Terminator: Genisys

Just viewed the trailer........now as always let the griping, ranting and complaining commence.
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Saw this on Twitter :D

somebadideas: That Terminator trailer would've been better if at the end before Arnold jumped at the helicopter he had said "I'm getting to da choppah"
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The bit where the T-1000 cuts off his own spike arm, catches it and then throws it is pretty silly. If he wants to throw part of himself as a weapon why doesn't he just form the spear in his hand?

...oh yeah, cause they just did it because they thought it might look cool.
I dunno. The trailer actually seems like the most reasonable way to let the old timeline die and still keep the story going. What I want to know is who/what sent back a T800 to protect Sarah as a kid, so that it would be waiting for when the original showed up? My head hurts.
As I posted on a couple sites that reported the trailer.... I wasn't extremely disappointed per se, but I was far from impressed.

It definitely isn't on my must see list right now. And the poster design... are we advertising for a Terminator film or that lady's butt?
I think James Cameron just yelled "oh, **** off" at his monitor. ;)

T1 and T2 are two of my favorite movies of all-time, but I have don't have much faith in this film after seeing that trailer. They made the CGI '84 Arnold look completely ridiculous....hell, the one in Terminator Salvation looked more realistic than that. Also, I'm not a big fan of the casting choices other than Arnold, but from what I've read it doesn't sound like he'll be much more than a glorified cameo in this flick anyway. I hope I'm wrong and that this ends up being really good, but I'm certainly not getting my hopes up.
I dunno. The trailer actually seems like the most reasonable way to let the old timeline die and still keep the story going. What I want to know is who/what sent back a T800 to protect Sarah as a kid, so that it would be waiting for when the original showed up? My head hurts.

I suppose Connor & Co. highjack a t-800 and it takes out a couple other 800s and helps reprogram em then send it way back before they send Reese back, to ensure Sarah's safety until Reese meets her... or somethin
It still looks a helluva lot better than Salvation. Connor looks horrid though. Is it me or does the T-1000 kinda look like Robert Patrick in a few scenes? Just something about him was pretty close. I bet half these scenes won't be in the movie as usual. It'll be worth getting once it hits DVD. I remember reading that someone asked Cameron about this movie and he seemed okay with it and kinda enthused.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd there's the "I'll be back". :facepalm

First thoughts are that John Connor is very miscast. Just doesn't look right. And the T-1000's clothes are waaaay too loose. Robert Patrick's uniform was very tight fitting but not too tight. And the CGI is SO bad all round...

That said, it wasn't as bad as I expected. I'm curious to see where this goes. I dug the music, like the look, and was that a T2 Arnold I saw on a motorcycle landing on the bus? That's pretty sweet if it is.

Otherwise, not as bad as a thought, but nowhere near what I was hoping for.
(like the soft reboot of Star Trek. It's nice to have the continuity).

Soft reboot? Star Trek didn't go back to a scene where we see Shatner being Shatner and *****slapping him. More like a hard reboot, I mean, they even showed the new terminator killing the original terminator in the damn trailer, and used the same footage from the original movie. Hell, I didn't mind the Trek reboot, but this...wowie...
Korean guy wouldn't have been my first choice for T-1000, but he fits the bill for serious face, especially after the G.I. Joe film.

Arnold, "Getting to the CHOPPA!!":lol I guess the T-800 knows his structural integrity limits, because those heli blades look sharp. Still on the fence, but I have always wanted an all out T-800 war with fluid animatronics. How much of this is practical or CG cyborgs?
Looks alright, obviously it won't become a mainstay of the franchise like the first two.

But it feels more like a Terminator film than Salvation.
Hate it.

Both JCs suck. Jai Courtney and Jason Clarke.

I really like Jason Clarke but this is not a role for him. Maybe because John Connor has already been played by too many people (4+ by my count) to rouse my interest any more. The whole speech thing is tired. I liked the T2 adult version of Connor. He looked like a man of action, not words. Plus his facial scars look like crap.

Jai Courtney just sucks. I hate that they're re-enacting the exact scenes from T1 with him in it. You'll never replace the original Kyle Reese with today's wussy actors. Michael Biehn had the look. This guy has nothing. He looks like a lost child, not a guy that has been living in the worst imaginable world possible. His body mass alone goes against the idea of people barely scraping by living in a post-apocalyptic world.

Looks like Arnold ages throughout the movie or something... in one part it looks like his hair is even more gray.

I'm surprised they didn't bring back Dr. Silberman.

So yeah... I'll see it. Not like I haven;t seen worse... like T3...
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Did I miss something in the trailer? People talk about 1984 Terminator getting killed in it. I saw the old Terminator shoot 2 shotgun blasts at the young one. I didn't see him get killed.
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