Sucker Punch: The worst movie I've seen in the last five years!


Master Member
I jusy finished watching this worthless piece of crap. It cost me a dollar at Red Box. I want my dollar back AND the last two hours of my life! I would give more details as to why I hated this movie but that would require investing more of my life into this movie than it deserves.

That is all.
Thank god I vowed to never see any of Zack Snyder's movies in the theater again after he insulted my intelligence with that pitiful excuse of a remake of Dawn of the Dead. Hell, for this one, it pretty much stated that you'd be a sucker for watching this right in the title.
I dunno, I just wasted an hour and ten minutes (thank god for fast forward) on Drag Me To Hell. Some effective though really old-hat shock moments but FOR CRAP'S SAKE, could it have been ANY more predictable and humdrum!??

Made me want an additional final scene where the boyfriend gears up and goes on a mad rampage against the old woman's next-of-kin. Seriously, who knew gypsies were THAT much of a public menace? Apparently we have these demon-summoning, inappropriately-extreme-vengeance-seeking psychopathic old ladies LIVING AMONGST US! Won't somebody THINK OF THE CHILDREN!??!?
Just wait - soon Zack will do the one thing Lex Luthor couldn't do -- bring down Superman. I went to WB a few weeks ago to have lunch with a friend and saw some storyboards hanging in a conference room -- i hope to god they were for a video game because they looked like one.
Well I will just throw myself under a bus, and say I loved this movie. I think the main reason I like it so much is because its different. I think "Kingdom of the Crystal skull" sucked, Ghost Rider, The piece of crap Transformers movies, and their bastar@ sequels sucked as well!

Then again I enjoy everything from "House of a 1000 Corpses", too " Planet of the Apes ( original! ) ", too "2001 Space Odessy"

I come from a background of " thinking " movies, and I think this falls in that category. I think the main reason people don't like it, is because of the ending. Well not all stories have happy endings. Oh and I thought it had some awesome eye candy ( effects to! ), as well as great music.
Adolf Hitler, maybe?

Sucker Punch looked like glorious eye candy but sadly I'm not 13 any more, so I didn't bother.

Someone here said the ending as seen at previews originally WAS a happy one. So they second-guessed themselves, and sank the movie by the sound of it...
StevenRogers, Avatar was a fantastic ,epic movie, don't put it in the same boat as Sucker Punch. Not even close! I also hated Sucker Punch.. Glad I rented it and didn't pay the 10 bucks to see it in the theater.
Could be worse, you could be here in the Antipodes where we have to pay $20-$24 (in US dollars) to find out how crap a new film is. :p

Avatar was crap. Derivative unimaginative garbage. I loved it, though.
I didn't think Sucker Punch was so bad or so good. I enjoyed some epic moments, and got bored in some parts. It's a curious visual experiment, it just lacks of... something. It's worth watching once, but it's the worst Snyder movie so far.

I don't know, there are far worse movies out there, I wouldn't waste my time hating this one.
I jusy finished watching this worthless piece of crap. It cost me a dollar at Red Box. I want my dollar back AND the last two hours of my life! I would give more details as to why I hated this movie but that would require investing more of my life into this movie than it deserves.

That is all.

Just wait - soon Zack will do the one thing Lex Luthor couldn't do -- bring down Superman. I went to WB a few weeks ago to have lunch with a friend and saw some storyboards hanging in a conference room -- i hope to god they were for a video game because they looked like one.

And this is why I fear, that Synder is Supes Kryptonite :cry
I won't say it was a horrible movie. I will also not call it good, because it simply wasn't. Don't try feeding me that "Thinking Man's" movie line of crap either because the plot devices you thought made it a "Thinking Man's" movie could not have been handled in a more predictable, ham-fisted manner.

If I saw the Iron Man pose one more time, I was gonna hurl!

Inception was a "Thinking Man-s" movie. This was...cotton candy.
‪300 This is Revisionism‬‏ - YouTube

I like what the director of Hannah had to say about Sucker Punch.
“For me, one of the main issues in terms of womens’ place in society and feminism is the sexual objectification of women,” Wright told Movieline in Los Angeles before presenting his latest film, Hanna, to the WonderCon crowd on Saturday. “That’s something that feminists in the ’70s tried to fight against but has been totally lost in the 21st century consumer-celebrity world. So for me, when I look at the poster for Sucker Punch it seems actually incredibly sexist, because it is sexually objectifying women regardless of if they can shoot you or not.”

“I have a kind of immediate, knee-jerk reaction to such iconography,” Wright continued. “I remember when the Spice Girls came out in the mid-’90s and it was all about girl power, but one of them was dressed as a baby doll, do you know what I mean? That isn’t girl power, that isn’t feminism. That’s marketing bull****. And I find it very, very alarming.”
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