SWTOR "Exalted" (Shae Vizla) Mandalorian Helmet

Just finished a stand for my helmet as well. Process documented here:

Mandalorian Helmet Stand | MYNOCK'S DEN


Thanks guys! Your words of encouragement is what keeps fueling my work! ☺

Here is another example of a helmet I did for a client in this same colour scheme, though slightly toned down on the wear and tear.





I'm going to be making another one shortly with a completely different scheme altogether. I'll post pics as it materializes.
Re: SWTOR Mandalorian Bounty Hunter (Shae Vizla-style) WIP

Absolutely. Flashforge is my very first 3D printer, and prior to buying it I had no previous experience with 3D printing or CAD modeling. I was ready to pull the trigger on a MakerBot replicator 2 on Amazon when I saw the Creator, which had 90+ reviews, 5/5 star rating, and was half the price of the Replicator. All these things sold me. 324 print hours later, and with very little maintenance, I have not had a single mechanical hiccup. I'm thinking of getting a second one so I can print large assemblies quicker.

What is the best price you have found on the printer ?
Amazon has them for $977 with free shipping, which is several hundred less than what I paid last year (before they released their Creator Pro) . I'd highly recommend FlashForge. I have 2 of their printers now, with a third one on the way. They are tanks.
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