Pulp Fiction/Giant Robo Suitcase


New Member
I'm sort of trying to kill two props with one stone.

1.Pulp Fiction has the famous suitcase in which the contents are never seen.

2.My favorite Anime Giant Robo - OVA (and predates pulp by 2 years) and has the following suitcase which contains a very importan device called the Shizuma Drive.


The suitcase in Giant Robo is very similar to the one in Pulp Fiction. And the Giant Robo case contents are weird and interesting enough I at least think to be in the Pulp case.

I have quite a few clear plastic tubes that were once used for a nebulizer which would work great for the case. The main device I plan on glowing (as it did in Pulp and Giant Robo) though one was green and the other orange/yellow.

The main piece lying the center I have not figured out what to use. A almost foot and a half long clear tube with metal or metal looking ends. I also hope to have liquid inside the device and tubes with bubbles. If this is too difficult or heavy Ill just cast the main piece out of clear resin.

The devices in the lid are going to be interesting to work on as well.
This project intrigues me!

Having a liquid with bubbles in the tubes might be a bit pf a problem, at least if you want the bubbles to stay "bubbly". Naturally, air bubbles will collect and merge into larger ones until you end up with at best a few large air pockets at the highest points of the whole system. You'd have to use a sufficiently thick "liquid" (i.e. more like a syrup) for the bubbles to stay in place. But depending on the diameter and length of the tubing, it might be difficult to get that in there in the first place.

You might also want to look into low pressure pneumatics and computer water cooling components. Some of those feature designs that are very similar to what that screenshot shows (although I figure most of those components are a bit on the expensive side to use as base materials for a prop).
Having just built a new computer the various water cooling mods people have done give me some interesting ideas. I but they wouldn't last long trying to work on Kari syrup. It would be a very heavy case as well.

Solid clear resin is another thought. It's one time bubbles won't be too much of a concern.

Bank tubes. I like that idea. I always wanted one of those carriers for its own sake.
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I've found Voss water bottles make for good impromptu Shizuma drives:

Also, I don't know if this might be of any use:

The only missing piece for me is finding a good detailed solution for the Shizuma Drive end caps. I can't think of anything that's even close "off the shelf".
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I've found Voss water bottles make for good impromptu Shizuma drives:
shizumaLLamp WIP01 - YouTube

Also, I don't know if this might be of any use:
View attachment 191430

The only missing piece for me is finding a good detailed solution for the Shizuma Drive end caps. I can't think of anything that's even close "off the shelf".

That last pic of the suitcase is great. I have a ton of Giant Robo art, magazines ect but I've never see that suitcase before.
For the bubbles, maybe putting a small fan or boat-style propeller in the end of the tube filled with water would work? If you allowed a small amount of air into the tube, you could rig it so the prop would start up when the case is opened, and it would agitate the water and air and have a constant stream of bubbles without an overly complicated set up. This is just a theory, mind you. :D

Also, I wouldn't go anywhere near an airport or government building with that thing. Haha.

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry about the double post, but also, maybe investigate aquarium air pumps? The ones they make nowadays are relatively quiet.
That last pic of the suitcase is great. I have a ton of Giant Robo art, magazines ect but I've never see that suitcase before.

Yeah, GR had a lot of press when it first started. That's from a model/hobby magazine called Model Graphix. It had a 4 page spread with all sorts of model kits, unfortunately, that case was only a prop for the photo-shoot, so there's no info about it. What I can tell you, is that the shizuma drive is filled with an apoxy resin and you can't close the case.

Sounds like you have quite a collection, but here's a page from the model/settei pack, if you haven't already seen it:
Page 71 | GR Project
Nice pic. I thought I had it. Do you run the GR site? I may have talked to before then about other related thing.

I wish I had some of the artbooks. I only have a few japanese magazines which tidbits in it.
Nice pic. I thought I had it. Do you run the GR site? I may have talked to before then about other related thing.

I wish I had some of the artbooks. I only have a few japanese magazines which tidbits in it.

Yeah, gr-project/giant-robo is my little dedicated fan site. Before that I curated giantrobo.rubberslug.com
We may have corresponded in the past...though, I'm not recalling your rpf user name...I've talked with many GR fans via my site over the years...

Most of the artbooks are just collections of what's been printed in magazines. Granted they do have some new/exclusive art, but most have the same screenshots and model sheets. If you get only one, try to track down this:
Giant Robo Perfect Establishment Data book. It's the most recent and collects everything from the older artbooks and more.

The only downside to artbooks is that due to cramming so many images on a single page, the art is really small and difficult to see any details.

If you can track down model sheets it is worth it for level of detail you can work from.
Ooh and in the corner you can see the mockup of the case.

It would been as "shizumadrive" most likely. Not fair to say remember me though. It's like asking a store owner if you remember when I came in 5 years ago. You remember the store owner but the store own see hundreds every day.
Ooh and in the corner you can see the mockup of the case.
You can see more here!

It would been as "shizumadrive" most likely. Not fair to say remember me though. It's like asking a store owner if you remember when I came in 5 years ago. You remember the store owner but the store own see hundreds every day.

"shizumadrive"?! You left a comment in the shout box on the rubberslug gallery like 7 years ago. Thanks for the kind words.
Ha ha ha I get annoyed by people who do that and ended up doing the same.

Those are nice as well. Especially for some of the rounder pieces. The main metal piece in the lid on the left I'd been looking for various weird mechanical parts. While it doesn't answer everything it does help quite a bit.
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