Star Wars Episode VII Stormtrooper Pics

Overall, I like it. It could use a few more protrusions or 'something', but overall I like it.

I agree - overall, I like it, but something about it bothers me. It looks TOO streamlined and familiar. I think it would look MUCH better if the bottom wasn't flat like a motorcycle helmet. I think keeping the same "modernized" style but curving the bottom similar to the OT helmets would have made a big difference.

I also like the details someone photoshopped earlier in the thread - blue stripes, trap details, etc.
Sorry I must be getting old but I think the new Stormtrooper looks like an awful custom motorbike helmet :(

What would be wrong with using the classic ANH design again?
Sorry I must be getting old but I think the new Stormtrooper looks like an awful custom motorbike helmet :(

What would be wrong with using the classic ANH design again?

That would be awesome if they used ANH stuff but I can see why they are moving on too.

One of my main questions is why are we even seeing stormtroopers at all? Surely they should have been phased out after the fall of the Empire? If the Empire is still around, then what was the point? What I don't want to see from these films is just a rehash of the original trilogy.

I have to politely disagree with you Bookface. The empire wasn't simply one man, but a military power that stretched across an entire galaxy. Such a military organization must certainly have the command structure and means to continue the fight after the Emperor was struck down. If the leader of either of our countries was struck down, would our Nations cease to exist? Certainly not and we are only two countries, on one planet, in one solar system, in one galaxy.

Let us not forget that while we as viewers all viewed them as the "Bad Guys", many in the universe saw them quite the opposite. I cannot say after 30 years they still retain the power they did during the height of RotJ, but it isn't hard for me to believe they were still a significant power to some extent. There is always money to be made in war, and if the prequels taught us anything, it was the Star Wars universe had no shortage of spineless bankers and war profiteers.

Just my two cents.

Oh, BTW I like the new helmet.
I think, like every single situation on the RPF where people are quick to judge something when seen out of context, I'll reserve my final judgement until I see the helmet with full costume on screen.

Initially, I think it looks like a natural progression of the design 30 years later. I like it.
I think, like every single situation on the RPF where people are quick to judge something when seen out of context, I'll reserve my final judgement until I see the helmet with full costume on screen.

Initially, I think it looks like a natural progression of the design 30 years later. I like it.

Its quite possible this is only one version of the trooper we will see... like the scout trooper in RotJ... perhaps this is why these look like motorcycle helmets! :D these might be the new biker scout snipers. its entirely possible we have yet to see the regular stormtrooper bucket.
With all the crappy canvas belt, rubber gloves and latex hand plates, the Original Trilogy Stormie armor remains and will remain iconic forever.

I agree but my beef with these details remains - I've had real stand-up arguments about this subject too. My point is that I want to represent an Imperial Stormtrooper, not an actor in the 1970's. These details were never meant to be seen up-close and (in my opinion), totally ruin the illusion.
I agree but my beef with these details remains - I've had real stand-up arguments about this subject too. My point is that I want to represent an Imperial Stormtrooper, not an actor in the 1970's. These details were never meant to be seen up-close and (in my opinion), totally ruin the illusion.

I'm sorry but you want to represent an Imperial Stormtrooper? But remember, no mater how cool and inspirational SW is, it still remains a movie, so in a way it is an illusion on its own. You are not going to dress up like a real SWAT trooper or a Medieval knight and using (probably/potentially) the real gear. You are going to reproduce what was used in a 70's sci-fi/space opera (whatever you call it) movie, and if you want accuracy you can go totally accurate, or you can go idealized if you want to. If you feel bad by being accurate as a "real" Stormtrooper, maybe you shouldn't dress up like one anymore, and instead go for a Clone or something else, more idealized or from the real world.
With all the crappy canvas belt, rubber gloves and latex hand plates, the Original Trilogy Stormie armor remains and will remain iconic forever.

I'm sorry but you want to represent an Imperial Stormtrooper? But remember, no mater how cool and inspirational SW is, it still remains a movie, so in a way it is an illusion on its own. You are not going to dress up like a real SWAT trooper or a Medieval knight and using (probably/potentially) the real gear. You are going to reproduce what was used in a 70's sci-fi/space opera (whatever you call it) movie, and if you want accuracy you can go totally accurate, or you can go idealized if you want to. If you feel bad by being accurate as a "real" Stormtrooper, maybe you shouldn't dress up like one anymore, and instead go for a Clone or something else, more idealized or from the real world.

You're right and I totally agree. I saw Episode IV for my 7th birthday way back when and it's just as important to me now as it was then. For my part I believe that there is an illusion to maintain and I, myself will never wear a canvas belt or latex hand plates, nor will you see my chin if you are under 4ft tall :)

I don't mean anyone any disrespect and I admire those that go for the 'authentic' look. I'd just rather look like I came from a galaxy far, far away than from a dumpster round the back of Elstree studios.
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...I agree but my beef with these details remains - I've had real stand-up arguments about this subject too. My point is that I want to represent an Imperial Stormtrooper, not an actor in the 1970's. These details were never meant to be seen up-close and (in my opinion), totally ruin the illusion....

I don't mean anyone any disrespect and I admire those that go for the 'authentic' look. I'd just rather look like I came from a galaxy far, far away than from a dumpster round the back of Elstree studios.

I totally get this. and yes its "Idealized vs. accurate to authentic prop" and I appreciate and understand both sides of this coin. We have the same understanding in the R2 Builder's Club but not so much an issue for the "accurate to real prop" as much as Stormy and Vader builders are because the real screen used Artoos (and there are well over a dozen of them) are all a bit different and some not very nice to look at... so we tend to go with idealized and weather him as we see fit. For New Hope there are more interesting dings and scratches one could add to their droid for the authentic screen used look (and I have added a couple of those dings and weathered dirt patterns to mine) but if one built the droid as it looked on set in person, spectators today would think you were a lousy craftsman! :D

I love the bumpy cap, Vader C-Scar, Artoo's dome dent and Threepios dings and wear and tear but they are not really necessary for trooping in public as those details are best appreciated up close on display pieces that other SW prop fans can admire and understand let alone appreciate. The average con goer either won't notice, care otherwise or if they do inspect closely will think they are imperfections or issues that need to be fixed!
LOL! The 501st Facebook page just posted this:

Old guys rule - they even print that on t-shirts too :)
With all the crappy canvas belt, rubber gloves and latex hand plates, the Original Trilogy Stormie armor remains and will remain iconic forever.

I totally get this. and yes its "Idealized vs. accurate to authentic prop" and I appreciate and understand both sides of this coin. We have the same understanding in the R2 Builder's Club but not so much an issue for the "accurate to real prop" as much as Stormy and Vader builders are because the real screen used Artoos (and there are well over a dozen of them) are all a bit different and some not very nice to look at... so we tend to go with idealized and weather him as we see fit. For New Hope there are more interesting dings and scratches one could add to their droid for the authentic screen used look (and I have added a couple of those dings and weathered dirt patterns to mine) but if one built the droid as it looked on set in person, spectators today would think you were a lousy craftsman! :D

I love the bumpy cap, Vader C-Scar, Artoo's dome dent and Threepios dings and wear and tear but they are not really necessary for trooping in public as those details are best appreciated up close on display pieces that other SW prop fans can admire and understand let alone appreciate. The average con goer either won't notice, care otherwise or if they do inspect closely will think they are imperfections or issues that need to be fixed!

Well said! I like my props to look like they've seen some action so I'm all for weathering.
As a writer, the helmet doesn't look evolved enough for 30 years to have passed. As a fan, the helmet looks bad ass!!!!!
I find it slightly amusing that while some are complaining that it doesn't look enough like the original, others say it looks too much like the original for it to have been made 30 years later. It would be extremely unrealistic to use the exact same design for over 30 years, yet if they had changed it enough to represent the time that had passed it would be unrecognisable as a Stormtrooper helmet. This design is a good compromise.
My opinion: I like that it changed. It only makes sense that the clone wars, many years before ANH are different, so these buckets need to be different too. Do I like them? I have no idea yet, I will wait to decide AFTER I see the movie and know the context of the helmet in the movie.
I thought you guys might like to see what I did this weekend. The left side needs a little work, and really there's not enough info to know what the actual front looks like so I just went generic.

What do ya think?
I have to politely disagree with you Bookface. The empire wasn't simply one man, but a military power that stretched across an entire galaxy. Such a military organization must certainly have the command structure and means to continue the fight after the Emperor was struck down. If the leader of either of our countries was struck down, would our Nations cease to exist? Certainly not and we are only two countries, on one planet, in one solar system, in one galaxy.

Let us not forget that while we as viewers all viewed them as the "Bad Guys", many in the universe saw them quite the opposite. I cannot say after 30 years they still retain the power they did during the height of RotJ, but it isn't hard for me to believe they were still a significant power to some extent. There is always money to be made in war, and if the prequels taught us anything, it was the Star Wars universe had no shortage of spineless bankers and war profiteers.

Just my two cents.

Oh, BTW I like the new helmet.

The issue I have with that is that if there was ONE place would have been under total control and least likely to revolt, it'd likely be Coruscant where the emperor seemed to spend all his time. Not to mention, what kept the systems in line in reality was the threat of the Emperor. There was no answer for the emperor or vader until luke. Sure, they'd build resentment, but of all the places it'd have been squashed over the 20 years between ROTS and ANH, sounds like it'd be coruscant. yet, as soon as the emperor is dead, the streets there are filled with people celebrating and tearing down his statue. You'd think that if there was a good military prescense still there, they'd have stopped that PDQ.

It's not to say there may not have been backwater worlds we never saw where they'd still be around, but I doubt they'd be a significant power. The empire may not have been snuffed out complete at the time of ROTJ, but in 30 years, you'd think it'd be settled. It's not like they personified anyone in the OT who LIKED the empire.

For E7 to have the Empire as a main threat would be disappointing.