Tenth Doctor Coat


Well-Known Member
hi, all.

I was looking about and discovered that the coat that DT wears as the Tenth Doctor was a custom job, much like his suit, and that it was made from upholstery-weight fabric. I was wondering if anyone had leads on what kind of fabric it was.

I made myself one of these early this year and got mostly positive response from it, with the exception of one fan who took the liberty to flame it's every flaw. I did get the exact shade of material for an accurate coat from her though, as she had seen the real coat in person and compared fabric samples to it. The fabric you'll want to buy is at Jo-Ann's fabrics and it's a microsuede material called Sloan Saddle. The number is 7196041, or at least it was when she bought it. I haven't seen it in person because I never want to sew another coat that size again.
yes that Jo Anns material is the closest I have seen,

I know a guy who discovered what the real fabric was but wasn't willing to share the information with anyone unfortunatly.
Indy Magnoli does a good-looking copy, although I haven't seen one in the person. If it were $150-$200 less I'd probably pick one up myself.
The price of Magnoli's coat as well as a mistake on his end in regards to the fit of my Tennant suit resulted in me making my own. I had never sewn before and it took 3 months to make it. It's not entirely accurate, but I'm proud of it. I can tell you though, from some of his pictures, that his coat has some inaccurate stitching on the back and the pleat is not done the same way it was done on the original coat.
Thank you, Risu, for the info on the fabric. Jo-Ann's still has it! Yay! I'm thinking of trying to take on the ridiculous task of making one for myself. I'm too much of a stickler for detail to get the AbbyShot one. The fact that it's wool just bugs me. And I think I've found a pattern that would work. With adjustments of course.
This thread is waaaaaaay outdated. Don't get the sloane saddle, its way too light. The coffee is closer, but I wouldn't recommend that, either. The fabric Pumpkiny uses for his coats is a really close match, the best I've seen, but I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head. You should go check out his blog, it'll help you sew up your coat as well.
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