Prop Fan Recasting My Trigger Tip/Ring

it can be hard for people who dont want to put in the hard work for themselves to understand how wrong recasting is. It can be hard to slam people who offer you cheap knockoffs. Seriously man, whatever point your trying to make isnt a rational one. Yes, in this one case, its a trigger tip... its a principle, and it applies to ANY item someone put work into making. Prop Fan = Recaster = A-Hole
Onkelpsycho if you are simply going to say that because you think he's made quality product in the past means he wouldn't recast now you should do more research. He was called out in the past for recasting, though the details are fuzzy now since it was a while ago. I seem to remember him pleading ignorance and people let him off with an apology (mostly because the original part maker was too nice to push it further).

As to quality...the quality of his parts has LONG been questioned and he was called out on it in the past too. Buying from him was (and still is as far as I know) a crap shoot, you might get something full of bubbles or something that only needs light sanding. Look at the casts I posted, there's a huge bubble hole in one and nothing in the other. I guess some people are ok with hit or miss quality.

As I stated, his only retort to my accusation was to point out that he's essentially a master scratch builder who could easily build such a piece. So masterful that he apparently would take time and effort to duplicate every flaw and machine mark that the ones I sold would have, and he was able to do it twice.
Someday we'll wake up and there's nobody left, who can make us parts.

I assume you mean recast parts? I ask because there are tons of talented folk here that offer all sorts of parts without recasting someone else's work. I don't care if it's an entire prop or just a tiny greeblie, recasting is recasting :thumbsdown
You're not the "Man", Prop Man. More like Prop "Girly" Man. :thumbsdown

Dr. Slurpee doesn't deserve this. It discourages true artist to make stuff if they see this going on.

I mean no offense to women into proping with my girly man comment. :love
We never talked about the great stuff, Charles offers over the years. And if we talk now over Charles, we only talk over the trigger tip, that maybe is recasted. But never again over the great stuff Charles make the last years.

Someday we'll wake up and there's nobody left, who can make us parts.

We can do with less people lacking integrity. The gap will be filled with skilled and talented artisans who we can trust.
No worries about running out of the latter (or the former, sadly enough).

However, it's not too late for Prop Fan to either defend these accusations beyond a reasonable doubt, or own up to a mistake and try to make amends. Not too late at all.
Onkelpsycho if you are simply going to say that because you think he's made quality product in the past means he wouldn't recast now you should do more research. He was called out in the past for recasting, though the details are fuzzy now since it was a while ago. I seem to remember him pleading ignorance and people let him off with an apology (mostly because the original part maker was too nice to push it further).

As to quality...the quality of his parts has LONG been questioned and he was called out on it in the past too. Buying from him was (and still is as far as I know) a crap shoot, you might get something full of bubbles or something that only needs light sanding. Look at the casts I posted, there's a huge bubble hole in one and nothing in the other. I guess some people are ok with hit or miss quality.

As I stated, his only retort to my accusation was to point out that he's essentially a master scratch builder who could easily build such a piece. So masterful that he apparently would take time and effort to duplicate every flaw and machine mark that the ones I sold would have, and he was able to do it twice.

Ive never heard only one bad word about prop fans work. It can be, because Im far away of your prop scene and for sure I dont understand everything in the past. The language is always one of the points of missunderstanding.

So, Prop Fan was always a good seller, a good Maker and I remember a lot of trouble with two other guys over the proptopia (we all remember, I think) but there were never problems with Prop Fan or his parts, and since I am in the Proptopia there were were never problems.

A lot of fans and builders got charles parts and are satisfied with it. And it was great that there was someone whos offering so many parts. So maybe you understand why its so hard to believe that he recast this part.

For me, his response in the Proptopia was a clear "No, I dont recast this part" or am I wrong?!?
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Onkelpsycho, so apparently since you personally don't remember any issues with Prop Fan that means that those of us who have been around much longer are wrong? There are a LOT of people who don't have any of Prop Fan's parts because they wouldn't be happy with the hit or miss quality.

As for Prop Fan's open and shut case (according to you), I didn't realize that someone simply saying "I didn't do it" was more valid than the actual physical evidence I have pointed out. Lets see, I listed no less than 11 details that are ear marks of the pieces I offered along with photos to capture some of them as not all show up in photos. He simply says "I'm so good I wouldn't need to recast", and has a character reference from a pal of his who said he'd continue to support him regardless of if he's a recaster then thumbs his nose at the sense of community that a non-recasting policy is supposed to help create. One side of the argument seems far heavier than the other...

For anyone that wants to read his only rebuttal here it is:
Trigger Tip - Re: accusation of recasting. As long as I have been in the prop business my abilities to scratch build booster frames, gun tracks, bumpers and hollow barrel Storm Trooper Rifles is no secret. I doubt I would need to "recast" such a simple item that any fifth grader can scratch build themselves. With my abilities this item is the simplest of simple items to scratch build with one hand tied behind my back. I might ask this question though: Since John had his trigger tip manufactured and each one has slight variations where is the proof that mine is replicated from his? If this were a very detailed part I could see the point but since it is so simple to scratch build due to it's inherently simple geometric shape how is it that anyone can scream "recast"? Come on this is a hobby and it is not like we own explicit patents on these pieces. How many of us sell resin cast clippard valves, resin cast crank knobs, resin cast dale resistors, etc, that have been scratch built by individuals with their own talents and abilities? At some point in time over the years my parts have been recast but I don't throw accusation fits. Who is it that corners the market on parts that are excellently scratch built? Please let's just grow up and move on to enjoy our hobby here. Thanks.
His defense is that his skill is so great he could scratch build anything and that he never complained when he was recast (though why anyone would recast his lackingly detailed pieces I don't know), and he apparently didn't bother to read the list of details that make it stand out as a recast. Oh right, and that I should simply ignore it and enjoy the hobby...

Also in his first emailed response to me asking him about it (when I was trying to play nice) he said that the part was simple, a few cuts on a band saw and it'd be done. So we're to believe that he made 2 triggers with a band saw that perfectly match mine? I used to make these triggers by hand, using a band saw and mill, sometimes stacked 2 at a time and not even they came out being so identical in dimension like laser cut ones do. Not to mention the fact that after his cutting of the inherently simple geometric shape that was apparently too simple for his legendary skills he needed to make it a more worthwhile task for himself and decided to replicate every last unique yet "standard" detail of mine. I guess I must be crazy to not accept him at his word.
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Guys, what are you not understanding here? Or is it really as simple as greed - wanting cheap parts for your projects no matter who gets burned in the process?

John goes into the hole to produce the items no one else has. He takes the time to nail the little details no one else has gotten right, and offers them in metal. He was the first person to hit on the correct profile for the gun's heatsink, and spent hundreds to have a master machined. All of the members here who now boast an accurate hot-wire cut aluminum heatsink on your guns have that part because of John. Perhaps some of you have very short-term memories, but many of us remember 10+ years of GB prop forums during which there were no trigger tip assemblies available. Not plastic, not resin. No rings of the proper thickness, no hooks with the flat edge or proper bevels. No drilled and tapped holes to match the banjo tip's bolt. Certainly no metal assemblies, welded together, which combined all of those features - until John came along and offered them.

What's more, John never once did a part run for a profit. You may be surprised to hear that John does not have his own pack, and never has. He hasn't even been able to always keep a copy of parts he's sold. John loves propmaking, and the research involved, and the idea of an ideal prop community. He makes these parts because there's a legitimate hole to fill there; he chooses these specific projects because no one else has done them or done them RIGHT and we're all clamoring for them. He could charge twice what he does for his parts and most people would still buy them, and maybe John could have bought a fiberglass shell or all the other parts he needs and he'd have his own complete setup by now. In this case, he charged enough to cover the cost of keeping TWO TRIGGER TIPS for himself. And they even cost him something if he were to figure in gas to visit the machinist or his hours in planning the specs. They were basically given to all of us AT COST because John believes in a prop COMMUNITY. More so than any other builder I've talked to. Hell, I've tried to get John to charge more because I think he deserves to fund his own pack project off of the parts he's supplied all of us with - he REFUSES!

Now, while some of you are quick to point out that this is a "small" part and not something to get worked up over, perhaps you should take a moment and consider how much cheap resin it takes to crank out that "small" part. You know, I doubt John would have minded someone casting it up, with permission, and selling them AT COST, like he did. He wants people to have these parts- that's why he makes them. That would require asking John for his permission and then selling them for less than a dollar each, though. Do you guys really think it's right for someone to make $5+ a pop off of John's work, which John basically gave to us for free? It's wrong, and there's no two ways about it.

Charles says "a few cuts" and this piece basically makes itself. He says "a fifth grader could make it." He doesn't claim to have painstakingly recreated all of those minute details which appear on John's laser-cut, welded, drilled and tapped metal replicas. "The simplest of simple parts" for someone of his skill. I would never have knocked Charles' parts in the past on this forum, because I think there's room for every level of accuracy and every level of builder and collector - but anyone who knows Charles' parts would have to admit that this is a level of detail he's just never gone to before on any of his parts. And why this one? Why get down to replicating the flaws on a small detail piece like the trigger tip when entire proportions of more major pieces have been considered "close enough" so many times in the past? And if this is such an easy piece to whip together, why did it take John's product before ANYONE offered this assembly before? The demand's always been high.

John's not vindictive. He first tried to settle this off the board, in private. There would have been no repercussions for Charles, no banning, no humiliation, no one would ever have known about this latest incident of recasting. Anyone saying that banning him (which is policy on this and most prop forums for recasting) is too harsh should know that he brought it on himself.

Charles' silence on this matter since his first unconvincing post is very depressing. He should really step up and give John the apology that he's owed. And the rest of you who are saying that it doesn't matter should do the same, and maybe thank him for what he's given to this community. Hopefully you didn't convince him to walk away entirely. I know he's considering it.

- Douglas
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I know that I am new but I know what recasting is. I was going to hold my tongue as I am new to the forum, but I can't any longer because of the ignorant posts made. To accept something against all evidence is idiotic.

I have to agree with Westies on this.

Dr. Slurpee has provided numerous examples of tells.

I say banishment!
Yeah, I am a bit curious as to why there hasn't been a response.

Sorry to hear about this, John. I hope it works out.
That is too bad, John. Sorry to hear about this. I am also for banning those who recast others parts. This seems to be a clear-cut case.
John did contact the staff about this issue and it was our desire that Prop Fan might address these issues in the thread.

I have gone ahead and emailed Prop Fan with a link to the thread.


John did contact the staff about this issue and it was our desire that Prop Fan might address these issues in the thread.

I have gone ahead and emailed Prop Fan with a link to the thread.


He'd best be about getting on it then, Bryan. That is some damning evidence, and frankly, people have been banned for FAR less.
Yep FB that's him. He usually only comes around the forums to bump his sale threads.

I'd like to add that I first emailed him privately to ask about this on June 17, I asked for photos, so he's already had 3 weeks to give something. So far the only ones to have seen any photos are his friends who said the photos were not good quality, perhaps blurry, and one even told me that even with the crappy photos it was clear the single master (he has 2 seperate casts) was not the same as the casts.
New guy to the forum I am curious.
Is there anything that could be done on propfan's part to diffuse the situation? I guess what I am asking is, do these things ever end well. and is that even possible in a situation like this?
What do you expect dr_slurpee? Or at this point is it solely about crime and punishment?
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