Robot Monster ( DONE! )

Re: Robot Monster ( pics of the build )

Here it is. Had to trim down the collar ( too high for me I could not see ), and the skull mask (it's on the poster ) I had in the helmet blocked air flow so it went too. I am personally pretty happy with it. The voice changer in the helmet went over very well at the party and people loved to try on the helmet for pics. Damn hot outfit, but worth it. I played the MST3K movie during the party so people could enjoy the bad movie. Good party everything went well and I hosted as Robot Monster at the door.

Thank you for reading my thread.


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Have you thought about fabric painting the skull onto some sort of breathable scrim?

I think that is a great idea. If I pull out the robot head again I will give that a try.

My party is over but everyone liked putting the helmet on. So we had some strange costume mixes like Robot Monster- Austin Powers for example.
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