Star Wars Episode VII Stormtrooper Pics

Well posted JKNO. Most people don't use logic when thinking about stormtroopers. A lot of people don't follow some of the finer points either.

There are a lot of things in SW that people don't realize, like what you posted, or that Anakin was created by Darth Sidiouss' master, Darth Plagueis and the very thing that brought Anakin to life is the power that could help keep Padme from her fate of dying.

It is just a shame about foresight. Sometimes knowing actually creates the thing we try to avoid. Has Anakin stayed good, he never would have hurt her and possibly she would have lived.

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And the part about Sidious and Plagueis isn't EU or books... it is right in the movie.
Tinkered with ssdesigner high-res photo. Got some interesting results.


  • Ep7_trooper.jpg
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  • trooper.jpg
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Well at least that's one thing I won't want to buy then. :) I was willing to wait and see what the real deal looked like and holding off my initial judgement, but that seals it.

Again it's interesting to see how people who hated the Prequels, and Clonetroopers, love this trooper when one of the main complaints about the Prequels were that the ships and things were too sleek without the look of the OT. That is the major complaint about this helmet. I'd take the ROTS helmet over this one any day.
Nice pic StarWars. I guess that settles the Aerator question.

Thanks! Not only does it confirm the shape of the bottom of the helmet and its lack of aerators (which shall be missed), but it also re-confirms the raised cheek sections, the teeth in the frown, and separate lenses all thanks to a couple minutes of tinkering in Photo Gallery!
Nice pic StarWars. I guess that settles the Aerator question.

Thanks! Not only does it confirm the shape of the bottom of the helmet and its lack of aerators (which shall be missed), but it also re-confirms the raised cheek sections, the teeth in the frown, and separate lenses all thanks to a couple minutes of tinkering in Photo Gallery!

It still doesn't show the other side, unless you're seeing something I don't. Most of the early shots showed an aerator on the left, which could still be the case...
Again it's interesting to see how people who hated the Prequels, and Clonetroopers, love this trooper when one of the main complaints about the Prequels were that the ships and things were too sleek without the look of the OT. That is the major complaint about this helmet. I'd take the ROTS helmet over this one any day.

The difference here is that we are 30 years beyond the OT and in uncharted territory. It stands to reason some things would look sleeker and more modern. I do think these new trooper helmets would look far better with mic tips and vocoders, but I digress. A burden of the PT was to aesthetically and technologically lead up to the OT, which it did a very poor job of in my opinion. If the OT was WW2 in space, the PT should've been WWI in space. To me the clonetroopers and sleek ships looked far more modern than what we saw in the OT 20 years later and that makes little sense. The Phase I clonetrooper helmets looked particularly horrible and Phase II only marginally better. Why GL decided they needed to sport a weird amalgamation of stormtrooper and Fett helmet aesthetics is beyond me. I never could figure out why Fett being the master clone template would have any bearing on what the clone armor would look like.
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It still doesn't show the other side, unless you're seeing something I don't. Most of the early shots showed an aerator on the left, which could still be the case...

Seriously??? You're still holding out for that?

And to be specific, there were no early shots of actual props that showed an aerator on the left. Just one CG concept pic showed an aerator. All that stuff about asymmetrical mic tips and whatnot was what you guys cooked up in your head despite the evidence.
Seriously??? You're still holding out for that?

And to be specific, there were no early shots of actual props that showed an aerator on the left. Just one CG concept pic showed an aerator. All that stuff about asymmetrical mic tips and whatnot was what you guys cooked up in your head despite the evidence.

Haha. I'm not, but I am holding out to bag out my mate who bought one of the early helmets. I'm hoping there's no tips just so I can give it to him.
Seriously??? You're still holding out for that?

And to be specific, there were no early shots of actual props that showed an aerator on the left. Just one CG concept pic showed an aerator. All that stuff about asymmetrical mic tips and whatnot was what you guys cooked up in your head despite the evidence.

Actually, I'm pretty sure it was the source that leaked the concept pic that claimed it was asymmetrical.
It still doesn't show the other side, unless you're seeing something I don't. Most of the early shots showed an aerator on the left, which could still be the case...
You're right. So I'll use this slightly wider (yet lower resolution) picture from the trailer. I got this:
Ep7 stormtrooper.jpg
If there is an aerator, it is very far to the left. If it were really that far off, I feel that it would be too squished to look aesthetically pleasing. It is still a possibility though. We'll just have to wait until we get a picture of the left side to be certain.
The difference here is that we are 30 years beyond the OT and in uncharted territory. It stands to reason some things would look sleeker and more modern. I do think these new trooper helmets would look far better with mic tips and vocoders, but I digress. A burden of the PT was to aesthetically and technologically lead up to the OT, which it did a very poor job of in my opinion. If the OT was WW2 in space, the PT should've been WWI in space. To me the clonetroopers and sleek ships looked far more modern than what we saw in the OT 20 years later and that makes little sense. The Phase I clonetrooper helmets looked particularly horrible and Phase II only marginally better. Why GL decided they needed to sport a weird amalgamation of stormtrooper and Fett helmet aesthetics is beyond me. I never could figure out why Fett being the master clone template would have any bearing on what the clone armor would look like.

You missed the point because the Prequel stuff was supposed to be shinier and newer looking. It was the Roman Empire era compared to the Dark Ages of the OT. Since Fett was the template you don't think they asked his advice on equipping the army? He wasn't just paid for his DNA. It would be like having a US Marine outfit a new military. They are probably going to look like a Marine and be using M4s, not AKs and Russian kit.

The helmet would have been great with the "teeth" and some kind of mic tips. It just looks like they either forgot the details or just gave up on the design before they got there.
I don't really see it as a point that is being missed. I realize GL intended it to be "shinier and newer looking" but it just doesn't make sense. Time didn't start with the PT so you would still expect to see plenty of even older, well-used designs and tech then too. However, my grief also has to do with the tech rather than purely the aesthetics. There's nothing to indicate why technology, at least militarily, would regress leading up to the OT. Most of the gunships, fighters and walkers in the PT seemed far more capable than anything we saw in the huge civil war that rages 20 years later. Heck, the gunships even had mini-Death Star lasers! Why wouldn't that have been used more? I just don't think the Roman Empire/Dark Age analogy really applies here, at least not in my mind. There is no loss of knowledge happening here, apart from perhaps the Jedi teachings, and your average Dark Age knights and men- at- arms are still more advanced than Roman legionnaires.

The movies never indicated that Jango was paid for anything other than his DNA but as with any shadowy bureaucracy, one would assume the choice in trooper gear would come down to input from committees and corporations vying for contracts, not from an individual and his personal preferences.

Obviously, this all comes down to opinion but the bottom line is I think a sleeker, more modern aesthetic makes far more sense 30 years after the OT than 20 years before.
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GC concept or not...

The area where the mic tip is in the leaked photo... Can NOT be seen in a single frame of the trailer.

A brightened picture doesn't mean squat!

The guy in front has the left side of even the undercut chin area going out of frame.

The mic tip in the CG render showed it to be in the outer cheek tube.

Untill we get a clear shot of the OUTER left side... There is STILL no proof one way or the other.

It's like saying that now after seeing the trailer you know exactly what the back of the helmet looks like...

NO, you don't.

They haven't shown it yet.
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You see the sculpted line that runs down the cheek tube and over the lower chin?

It runs right through the tip of the OPENING for the mic tip...

The screen grabs from the trailer stop about 2 inches short of showing us that area!

It's clear as day.

Where the mic tip is in the "CG" render... Is convieniently out of frame or obstructed from view on every trooper.


It's not an opinion. It's a fact. We haven't been shown a single glimpse of that area from a real prop yet.
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Me being the old fart, old timer and dead crazy about the ANH trooper helmets (and owning at least a dozen cast offs) I love this new one.
I truly do. I think they made an amazing job. I can't wait for fan made stuff - qualitative - to mold/clone these so that I and my children can wear it.

I have a feeling this new SW trilogy is going to take me back 30 years and my children will re-live what I have back then.

I got lucky twice in my time, that is.
You don't think the medieval knight was more advanced than a Roman soldier?
End of the western roman empire around 5th century. High medieval knights 12th-14th century.

Between them lay the "Dark Ages" (even if I wouldn't call them that, because they weren't, really.)

But it's a good comparison, if you turn it around a bit: If the PT was the end of a decadent Roman Empire, then the OT was the dark ages (culturally and technologically) and now the NEW movies are the more advanced medieval times.
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