Systems Alliance Marine and Blue Suns Mercenary from Mass Effect

Captain Ahmazing

New Member
I met loads of great people at Dragon*Con 2012 who kept asking me if I was on the RPF. I am in fact on here, but I'm not very active. However, in an effort to connect with all those great people I figured I'd post my costumes and maybe some of you will recognize it.

I'll also post pictures of the omni tool commission I finished before the con.

*The helmet was made by Eric J. (Yodajammies) and the gun in my hand is made by Triforce. The armor was made completely by me except for the hip pucks, which Punished Props made for me.

That's my man Daniel Wright from Wreck'd studios in the one picture with me.
I really like the thicker acrylic. Do you mind sharing what kind of glue you used? I'm making one and I definitely want it to be sturdy.
I really like the thicker acrylic. Do you mind sharing what kind of glue you used? I'm making one and I definitely want it to be sturdy.

Sure thing! I used Weld-on 16 acrylic cement (it's thicker than the watery Weld-on 3). It actually chemically bonds the acrylic pieces together. That omni tool is basically one big solid piece of acrylic. I even tried prying 2 pieces apart after the cement had cured and it was impossible. The bond does not play.

Now on this build I used 1/4 inch thick acrylic. You could probably beat someone to death with it and it'd be fine. It's a tank. However, I would NOT recommend using 1/4 inch thick acrylic. You've got about 10 seconds when you take it out of the oven to shape it. It's difficult. I am going to use 1/8 inch thick from now on.
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My acrylic is more like ~3mm, and I thought that was going to be plenty difficult. It really does look awesome on your arm, especially the discs around the palm, but the thinner stuff would work for my hand. Thanks for the glue info, I'll definitely test it out.
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