Announcement RPF Server Move

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
The first step in our server move has been completed successfully. We moved one of our servers to a new host. You will probably see a slight delay or slowdown as our front-facing server and back end server are temporarily on separate hosts. We will be testing for the next two weeks with this configuration. Once that is done, we will move the other server over as well.

Thanks for your patience while we make this move.
The first step in our server move has been completed successfully. We moved one of our servers to a new host. You will probably see a slight delay or slowdown as our front-facing server and back end server are temporarily on separate hosts. We will be testing for the next two weeks with this configuration. Once that is done, we will move the other server over as well.

Thanks for your patience while we make this move.

Did we just have some down time?
Is it bad that as soon as I got back into the site, the first thing I wondered is "IS THIS THE REAL RPF?!?"

No, trust me. Every time the site goes down for any reason, my heart-rate increases and I can feel an instant apprehension...
Not sure if it was the recent change but I seem to keep being logged out, even though I did not log out.
You need to delete your browsers cookies and cache, then restart your browser and log in (be sure to the check mark the "Remember Me?" box).
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