around using his joints and such for a couple decades. I'm thinking we see Arnie vs Arnie standoff, bad Arnie gets his face blown off in 10 seconds, then its an Arnie vs Termie fight. But i hope im wrong and see some Old Flynn+Young CLU-type of interaction where we see both faces for a good amount of time together

Yeah, I've wondered about how long they will try to sell the CGI young-Arnie's face. It's likely they will give him some kind of face damage (shotgun blast?) pretty quickly to reduce their SFX workload. And who knows how much of that young footage will actually be a CGI creation rather than just reworking existing 1980s footage.

I know it's been 12 years but he hasn't aged well since T3, he was doing really good for a while then bam it caught up. That said he's still in better shape than most of us will be at that age lol. I do like the poster though. Hate to say it but this could be the last time we see a non-cgi Arnold in a Terminator movie. Man that's depressing: all the action heroes I grew up with are getting old and there's hardly any taking their place.

You can tell they worked very hard to hide Arnie's age back in T3. That's a big part of the difference. In T3 he sorta had that wind-tunnel expression like a recent facelift. Careful makeup & hair & lighting can do a lot. They had him in sunglasses most of the movie. And Hollywood had already started doing subtle CGI cosmetic fixes by then too.

Whereas now they're letting it all hang out and embracing his age. Even gray/white hair. We know they're showing different ages of Arnie in this movie, so they probably want the "oldest" Arnie to look pretty darn old compared to the youngest.
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Plus let's face it trying to make him look T3 young would probably cost as much as the CGI arnie lol. I do like the new T800 endo look though, it has the sleek look and feel of the original movie's.
Plus let's face it trying to make him look T3 young would probably cost as much as the CGI arnie lol. I do like the new T800 endo look though, it has the sleek look and feel of the original movie's.

Arnie looked past it in 2003. Wasn't believable. Something happened between End of Days and 2003 that he looked significantly different. Maybe it was inevitable lol!

This just looks like a cashgrab. Its a shame nobody could continue T2 properly.

Instead we get watered down movies.
Something happened between End of Days and 2003 that he looked significantly different. Maybe it was inevitable lol!

Maybe it something to do with his heart surgery, with all those years of steroid use it had to catch up to him sooner or later?!
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one of the reasons that T3 flopped was the lack of the original terminator musical score, I hope they do the soundtrack properly, i love that line "come with me if you want to live"

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Sorry but the idea of Cameron resurrecting this series is wishful thinking. What's he done in the last twenty years that's inspired you? Titanic? Avatar? He's now a romantic, tree hugging vegan that's lost his edge. According to the press, he's blessed at least some of this Genisys nonsense. I think Cameron has lost his mojo and fear T1, T2 and the ride are it.

I just have zero faith that today's Hollywood can put out a product that is true to the originals. There is too much money and too high a profile associated with the franchise and too much pressure to create an international Michael Bayi-ish blockbuster...involving Arnold.

Our only hope hope is licensed lower visibility media like TV, books and video games. And most of that has frankly been crap so far.

I dont want to believe it, but I think you are right Cameron has lost his mind, and this is such a loss to us Terminator fans
Since when do groundbreaking creative minds ever keep living up to their early work 20-30 years later?

Ridley Scott?

It doesn't happen. Whenever one of these older artists revisits their early work I just assume by default that they probably won't recapture the MoJo. At best they may bring it a different MoJo and maybe it will bring a new slant on the earlier stuff. But there's no point expecting another lightning strike again just like before.

I'm not trying to crap on older artists. They do stuff that younger ones never could hope to do. But it's a trade-off as people age.
I'd say Clint Eastwood, who is older than anyone on your list, is still bringing the mojo. By the same token, he's smart enough to not re-visit old work.

Regarding the names you gave, I wouldn't say Tarantino has lost any of his edge at all and is going in brave new creative directions with each film.
I'd wager that most of that list can still do amazing things when given a project with some financial restraints and a decent script. Look at Coppolla making personal films like Tetro - still fine art. The problem is that success graduates you to the big leagues of Hollywood, projects that involve ridiculous budgets and/or too many studio cooks in the kitchen.
I'd say Clint Eastwood, who is older than anyone on your list, is still bringing the mojo. By the same token, he's smart enough to not re-visit old work.

He's good. But like you said, he's also smart enough not to revisit old work. My point is that James Cameron shouldn't either.

Regarding the names you gave, I wouldn't say Tarantino has lost any of his edge at all and is going in brave new creative directions with each film.

I'm still pissed off at the guy for Deathproof. No excuse for that one.

His recent work isn't bad. But I don't see him ever producing another Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction. He is one more artist whose later work is good when taken on its own but it disappoints if you measure it against his early work.
Yeah, paying money to see Deathproof made me wait until inglorious basterds was on tv.

As I get older I feel he is more up himself, stuff I forgave when I was younger, like at the beginning of Kill Bill where it says "the 4th film by Quentin Tarrintino", that just annoys me now.

Who does that?
Pretty cool. Arnold was wearing a Terminator 2 style jacket on The Tonight Show last night.
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I don't know whether to think that's cool or be more embarrassed and saddened by how much Arnold is being whored to try to put this next movie on the map.

You build a real Terminator that actually looks like Arnold to do all the PR for this movie and it's still going to be bad.

Pretty much. When you set out to make crap, it will most likely be just that.