Rising Sun hoverboard help needed

thanks a lot :) they've both turned out really nice! i'll post up an interest thread in the junkyard this week to see if there's any interest in a run of either board (or both)

here's a pic showing both boards :)

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What is the prices? I really want one to ride as a long board. Especially now that Boosted Boards makes an electric longboard that's only 12 lbs & goes 20 mph, I was thinking I could slap some full size Hoverboard decals on it & have an awesome fun-ctional piece of BTTF art history. Anyone here make those kind of decals? I even saw a No Tech Hoverboard made out of foam with raised decals that looked perfect for a light way to imbed the board & have it look more authentic, than nailing a replica board on top of the deck. Thoughts? :confused
Here's the link to the completed auction for the No Tech Board: No Tech
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