Sandbagger's Iron-Man builds - Now in STEEL

They seem to be drying a lot faster this time. I've since poured in two layers of the red tinted latex and now two layers of plain white latex on the inside.

One more layer to go then leave it to dry until there is absolutely NO DOUBT that it is dry and set. A bit of talcum powder slapped around on the inside then slowly and carefully pull it from the mold.
Dusting the inside with talc before pulling the mold. Stops the new latex from sticking to itself.


Wow!! Turned out better than I'd hoped!!! Praise *****!!!


WOOHOOO!!!! Fits like a glove!!! I have a cotton glove on underneath this too.

I can now go ahead and snip all the seams off, give it a clean up and it's ready for the armour to go on.


Yeah baby!!!!

This thread is never short of new and exciting impulses :thumbsup
Congratulations on the succesful glove experiment ! They look awesome :cool
Cheers blokes. :D

I talked about making a sheet-metal folding machine way back when I started building Iron man in steel. I ended up doing it by hand, but now my employer's workshop requires the capability, so I built one for them yesterday.

A couple of holes to drill and bolts to install, but it's basically made. Now I can fold sheet metal perfectly up to just over a metre wide and 4mm thick.

I have a pair of those heavy duty gate hinges at home too, so I can make one for myself when and if the need arises.


Awesome work on the gloves. Very handy of you ;) Never ceases to amaze me when ever I come back to catch up on this thread.
Right! Back to work!

I'm having to freehand design the armoured pieces to fit over the latex under-glove. The card will give me the exact internal diameter of each piece. Once labelled in sequence and removed from the glove, they are stiff enough to support some clay over the top that I can sculpt to the right shape, thickness and surface detail. Then I will have solid clay patterns to press into the casting sand later for the molten aluminium pour.

Tomorrow I go to the ceramic store to pick up all my bentonite powder, fine sand, refractory for the new foundry and some sculpting clay. Everything I need to get this aluminium cast done. Very excited.

WOW! $49 got me enough refractory and hardener to get the foundry up and running, plus bentonite, 30mesh fine sand for the greensand mix and finally some fine sculpting clay to make my patterns for the armour casts. Bargain! Thanks Walker Ceramics Fyshwick!

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