Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Post-release)

I do like how none of the old characters had happily ever after stories. They were like disgruntled divorcées who had joint custody, Leia was like, "He's your son, you go see him" :lol

Another question I had: why is Cpt Phasmas outfit exclusive to her? And, if she's in charge of the entire legions troops, where were her guards? what was she doing in the control room? Is she a chair borne ranger,?
Also, I think they're building up to a reveal that Luke never told anyone (Well, outside of Leia) about Vader turning on the Emperor to save his son. For Kylo Ren to worship Vader as the ultimate Dark Side follower and how much he hates TRAITORS(!), I don't think he knows that little detail. If he did, I think his motivation would be less trying to be just like him and more trying to be better than him. And what better way to do that than to willingly kill your own family in the name of the dark side? Part of me feels like that's what they should have done since it's pretty obvious now that Luke will tell Kylo that Vader turned on the dark side to save him, which will no doubt cause more inner conflict. I bet that's what will happen.

It would be interesting to have Luke summon Force ghost Anakin to try to convince Kylo of the error of his ways. I may not be one of Hayden's biggest supporters, but I'd be willing to bet that JJ could get a better performance from him than George did.
Re: Star Wars TFA. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!! Haters and Lovers Welcome

I have some bones to pick with the bone-picking . . .

Q. "Why was C-3PO so annoying?"

Go watch the OT. He's always like that.

Q. "Kylo Ren was a whiny little wavering Vader imitation! I didn't like him at all!"

Good. You're not supposed to like him. He's the main villain. If Kylo had been as cool & mature as Vader then it would have felt like even more of a retread. He's a complex interesting character. Maybe the reason he's done up & imitating Vader so obviously is because he's a young guy idolizing somebody. Is that un-creative or just realistic? Also, in this universe Vader hasn't been around for 30+ years. Vader is not an over-marketed image that those people see every day in grocery stores.

Q. "Han died like a dork! Didn't he see that coming?!? And Chewie didn't get pissed enough!"

Han wasn't watching the movie. He was talking to his child. He changed that kid's diapers. When he was 9yo Han (and Chewie) were teaching him how to shoot a blaster in the backyard. They probably had 15 years of good history we never saw. And in general, parents do have a habit of giving their evil kids the benefit-of-the-doubt long after everyone else has given up on them. (See also: Skywalker, Luke)

It probably took Han's death to get Harrison Ford to do the movie. Besides, Ford isn't getting any younger. Sooner or later he has to either die onscreen or else we will be informed of Han's death during the opening text crawl of some future episode. IMO this was a pretty good way for him to go, all things considered.

Q. "Luke Skywalker was barely in it! WTF?!?"

Luke is the new Yoda, the last & best Jedi left. You can't make somebody very mysterious & enigmatic (not to mention a McGuffin in the movie) if he's always around. 30 years ago we saw Luke whining about power converters as a teenager. They had to seriously change his portrayal for this.

Less is more here and I was totally cool with it. In fact I was glad they didn't show him any more than they did. Messiahs & Merlins work better in small doses. It's the same reason why they can't make a good Terminator movie starring adult future John Connor for 2 hours.

Q. "This whole SW movie had plot holes a mile wide!"

They normally do. They work as movies, they don't stand up to net forum analysis. IMO this movie generally delivered a lot of good times in the theater in exchange for the plot holes it had. So I'm willing to forgive most of them.

Was it stupid that this new Starkiller was so big? The first DS ended up being so big in 1977 just because the ILM guys needed the surface to look flat. It worked in the movie theater.

I loved the new weapon effects and sounds. The frozen mid-air blast is just jaw dropping. I also think they were also trying to get people to realize that they are "blasters" firing some sort of energized plasma gas round, instead of "Lasers" which so many people confuse. You often see some people say "How can a Jedi avoid a laser going at the speed of light!".

Kylo's raw, unregulated lightsaber was my favorite visual and sound effect. There were heat waves surrounding it, making it feel like it was running hotter than any saber shown before.

To add to the ongoing discussion about Kylo's actions in the film. I agree with what others have said, that Kylo had to release all his ties to his previous life in order to fully turn to the dark side. To me the interesting thing is that both Luke and Kylo apparently had to "face their father" in order to complete their training.
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Another question I had: why is Cpt Phasmas outfit exclusive to her? And, if she's in charge of the entire legions troops, where were her guards? what was she doing in the control room? Is she a chair borne ranger,?

Checking her e-mail or maybe updating her Facebook status.

Kylo's raw, unregulated lightsaber was my favorite visual and sound effect. There were heat waves surrounding it, making it feel like it was running hotter than any saber shown before.

It's been mentioned, by JJ I believe, that the crossguards on Kylo's saber aren't really crossguards so much as heat vents and what we're seeing is the excess heat being vented off in the form of crossguards. It has something to do with the design, something about it being older and running hotter/less efficiently or something which is why it's the way it is.

- - - Updated - - -

I've been saying that about the walker from the beginning. I'm also bugged that the whole movie felt incomplete, design wise.

Remember the amazing concept art of her walker home? It looked amazing.

But what we got was much simpler and kinda boring.

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I don't know, I didn't see any of the concept art. But anyway, concept art is just that, a concept and it doesn't necessarily have to have any groundings in reality. I'm guessing that what ultimately happened is that JJ wanted something less fantastic or that reality caught up with them and to do thing as seen in the concept would have been too difficult and/or expensive.
I don't know, I didn't see any of the concept art. But anyway, concept art is just that, a concept and it doesn't necessarily have to have any groundings in reality. I'm guessing that what ultimately happened is that JJ wanted something less fantastic or that reality caught up with them and to do thing as seen in the concept would have been too difficult and/or expensive.
Re: Star Wars TFA. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!! Haters and Lovers Welcome

I went, I saw, I ate my popcorn and I enjoyed myself. Are there things I would have liked to see different? Yes. But the negativity some of you have. Most are making good and keen observations about how it could be done differently and it is fun to talk and debate those points. But some of you are just negative ******** who wouldn't be happy if they let you star in the movie.
Re: Star Wars TFA. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!! Haters and Lovers Welcome

Thank you for this Thread. I am glad I am not alone. I went into this movie with very low expectations. I liked it better than the prequels probably because of the nostalgic ships and characters. What I find interesting is that I loved Jurassic World which was clearly a reboot. But I didn't care for this movie as much.
Re: Star Wars TFA. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!! Haters and Lovers Welcome

I went, I saw, I ate my popcorn and I enjoyed myself. Are there things I would have liked to see different? Yes. But the negativity some of you have. Most are making good and keen observations about how it could be done differently and it is fun to talk and debate those points. But some of you are just negative ******** who wouldn't be happy if they let you star in the movie.

As the guys from redlettermedia said, "The problem with star wars is that the first sequel also happens to be one of the best films ever made"
Re: Star Wars TFA. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!! Haters and Lovers Welcome

Astro Your so right. What I like about ESB is that it is a really dark film but it doesn't seem that way when you watch it. It is a dark movie that really appeals to a very large audience. If what I rambled makes sense.
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It's been mentioned, by JJ I believe, that the crossguards on Kylo's saber aren't really crossguards so much as heat vents and what we're seeing is the excess heat being vented off in the form of crossguards. It has something to do with the design, something about it being older and running hotter/less efficiently or something which is why it's the way it is.
The visual dictionary says it's a cracked/imperfect-in-some-way focusing crystal that causes it.
A question I have is why is Phasma referred to by a name? It's said that troopers don't even have names and Finn's "name" is given to him by Poe. Did she just get to a high enough rank and picked a name she liked?
Re: Star Wars TFA. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!! Haters and Lovers Welcome

Well the guy directing Ep 8 is known for dark stuff I guess, so yippee we get a dark second chapter. Although killing off Han and barely seeing Luke is pretty dark.

Dark, dark, dark I used to be such a dark fan. Loved dark stuff. After the Nolan,"I am so dark you can't see me" Batman trilogy I was good on darkness. Then Man of "who turned out the lights it's so dark" Steel came along. Really??? Superman can't even have his bright colored suit. How the guy who made 300 became Nolan's bitch I'll never know.

Anyway the point is Ep 7 was pretty darn dark. I guess for the second one the First Order will strike back and our heroes will be on the run but to up the dark factor two will need to be killed, one will lose two limbs, and one frozen. Don't forget we need a betrayle, jedi training (ten minutes should do) and a lot of Kylo Ren just missing catching our heroes.

Speaking of, and I say this as the world's biggest Vader fan, he actually was not too good at his job. Really he failed in every movie.

Death Star blown,

Rebels, Luke escape,

Luke did not turn, Death Star blown again.

Let's face it, not exactly a recruiting poster for the Dark Side.
