StarShip Troopers 3 - Marauder Armour

Hey Guys,

I am looking at the practicality of building a suit of Marauder Power Armour from the 3rd StarShip Troopers movie. Final few scenes make that movie memorable !


It was one of the two great things about that movie other than the epic soundtrack ! "Its a good day to die ! If you know the reasons why, we fight for what is right, for the federation i would give my life !"

Does anyone have any idea of dimensions of what the actual suit would be in real life ? Obviously i need to scale it down to be practical and make a certain amount of modifications to fit a person inside this shape ,so was hoping the great minds of the RPF could provide some reference material if they have any hidden away !

Any dimensions or behind the scenes work ? Even if anyone has the toy and they can give me some reference from that ! Once i get the numbers naield down i hope to do a full build log to go to Dublin Comic Con in 2020 !

Appreciate the help !
So after plenty of googling apparently its referred to as the M11 Babar and supposedly clock in at around 3.65 according to the Toy manufacturer.


To be honest on a re-watch of the an Arachnid bug is supposed to be 3 meters tall by itself and when compared size for size with the M-11 they look 3/4 of the size. Maybe that is just the way it was shot, but they seemed to tower over the bugs in the movie with one scrabbling over another to get at the top of it.

So while there appears to be some inconsistency it might be best to go with the Toy as i can get some references off it and work backwards from there.

If you have any other information let me know.
Not quite the Powersuits Heinlein had written about so long ago but far better than those overly conventional uniforms the Troopers had to wear in the last two movies.

I am going to watch this build with interest- it is quite a great project!
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