ROTJ Speederbike reference needed


Those are some excellent pictures. You can even see the slight raise around the punched rivets. Good stuff!

The rear undercariage/chassie(to me) I swear comes from the Matilda...but 1/35 scale seems small to me and I don't know/think the Matilda tank ever was released in anything larger than 1/35 scale.I thought maybe 1/30 but I can't find anything.Not sure Bandai released a 1/30 scale Matilda Tank.
I drew up the front fin that comes from the Bt46 and scaled it up to what I think is Studio Scale (Welcome to double check). The PDF should print out 1:1. The scale listed in in relation to the full size speeder.

Also have the rear flaps that are loosely based off the 20mm Flak38. I'll add more PDF's as I get them drawn

This is a project that would be great for 3D printing.

edit: added PDF's/Updated PDF's
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Well bits and pieces of information floating around are finding themselves into this thread.

Seven, I agree. I was thinking about modeling the bodywork in 3D and then having it CNC milled. I can then make a mold and cast thin walled copies of it. Anyone know it it's possible/easy to get CNC code from 3DS Max or Maya? Cause those are the tools I'm familiar with at the moment.

Still one thing missing for making a 3D model... that darn top view. I've got pretty good reference so far (thanks Moe!), but I'm still lacking a top view. Doesn't ANYONE have one? :wacko Doesn't have to be good, just so long as I can see the outline.

I did see a top view BTW, on the table at Sideshow when they were building theirs, see the bottom left (image courtesy of Sideshow Collectibles).... :angry


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Hi JT,

Thanks I got those. I believe they are the blue prints that were drawn up in order to make to full scale model although I'm not sure. They do deviate (side view) from the filming model.

The part of the blueprints that points out overhead mounting points pretty much assures it's the full scale model drawing.
I think the blueprints are for both. Since all the model parts where scaled up to build the SS, it would make sense to draw up one set of plans that could be used for both the miniature and the full scale. What better way to make sure they two are identical? The plans are drawn at 1 1/2"=1', which is half of Studio Scale, but it is dimensioned for the full scale.

I used the model parts and scaled them up to match the size of the original blueprints, and they are pretty darn close when it comes to proportions and detail.
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Alright. I've started a bit of 3D modeling to get all shapes sorted. I'll post pics soon. I'm looking to get an armature machined.

I was wondering if anyone has ever seen a picture of the speederbike "under construction". Anything that shows part of the inner armature under all those curvy bodyparts. Thanks!

I have a Sideshow premium format scout and speeder bike that I could take some pics of if that would help?

Hi Smally,

Please do! I've already seen a few small differences between the studio model and the sideshow bike, but it would be great to see what they did with the armature.

BTW, on the Behind the Magic CD-ROM there was also a pic of what I believe was the concept model made from actual kit parts (in a camo scheme). Pretty cool!

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:eek :eek :eek

That is so cool! wow im really impressed with the camo paint job too! looks like they used part18 from the flak38 for the underside gun. pretty neat thanks for the great pic!
Ok, sorry it took so long to get these pics up but here they are. Hope they help in some way.










If you want anymore, just let me know.

Here are a few of my current guesses. Looking at the probable concept model photo...

...the engine area where the hoses connect looks like a modified 312T injection nozzle plate. Side by side with the Brabham cowl, it looks to be the right size....not 100% but close.



Next the part in the vane section looks awfully close in shape to one of the battery mount plates also from the 312T. The bottom pic is from the ERTL kit which further confirms the shape.




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@Smally: Those are pretty nice pics thanks!. Still can't make out what Sideshow did with the armature. THink I'll just make my armature work the way I want and incorporate the visual elements I can see on the prop.

@Joe: Although it wasn't my goal I think we have a pretty decent amount of ID's to recreate the concept model at this point! :lol

@Joe: Although it wasn't my goal I think we have a pretty decent amount of ID's to recreate the concept model at this point! :lol

Hehe, yeah, it's slowly becoming my goal. I think I'll bust out some models this weekend and start looking at the measurements.

1/72 Space shuttle forward section is on the back end of it. You can see the opening for the windshield.

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