Screen caps - ANH


Sr Member
Here's a thread for screen caps request .. I figured there's so many people asking for them, might as well put them all somewhere public.

Browse the thread first, than if it's not there, ask and when I'm gonna have some time, I'll post them here ..

Here's some simple rules ...
1. Make sure to check first my screen caps directory for existing pictures as they may not be all linked here.
2. Be as precise as possible when asking for pics, that way, it's gonna be easier on me.
3. Don't go all crazy asking for every frame of a scene :).

As you may know, these are quite time consuming and is my own way of thanking people and give back to the RPF.

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From other thread...

Some close-up shots of R2D2. Specifically, I trying to determine the pattern of the plastic used in the PSI's (that round light thing that chages from red to blue (front) green to yellow (rear) on the dome). Working on my R2 and trying to nail this detail.

BTW, any other intersting shots of R2 in ANH you care to add would be appreciated. :cool


There are several different materials used for the PSI's, depending on generation, and dome. Some are just milkplex sheets. The most distinctive one, seen in a lot of ANH shots of a particular dome, is currently in The Archives, and even after examining it back and front for 30 minutes, and pressing it and taking photos of it, etc., neither Don or I could tell you exactly what its source is. It's a multi-layer, almost fabric-like substance that has a substrate in it which gives it a lenticular-like look. If you press on it, the substrate pattern becomes more clear as the layers are pressed together, but bottom line, it's not what you think. It looks at first like a piece of semi-transparent plastic, perhaps like a flourescent light cover, but it's not rigid, it's flexible. There is one dome that is seen more in ANH than any other, though it went through many changes during filming (I've tracked those, I'll publish one day) and is currently in an inaccurately-repainted state, though if you know which tell-tale deep cuts and scratches and oddities to look for, is absolutely beyond all question, the primary ANH dome. It's this dome which appears, for example, in the Tantive corridor close-up shots after R2 and 3PO have stopped walking, and its PSI pattern is visible, even though the light is off.

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There are several different materials used for the PSI's, depending on generation, and dome. Some are just milkplex sheets. The most distinctive one, seen in a lot of ANH shots of a particular dome, is currently in The Archives, and even after examining it back and front for 30 minutes, and pressing it and taking photos of it, etc., neither Don or I could tell you exactly what its source is. It's a multi-layer, almost fabric-like substance that has a substrate in it which gives it a lenticular-like look. If you press on it, the substrate pattern becomes more clear as the layers are pressed together, but bottom line, it's not what you think. It looks at first like a piece of semi-transparent plastic, perhaps like a flourescent light cover, but it's not rigid, it's flexible. There is one dome that is seen more in ANH than any other, though it went through many changes during filming (I've tracked those, I'll publish one day) and is currently in an inaccurately-repainted state, though if you know which tell-tale deep cuts and scratches and oddities to look for, is absolutely beyond all question, the primary ANH dome.


Mike thanks for the info. :thumbsup
Pattern on the subtrate, diamond, hexagonal, square?
Any ideas on how the color shift was achieved? I'd like to recreate the changing abrupt color line as opposed to just a shifting light pattern.

If/until the original is figured out, I'm going to settle for somthing I can come up with that'll match the look/pattern. So I still need the screen shots to help in that regard.

Thanks bigturc for offering to do this for us!

Sort of like what is inside C3PO's eyes...similar diamond pattern...

Going OT for a second. I just have to say, You are an amazing photograher! I was looking at your "My Best Shots" gallery and they are simply brilliant. Real talent there!
Any shot showing the inside of Obi-Wans lightsaber.

Walking up on Vader just before the duel (not just the head-on shots, but when he's holding his Saber across his body and you get a 3/4 view down the emitter), and the saber dropping on his cloak would be awesome.
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