Terminator: Genisys

re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

I read these sort of stuff "threads/forums" and wonder if the Hollywood people that count ever do ? :facepalm may make for a better film.... But lets face it we'll all go see this when it comes out even it's just so we can scream about how bad they did it...:lol So good or bad film the bastards have already got our money :facepalm
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re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

What you mean "we" Kemosabe?

I regularly skip films in the theaters if my attitude is "meh" about them. This one, like the last two, will be a Netflixer, I expect, unless they can suitably impress me on the front end. Which is a VERY high hurdle to clear.
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

What would be interesting to see is if the terminator goes back in time for someone OTHER than John Connor or Sarah Connor, and the film is thereby less a reboot and more a side-boot.

Pull the same thing Wes Craven did for his "New Nightmare". Fantasy becomes reality and a terminator is sent back to kill James Cameron, preventing "Titanic" from ever being made!
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Pull the same thing Wes Craven did for his "New Nightmare". Fantasy becomes reality and a terminator is sent back to kill James Cameron, preventing "Titanic" from ever being made!

Nice bonus also meaning Avengers moves up the best selling list of all time! J

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re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

It is time for the next Terminator film to be handled by the fans. I have listened to what everyone has been saying for years about not changing the timeline, showing us what leads up to Kyle Reese being sent back through time and the fall of Skynet, and using the same machines and designs from T1 and T2.

With that being said, I have taken it upon myself to do just that with a fan film tentatively titled:

Terminator: Objectives of Futures Past

Please look here for what I have put into this project: http://www.therpf.com/f24/terminator-fan-film-pre-production-152033/

We are planning on "crowd funding" this project, and will have an 8-10 minute proof of concept short completed before the end of this year.

My brother and I have been so disappointed with the last two films that we saw no other choice. The film will focus around the objectives and operations that led up to the fall of Skynet, and the discovery of the time displacement equipment.

If you want the Terminator film that we all want to see, please support us and spread the word. It's time to prove to Hollywood that it doesn't take millions upon millions of dollars to make a great film. It just takes some determined fans, a great script, and some old school special effects skills.
Re: A Terminator reboot.....say WHAT???

I can't wait for this remake with its snazzy hard "PG-13"! :angry

what a disgrace.

T3 was a disgrace, and Arnie's "i'm a machine" acting was terrible. One of the worse piece of acting and film making ever seen. A totally useless piece of garbage.

T4 was just about bearable, but its crappy attempt at a "serious" movie was a borefest.

If they really are going to remake, give it to a director who can film what he wants, a full on violent, action movie, and not have a generic useless orchestral score.

I want grimy, dirty, synthesized music ala T1 and T2.
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

I think it's absolutely ridiculous to bring Arnold back... especially if they are planning to have him play the terminator again. The dude is ******** old. He doesn't even look like his younger self any more... that's how old he is.

I always thought the idea of an assembly line of Terminators all looking like Arnold was even stupid.

Kyle Reese: All right, listen. The Terminator's an infiltration unit: part man, part machine. Underneath, it's a hyper-alloy combat chassis, microprocessor-controlled. Fully armored; very tough. But outside, it's living human tissue: flesh, skin, hair, blood - grown for the cyborgs.

Kyle Reese: The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human... sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.

So if the terminator was supposed to be an infiltration unit... why would Skynet make them all look alike. Once you identify one as a terminator... it pretty much negates the possibility of it infiltrating anything.

From the Sarah Connor Chronicles, didn't they pretty much show that a terminator could have any kind of face? Didn't the one grow one in a bathtub or something?

Point being... the movies aren't about Arnold. They never were. They're about John Connor. If you're going to be consistent about anything it should be casting the same actor for that role.

If they make this movie about going back and killing Sarah Connors parents that'll be super lame.

I liked Salvation despite going completely off the rails with giant robots, hydro terminators, mototerminators, etc... it seemed more like the movie was produced by WalMart for merchandising than it was about the story. We were introduced to the idea of two things in the original movie: Terminators and Hunter Killers... and those tank things from his dreams that didn't really get identified. McG added too much additional crap for the sake of "Wow" and one-upping the previous movies instead of solid writing. I'd have rather seen some sort of transport machine air dropping loads of raggety T600's all over the place than those giant things.

So yeah... my ideal sequel would be a continuation of Salvation leading up to them getting to the time displacement machine to send Kyle Reese back... completing the circle of life.
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

I agree i doubt they used the Arnie model very often. There were probably thousands of variations, i liked in the Dark horse comics they even made them of people they'd captured to send them back to kill others.
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

From the Sarah Connor Chronicles, didn't they pretty much show that a terminator could have any kind of face?
Don't even have to go there, it was clear as day in the first film. Not only did Kyle say that he didn't know what the Terminator looked like, but the flashback scene during the war, when the Terminator attacked their base in the tunnels, that one was not played by Arnold. He was a big guy, but that was the only similarity.

One thing that was lost in 2 and 3 was the fact that T-800s were deadly. They gimped him by making him into a "good guy" in those two movies, so we didn't get to see him tear stuff up like he did in the first film. In the first film, he singlehandedly wiped out an entire police station. And he did it like a machine, not the way a person would. Just walked right in and tore the place apart. We've yet to see another demonstration of just how dangerous they are. They at least tried to do it in the fourth film by having the T-800 whoop Connor's ass, but it wasn't really realistic... rather than just beating him up, it should have just picked him up and torn him limb from limb. Not exactly the ending they were looking for, though.

Same thing with the TV show, too. Having a Terminator built into a little waif of a girl would have been amazing, if she'd been the bad guy. That was what made Robert Patrick work so well in the second film, is that he wasn't physically imposing, but was still able to do all the things he did.
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

I always thought the idea of an assembly line of Terminators all looking like Arnold was even stupid.

Where did you see that? I saw Arnie portraying model 101, so there should be at least 101 different looking terminators out there.

So if the terminator was supposed to be an infiltration unit... why would Skynet make them all look alike.

It didn't. The T-1000 doesn't look anything like Arnie, nor does the T-800 in the future war sequence in the first film, portrayed by Franco Columbu.

I liked Salvation


my ideal sequel would be a continuation of Salvation

:wacko dude, what is wrong with you? :lol

We've yet to see another demonstration of just how dangerous they are.

Not sure what film you saw but I saw plenty of that in T2. Bad ass bikers that don't stand a chance... police getting shot to pieces without a single casualty(it's that skilled). Going on a rampage shooting anything that moves, anyone can do that as seen in real life. Going on a rampage shooting anything that moves and not harming anyone, never heard of that ;)

They at least tried to do it in the fourth film by having the T-800 whoop Connor's ass, but it wasn't really realistic... rather than just beating him up, it should have just picked him up and torn him limb from limb. Not exactly the ending they were looking for, though.

No, pi$$ poor writing, simple as that. After T2 they turned terminators into super-machines. Look at T3, Arnie gets smashed through a building.... no damage. Gets smashed through a bathroom, head smashed off... lil bit damage. Compared to T1 where Arnie gets a serious limp from getting hit by the semi. Salvation: T-800 smashes huge ass thick as frak doors like they're pieces of cloth where as in T1 the very same machine have a hard time punching a small hole in a metallic door way waaay more thin than the one in Salvation. Just a few examples of how they turned Camerons Terminator into a Ridiculousnator :facepalm

Did the T-1000 start tossing Sarah around when it got ahold of her? No. Did Franco Columbo T-800 toss around any resistance fighters in T1? No. Did the T-X pick up Connor and throw him around like a ragdoll in T3? No because the T-X didn't get close enough... why? Because not even those writers weren't that stupid.

Go back to basics. Actually watch the first two films. Give us the constant dark future war, the grittiness the deadly H-K's. Tech-com finally winning the war against the machines on Aug 11th 2029. Use the same Terminators and H-K's we saw in the originals. Stop making up Transforminators and all those frakking ridiculous things. And for frak sake, Skynet is an AI system not some not-scary-Tim-Burton's-first-choice-actress :lol

:facepalm *siiiigh*
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Don't even have to go there .... but the flashback scene during the war, when the Terminator attacked their base in the tunnels, that one was not played by Arnold. He was a big guy, but that was the only similarity.

Oh I went there!! ;)
What's funny though is just the size of the terminators should almost make people suspicious. It's the robot apocalypse. People are living in caves. Food is very scarce... but you have this big guy walk in that looks like he eats 2 steaks, a carton of eggs and a power shake every hour. THAT would stand out just as much as a robot walking in the door.

...rather than just beating him up, it should have just picked him up and torn him limb from limb. Not exactly the ending they were looking for, though.

Agreed. The first 10 minutes of the original he punches through a guys chest and rips his heart out. Pretty sure Connor should have been ripped apart. Instead the terminator just kept throwing him around. Bad writing.

Where did you see that? I saw Arnie portraying model 101, so there should be at least 101 different looking terminators out there.

They sent back three Arnies (one bad, two good) over a span of 19 years (our time, I forget what the tim difference was in the films). So they obviously have more than one Arnie. If you're saying model 101 is the "Arnie model", then it proves my point. I would like to think the resistance has enough sense to keep a running record of the various terminator faces and distribute this information among other resistance cells around the country/world. It's simple intelligence. Not rocket surgery. So once one Arnie is determined to be a skin job that model should be obsolete. And Skynet should know this... it might be artificial intelligence but it's still intelligent enough to figure out that they could retroactive abort their enemy.
Do you remember the teaser for T2 (I think it was on the Total Recall VHS)? It actually showed the assembly line of Arnies. Of course is didn't show Skynet making young Arnie, then Arnie model aged 7 years, then Arnie model aged 19 years... which is another thing I hate about them using him over and over again. It's a robot... why should it look older. It's not like when you buy a toaster it's actually the same toaster you bought 10 years ago, but all rusted and dented right out of the box.

And yes... Arnie took down the biker bar... but not in terminator "kill all humans" fashion. He more subdued them than doing what a terminator should do... terminate. So he was more like a non-lethalator. No hearts ripped out. No shooting anyone in the face. Just stealing motorcycles and pants and elton John sunglasses.
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

They sent back three Arnies (one bad, two good) over a span of 19 years (our time, I forget what the tim difference was in the films). So they obviously have more than one Arnie. If you're saying model 101 is the "Arnie model", then it proves my point. I would like to think the resistance has enough sense to keep a running record of the various terminator faces and distribute this information among other resistance cells around the country/world. It's simple intelligence. Not rocket surgery. So once one Arnie is determined to be a skin job that model should be obsolete. And Skynet should know this... it might be artificial intelligence but it's still intelligent enough to figure out that they could retroactive abort their enemy.

Well... Skynet was stupid enough at one time to think that "rubber skin" would fool humans into thinking this was a person, not a machine. ;)

Okay I get what you're saying here, however there is a bit of an "in universe" explanation for this I think...

For arguments sake let's say that the three "Arnold" models are the only three Model 101 Terminators the Resistance sees.

1st Model 101 (The Terminator) goes back in time and attempts to kill Sarah. It is never actually seen by the Resistance, so the Resistance doesn't know what the "Arnold" model loks like yet (which goes along with why Kyle didn't know what it looked like either).

2nd Model 101 (T2)- so if you accept that the future battle at the start of the film was near the end of the war (the humans looked like they were doing pretty well against the machines), then by now the Resistance IS aware of what the Model 101 looks like. Skynet might still use them as straight up soldiers, but you are right that its "infiltration" days are over.

If you go by the script, the Resistance (in addition to finding the Time Displacement equipment) finds the 101 Room with hundreds of Terminators which all look like Arnold. One is missing from its chamber (the original Terminator sent back to 1984). John Connor and the crew take another Arnold Terminator, reprogramme it and send it back to 1995 (events of T2).

3rd Model 101 (T3): you would think by now that the 101s are useless, however using the previous relationship between John Connor and the "good" Terminator from T2 to its advantage, Skynet sends a third 101 that successfully infiltrates the Resistance and kills John Connor in the future. That 101 is then reprogrammed by Kate Brewster and again sent back to 2003.

Really the Resistance only encounetred 2 Model 101s- the first they themselves captured, reprogrammed and sent back to 1995, and the second infiltrated the Resistance base and killed John Connor.

Besides Skynet already leanred from its mistakes by creating the T-1000 (and T-X) that could look like anyone at will. So while I agree that making "all" the 101s look alike would be a mistake, Skynet has made mistakes before (the rubber skin) and learns fast (the T-1000).

Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Besides seeing Biehn and Hamilton back for another Terminator flick I would personally love to see Summer Glau reprise her role as Cameron in some fashion :D

They sent back three Arnies (one bad, two good) over a span of 19 years (our time, I forget what the tim difference was in the films). So they obviously have more than one Arnie. If you're saying model 101 is the "Arnie model", then it proves my point. I would like to think the resistance has enough sense to keep a running record of the various terminator faces and distribute this information among other resistance cells around the country/world. It's simple intelligence. Not rocket surgery. So once one Arnie is determined to be a skin job that model should be obsolete. And Skynet should know this... it might be artificial intelligence but it's still intelligent enough to figure out that they could retroactive abort their enemy.
Do you remember the teaser for T2 (I think it was on the Total Recall VHS)? It actually showed the assembly line of Arnies. Of course is didn't show Skynet making young Arnie, then Arnie model aged 7 years, then Arnie model aged 19 years... which is another thing I hate about them using him over and over again. It's a robot... why should it look older. It's not like when you buy a toaster it's actually the same toaster you bought 10 years ago, but all rusted and dented right out of the box.

And yes... Arnie took down the biker bar... but not in terminator "kill all humans" fashion. He more subdued them than doing what a terminator should do... terminate. So he was more like a non-lethalator. No hearts ripped out. No shooting anyone in the face. Just stealing motorcycles and pants and elton John sunglasses.

Do what I do, forget T3. You said all terminators look like Arnie, I said they don't and that there are at least 101 different looking terminators. ;)
It would be difficult to keep a record of the different terminators without cameras. Even with camera's Skynet couldn't know for sure which terminators have been id'ed, since it's not all-knowing :p
Of course I remember the teaser for T2, seen it dozens of times on various formats. And it doesn't show an assembly line of Arnies, of T-800's? Yes. But we only see one of them get turned into Model 101 ;) In the T2 novel the part of the future war sequence that wasn't shot due to the budget feature Connor or tech-com entering the time displacement facility where they encounter rows of terminators, each row with one specific type. The very last one is filled with Arnies, with different hair styles.... which is supposed explain Arnie aging and having different hair styles.

Either way, terminators are covered in skin, hair, organs(grown for the cyborgs) and so on... right? Well things age and I'm sure Skynet never came up with "eternal life" :p so terminators should age just like the rest of us mortals.
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Well... Skynet was stupid enough at one time to think that "rubber skin" would fool humans into thinking this was a person, not a machine. ;)

I think in T2 Arnie terminator even says it's a learning computer. So it adjusts to it's stupid mistakes like rubber skin robots.

2nd Model 101 (T2)- so if you accept that the future battle at the start of the film was near the end of the war (the humans looked like they were doing pretty well against the machines), then by now the Resistance IS aware of what the Model 101 looks like. Skynet might still use them as straight up soldiers, but you are right that its "infiltration" days are over.

3rd Model 101 (T3): you would think by now that the 101s are useless, however using the previous relationship between John Connor and the "good" Terminator from T2 to its advantage, Skynet sends a third 101 that successfully infiltrates the Resistance and kills John Connor in the future. That 101 is then reprogrammed by Kate Brewster and again sent back to 2003.Kevin

And each time the Arnie terminator is older looking... just the cons of using the same bad actor for the same role over a 19 year span. ;)

Really the Resistance only encounetred 2 Model 101s- the first they themselves captured, reprogrammed and sent back to 1995, and the second infiltrated the Resistance base and killed John Connor.Kevin

Except John Connor himself meets the Arnie Terminator for the first (second) time at Skynet in Salvation... so you start getting that whole paradox/retcom incontinuity thing going now... ;)

Do what I do, forget T3. You said all terminators look like Arnie, I said they don't and that there are at least 101 different looking terminators. ;)
It would be difficult to keep a record of the different terminators without cameras. Even with camera's Skynet couldn't know for sure which terminators have been id'ed, since it's not all-knowing :p
Of course I remember the teaser for T2, seen it dozens of times on various formats. And it doesn't show an assembly line of Arnies, of T-800's? Yes. But we only see one of them get turned into Model 101 ;) In the T2 novel the part of the future war sequence that wasn't shot due to the budget feature Connor or tech-com entering the time displacement facility where they encounter rows of terminators, each row with one specific type. The very last one is filled with Arnies, with different hair styles.... which is supposed explain Arnie aging and having different hair styles.

Either way, terminators are covered in skin, hair, organs(grown for the cyborgs) and so on... right? Well things age and I'm sure Skynet never came up with "eternal life" :p so terminators should age just like the rest of us mortals.

Considering your screen name I guess you'll have an answer for everything I throw at this... Even if the answer is "forget you saw that steaming pile of crap". ;)
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Definitely would prefer they didn't use him, he is way too old for this. I would much rather see a sequel to Salvation like someone else mentioned (and I really wouldn't even wanna see that lol)...
Re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Except John Connor himself meets the Arnie Terminator for the first (second) time at Skynet in Salvation... so you start getting that whole paradox/retcom incontinuity thing going now... ;)

Yes you're exactly right; another thing that Salvation screwed up. :(

Frankly I have only watched Salvation once, in 2009, and have done my best to forget that disaster of a film. :lol

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