Shortest Time Between Original and Remake?

So to me:

Re-make- a re-make of a movie using only a movie or television show as source material.

Re-boot- the restart of a popular franchise with source material of screen (books, comic books, urban legends, etc.).

Re-imagining- a buzz word used by producers and directors to let you know that they are re-making something in a way that totally screws up the original story.
If a reboot is such a bad remake of the original that it kills off the possibilities of a franchise is it still a reboot?

Yes Nicholas Cage's Wicker Man I'm looking at you.
Didn't they remake Girl With The Dragon Tattoo a year after the first one came out, or something?
I recall reading that the original cast/crew were livid as they were doing pretty much the exact same film, just in English with English-speaking actors. Subtitles and/or dubbing not good enough, or something? I also heard they were having to 'simplify' the plot...
With the exception of The Ring vs. Ringu (and to a lesser extent, the various spaghetti westerns like Magnificent Seven and Fistful of Dollars), I almost never bother watching the U.S. version or the dubbed version if I can possibly avoid it. I think you miss something when you strip stuff like that out of its cultural context and out of its own language.
Obra las Ojos -> Vanilla Sky with Tom Cruise. Only a few years later. Always thought it was some kind of appropriate the movie for himself.
The Maltese Falcon was made 3 times in ten years. 1931, 36, and 41.

Didn't they remake Girl With The Dragon Tattoo a year after the first one came out, or something?
I recall reading that the original cast/crew were livid as they were doing pretty much the exact same film, just in English with English-speaking actors. Subtitles and/or dubbing not good enough, or something? I also heard they were having to 'simplify' the plot...

I saw all three and they were either subtitled, or voice dubbed. Not remade. Insomnia was remade in english with the same crew.
what about the evil dead and evil dead 2? ive never known why but evil dead 2 had the same story as the first one so i guess it counts as a remake. im not sure what the time frame was between release dates but it couldnt have been more than a year or two apart.
There was a great article on Cracked about this...apparently The Wizard of Oz is a remake.
Wizard of Oz was an adaptation of a classic book. There have been other adaptations of classic books where the productions actually overlapped in time with each other. Here are two that I know about:

* Dangerous Liaisons (with Glenn Close and John Malcovich) and Valmont (with Annette Bening and Colin Firth), both based on a novel by Choderlos de Laclos and with exactly the same story and characters. The movies were released 11 months in between. Michelle Pfeiffer had even been offered to play the same part in both movies, and did it in Dangerous Liaisons. The release of Valmont had to be delayed in some countries so that it would not go up until Dangerous Liaisons had finished.

* Clueless (Alicia Silverstone) and Emma (Gwyneth Paltrow), both based on the novel Emma by Jane Austen. However, one is set in the 19'th century and one is set in present day at the time (the '90s) with some changes. Also released 11 months in between.
I was going to say Phantom Of The Opera 1924/1925

But in retrospect although it had an extensive reshoot and extra scenes added I suppose it can't be considered a remake.
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