TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy], Templates Added!


New Member
Hey Everyone,

I'm starting a thread to show the build progress on a project I have been working on. I have some experience with sculpting and artwork in general, and after seeing some of the props people are making on this forum I was really blown away. So I decided to start on my own project.. I have always been a life long batman fan, so it had to be a batsuit.

The goal is to build as close to a movie quality suit as I can from scratch. It is going to be the suit from TDK where batman jumps off the building in china. I'm gonna build the base jumping pack and the gun and hopefully it'l turn out something like this:

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Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

Here is the part I am working on now... The chest plate:

I wasn't really sure which way to go with this, I've seen people do carboard, foam, and I've also seen rubber casts available for purchase. I decided not to go with a rubber cast because it always seems to look kind of floppy. I also learned from an ironman helmet I am also working on that cured bondo is not fun to work with LOL. so I decided to shy away from a carboard one. In the end I decided to do another clay sculpt and attempt to make a fiberglass mold off of that which I will use to cast a fiberglass part. This should give me a nice hard chest plate in the exact form of my sculpt.
Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

Right now I'm in the process of molding the chest plate so I should have pics of that up in a couple days! I think I am going to try and lay in some real carbon fiber for the lower inlays:

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Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

Looks awesome, once you get the molds and casts, I would possibly be interested if you would be able to make more than 1, you would just have to give me a price. Im wanting to do the TDK for halloween this year.
Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

Thanks Jason!

I think the rules are that buying/selling discussion is only allowed in the junkyard forum. But ya I could make a thread in there after I have a full membership and I see how this one turns out!

- Greg
Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

Ok so I got the mold made and I also made my first cast!

For the mold I made a pseudo gelcoat using rondo, brushed it over the sculpture, and then glassed over it for support.


Here is the first pull: Ideally I would have used a clear gelcoat which would have given me a perfect surface, but I didnt have any though, so there are a few air bubbles I will have to fill in. I do think the carbon fiber turned out really nice, It made all the work of making a mold worthwhile!

Take a look:

Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

I got the cast all trimmed up, filled, and painted: The cast was actually too stiff and flat to fit around my chest comfortably, so I cut the piece in half which I will later mount to some foam so that I still have hard plates, but it will be able to flex a bit in the middle.


Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

Thanks omel! I just checked out your build, Those forearms you made seriously look perfect.
Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

So I'm not sure what part to make next, I am kind of tired of sculpting, making a mold, and then casting... all for one piece lol. I think I want to do either the belt next or the backpack just to get away from the clay a bit.

For the belt I was thinking about sculpting the buckle, and then cutting out all the other links from mdf. I think coating a small block of mdf with resin, then spraying with high build primer, or even applying a layer of bondo before flatting it out with some sandpaper should give me high quality looking belt link- before paint... anyone have any tips on making a belt?

and for the backpack I was either going to make it out of cardboard before glassing and painting, or I might even just make it out of mdf and then cover with some satin black vinyl.. That would probably be a cheaper and easier route to go. Plus I need to buy some vinyl anyways for all of the little body panels.
Re: TDK Full Batsuit Build [Pic Heavy]

Started on the shoulders:

This is what i have so far, I tried some of the pepakura files available but I just dont like dealing with all the detail for something that is going to be covered in bondo, plus I was having issues with the sizing. So I built this up with paper, masking tape, and cardboard. I painted It black to get a good Idea of what the final product will look like. Later I am going to cut it up into templates, make the left and right shoulders, and then do the normal fiberglass, bondo, and painting.

Simply amazing build quality and a highly skilled level of craftsmanship has gone into this project.
I'll be following this thread to keep me inspired for my own TDK build
Looking forward to more updates :thumbsup

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I also love your MDF belt you made in your other thread, might have to "borrow" that process too :rolleyes