Star Trek Enterprise Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)


Master Member
One thing I love about Enterprise is that to indicate the technological distinction between the species and less developed technology of proceeding generations (namely the Federation Tricorder), each had their own scanning equipment.
I've been lucky enough to pick up a couple of Vulcan Scanners which T'Pol used, but I always loved the medical side of things too so back in 2005 I started making a Medical scanner.

I hadn't fully honed my skills back then and scratch built a prop (well half finished as you can see!) I was happy with at the time. This older version had bigger gaps between the bands which I didn't realise were less pronounced on the original, but then when working from screencaps back then it was the best I could do.

7 years later (mid 2012) and after many happy DVD viewings of Enterprise I decided last year to get cracking and finally make one I was truly happy with.
It all starts with a lot of cut Styrene templates!

3 Phlox Medical scanners by JamieThomas28, on Flickr

3 Phlox Medical scanners bases by JamieThomas28, on Flickr

Then comes the sanding and filling and priming, to get it to a stage where I'm happy with the symmetry and feel.

Compared to my old attempt I'm much happier with how the progress was going.

Starting to add the banding detail (which bl**dy hurts when you're using a Chefs blowtorch to bend styrene)

More later.

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Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

Thank you.
I too liked Phlox and his Menagerie in Sickbay it helped set the series apart technologically from the other series set later in Federation history.

Added another side panel detail.

More to come soon, although the blowtorch is doing my fingertips no favours!
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Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)


May I ask why you cut so many individual rings?

Those styrene droid builders just make a buck, and then glue several layers od thin styene (0.25 mm) around it until they get the right thickness.
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

Hi Sonnenschein, good question.

The styrene templates, because each is a continuous structure and layered on top of each other are much more sturdy. If I were to make a buck and glue bits around in a patchwork style the piece would be fairly weak, and if accidentally dropped (which has happened with me twice) would likely cause pieces to pop off.

Stability and durability were key points in making this piece, and it meant that when I was later gluing on the outer detail pieces I could squeeze the parts onto the main body for a good finish without fear of it all caving in.

More updates soon.
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

Another progress picture to keep this thread ticking along.

The 5 acrylic scanner nodes for the base, the two buttons which will sit in the top piece shown above, and the side switch cover.
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

nice great work,

coincidently i am watching enterprise as i am writing this, brilliant series.

lots of cool props (i need to make me a warp 5 engine)
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

Yeah it is a great series, I'd love to watch the extras from the new Season 1 Bluray, but having already bought all the series on DVD, it's an expense I sadly can't afford.

If you like Enterprise props, I'll be posting my build thread for Hoshi's Universal Translator and Malcolm's Remote control soon!

Another update picture hopefully tomorrow, I'm sanding the base part today and sorting a few things out for another prop.
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

The base is done.

Sorry for the low resolution image, I'll try and post a better photo this weekend. In reality it's very smooth and clean.

The main body needs a quick sanding with some 600 grade sandpaper to give a nice finish for the primer to key to.
More pictures this weekend.
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

More pictures this weekend as I hope to get this nearly finished and ready to mold!
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

As promised a better picture of the Base. It's had a quick splash coat, but having already been sanded with an 800 grade paper it is really smooth.

I've just splash coated the main body and once it's dry I'll post a picture.
Give me an hour or two.
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

A quick picture of the main body after a splash coat, the base edge will be filled and shaped so that it will follow into the contour of the black base piece which will be added later.
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Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

I put a little shelf inside the back of the scanner for the battery holder to sit on.

It's at this point before that gets glued in place that I need to make the decision on whether to mold this as hollow.

Just gauging if anyone is interested in a scanner kit. I haven't worked out exact costs but given I'll likely need to have a laser cut acrylic screen and 5 acrylic rods machined per scanner for the sensor nodes on the base I'm going to give a rough estimate of $170.
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Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

Nobody interested in a kit?

I'll give it until the end of the day, if there are no takers I'll carry on without making a mold and just make this one for my own collection.
Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

Evening everyone.
Does anyone have any advice on making a mold for this prop I'm working on?

I'm guessing it will need to be a 3 part mold, the first part creating a division down the centre of the scanner north to south when viewed from above or below, with key points to allow the scanner to rejoin back together and then a 3rd part creating a plug to allow the centre to be cast hollow, which would be pushed down into the scanner when casting.
I've taken a couple of photos, but given I have pretty much no experience in creating such a complicated mold, I'm debating whether it's worth the time to try and do this, or just make 1 master scanner for myself.

Blue line = central divide
Orange = shows keying points for the two halves
Yellow = keying points for the top plug which will be set into the top two side by side halves to allow the plug to align and perfectly recreate the interior of the scanner.

I could just create the two side be side halves of the mold but getting a consistent cut on the clear acrylic on the screen would mean a lot of fiddly shaping of the acrylic screen to make it fit, not to mention getting an even symmetrical curved surface inside the scanner to allow the screen to fit properly.

This is a daunting prospect as any mistakes will mean a costly waste of RTV silicone, not to mention time that could have been spent actually finishing the scanner completely.

Any thoughts?

Re: Dr Phlox's Medical Scanner (Seasons 1-4)

Some big steps made this weekend.

Firstly I would like to thank Myron Stapleton.
I was struggling to build a stable mold box for the base part and a mold for the main part of the scanner. Making molds is not my speciality, certainly not 2 part ones, and I've only really made a basic open mold before for simple parts with no undercuts. I was finding it hard to work out the best way to get a good render of the external and internal detail. I had the basic idea in mind but was trying to used sheets of MDF hot glued together to make the box. This proved to be difficult to work.

Myron's solution...the good old Lego block.

I went from this. :blush:

To this. :thumbsup2:

The Lego is perfect for positioning plug/keying pieces.

So by yesterday evening I had the "Dr Phlox's House of Blocks".

I thought the slanted Lego bricks along the top edge were the icing on the cake that became the house for the Phlox scanner!

Another update soon.
First base part out of the mold, and with only a single tiny fixable air bubble on the base allen screw detail, I'm very pleased.

Original on the left, freshly cast piece on the right.

More pictures very soon.
I just pulled the main body piece from the mold, just a minor seam line near the top hood along the outer surface to sand and fill.

I also just cast the other pieces, unfortunately I didn't have enough resin to do the right sided button from the panel in this pour.
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