Scratchbuilt Nostromo Bridge

Slowly taking shape... I just start a basic paint job on some elements to figure out if it looks good.

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That image is incredible!!! Love the side view port! Already has that claustrophobic feel from the film! So glad to find you here on the RPF - Not sure what's going on with propsummit :( Your work with this project has been a big inspiration to me while working on my 1:18 scaled version. Look forward to seeing more!
Thank you Tommie (a part of my mind has never left this spaceship since 1979 ;-) ; Thank you Joberg and I hope to hear soon from Propsummit; Merci Fred (comme il est mentionné au dos du numéro de Métal Hurlant consacré au film j'ai "vu Alien et je ne veux plus redescendre"...
Thank you Dayton... I hope that your fantastic Alien line will soon visit this bridge ;-)

A new assembly test in comparison with one of my reference during all the process trying to be as close as possible to original bridge with all availble stuff

WOW! It's really looking great with the comparaison of the real set and your build:cool Excellent travail encore une fois. (Excellent work once again):)
I am a great fan of the Nostromo. The Cockpit of this ship is very cool - as your build is.:thumbsup

Like it much, if such cool stuff is done in a decent scale. Amazing.

Greetings Hermann
Inspiring work Fred. Great stuff. Nostromo is hands down the most believable human space ship in film, to my taste anyway. I could never quite wrap my head around the bridge layout when I was younger and too became fascinated with it. Is there any chance you may model an exterior 'shell'? I think one of my favourite scenes is after they have landed, the contrast of a claustrophobic, believably functional bridge acting as their only shelter against a far away alien world with a raging storm - very evocative.
Thank you so much guys ! I totally agree Blipper, everything is so quiet on board for Ripley and Ash while the three astronauts are facing their fate.No shell project at that time...
Colhero this is my blog about SFX and Movies Making of, with the link to my previous Nostromo Scratchbuilt work :

Cine Sfx & Making Of: 2013 : Mon Nostromo en Carton ... / My Scratchbuilt Nostromo

In a couple of week when the cockpit will be over I will post more photos on this blog.
Well, the model is now almost completed and this is the last week end I will hard work on it.Still four rear seats to make, some final details and it will be over by the end of the week... strange feeling to see a project coming to an end.
It was so pleasant to spend time on this bridge, trying to recreate the different parts and to reach the particular atmosphere as seen in the movie. I am far more satisfy with this second project than for my first one with the 6 feet Nostromo... so angular !
I will come back soon with the photos from the final result and I will make a short video too...


As I said on the Propsummit - FANTASTIC work my friend! You have captured the claustrophobia that was the Nostromo bridge. Very realistic and the complexity makes it eye candy to look at! Very inspiring while I begin to revisit more parts of the Nostromo bridge at 1:18 scale. Looking forward to the additional images and video!
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