Star Wars Blu ray... we have to change our props !!!

Also, by Jedi - To address the point above - When SW / ESB did well, THEN they knew Jedi would be a hit - My friend from Jedi explained this to me when I asked why so many hand drawn storyboards from ESB are on the market, but none from Jedi - And he said that when ESB was being made, noone knew if it would be a success, and STAR WARS was just a film that did very well - But there was not the cult following it has now. So, production was lack about the stuff because it had no value - So "souvenirs" just vanished from production -

By Jedi, after ESB hit, they knew they had a valuable property, so they didnt hand around hand drawn boards that there was motivation (value wise0 to steal - So they just kept the originals and passed out photocopies -
Tyler, didnt ESB have an initial budget of near double ANH and ended up being near triple the budget of ANH? Ive always heard rumors that it was in the $30 million range when all was said and done.

I wont comment on Avatar as I thought it was **** and exactly whats wrong with movies today.
Star Wars was most definitely not low budget, but it wasn't lavish either. It was a "modest big-budget" film, if you can forgive the contradiction in terms.

AS Qui mentioned, compare it to JAWS:

Production budget for A New Hope equals $ 11 million U.S. dollars in the year 1977. Adjusted for inflation for today, it is roughly $ 45 million U.S. dollars now

With a modest film budget of about $12 million, Jaws was the highest grossing film up to that time (unbroken until the release of George Lucas' Star Wars (1977)), and earned its 27 year-old director a place in Hollywood. It grossed $438 million in eleven weeks, and was also the first film to top the $100 million record in box-office rentals (cruising past previous pace-setters Gone With the Wind (1939) and The Sound of Music (1965)).
Rob - Yes, ESB had a bigger budget and went OVER budget by a lot -

Even still though, while they were working on it noone knew if it would be a hit or not - I mean just watch any documentary about it and listen to them talk about how worried they were that an act with Luke and a Puppet wouldnt work :)

Obi said it well - Not low budget, but not lavish .. ESB was bigger, and had the R&D that they put into SW already accounted for
Ok guys, thanks for all your comments... !!:thumbsup

What else have you discover because of the Blu Ray high definition? :confused

When I watch the movies now, I am looking at the details, at the colors, at the lights, the walls...everything but enjoying the movies....

Am I becoming paranoid with the prop thing? :confused :confused :confused:unsure

Clutch!! That is a great thread... never seen it before !!


(i guess that with blu ray it will be easier now...)
I just watched the esb scene where Yoda lifts xwing from the swamp, and it's pretty obvious that on his right arm is present some kind of darker first I thought it might be light effect, but now I think it's darker color..
The Play's the thing.

I'll take Star Wars bubblewrap over digital plumber's crack.

Amen... We may have gone off topic... I think in many ways digital technology has forced, if not encouraged, many artists to simply abandon their true creativity. Yes, it does take a certain talent to understand and successfully create and pull off a 3D character or world and technology has come a long way (I know, I'm an graphic artist by trade)... I'll take a full size Millennium Falcon or Sand Barge over a 3D digital painting any day! :)
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