Recasting a Sci-Fi Icon; The Classic Star Trek Communicator

Thanks guys! It's going very well, and I should have some
really neat updates to post over the next couple of days.

...I'm pretty picky, and I want these to be perfect;)
...I'm pretty picky, and I want these to be perfect;)

Thank you, John, not only for bringing us the next in your series of ultimate ST: TOS kits, but for sharing with us your process in realizing them.

And hats off to Greg Jein for so generously allowing you (and by extension, us) such complete access to the originals! :love :thumbsup
"And hats off to Greg Jein for so generously allowing you (and by extension, us) such complete access to the originals! :love :thumbsup"

I couldn't agree more. Greg is such a wonderful guy.
Definitely one of my all-time heroes.
Really looking forward to these - and finally having the opportunity to own a screen accurate replica of an icon.

Thanks to all concerned for allowing us this opportunity.
Hi Guys-I finished the tooling, and did the first few
test-pulls. I'll show you that process later in the full
documentation I'm working on:) but in the meantime,
I thought you might get a kick out of seeing some shells.





I'll take some better pix over the weekend (in daylight.) I'm
kinda working graveyard on these right now, and the lights in
my shop arn't the greatest for taking pictures. That aside, I'm
thrilled with how these turned-out! All the neat little hand-
made quirkiness of the originals was perfectly duplicated in
these "re-casts". I'm pretty excited about this-it's just so
cool to be able to bring an accurate kit of this iconic little
prop to us Communicator fanatics! :)

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looks fantastic, John - I'll take those -- just throw in a grid and a moire disc and some control panel buttons and a midplate and we'll call it even.

Thanks guys. Notice the bump to the left of where
the control panel goes? That's an interesting little detail
that once you know is there, jumps out at you even in
screen-grabs. In fact, look closely at the picture in
"The Making Of Star Trek"-you can see it there too.
I will try to take some better pix later today/tomorrow.
These really don't do them justice. They didn't want photograph
very well under the fluorescent lights in my shop (at 2:00am:lol)

More to come!
Funny about that bump.

Now I see it everywhere.

Thanks guys. Notice the bump to the left of where
the control panel goes? That's an interesting little detail
that once you know is there, jumps out at you even in
screen-grabs. In fact, look closely at the picture in
"The Making Of Star Trek"-you can see it there too.
I will try to take some better pix later today/tomorrow.
These really don't do them justice. They didn't want photograph
very well under the fluorescent lights in my shop (at 2:00am:lol)

More to come!
Hey John,
Any updates on this? We're on pins and needles out here?

John is swamped and asked if I had time to update this thread.
This is the first prototype created from the bucks made from casting the original.


Bottom (Prototype) top (original).

Metal ring, Right (Prototype) left (original).

Right (Prototype) left (original).

Bottom (Prototype) top (original).

Inside shell detail, Bottom (replica) top (original).


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