problems with fan universe creations uk

I wasn't saying anyone in this thread is in the wrong. I just wanted to highlight the fact that they are re casters so that future readers of this thread are sure to notice :)
Like you point out though, I doubt they will get much business in the future anyway.

I'm no expert on Batman but kapow7 would be a good place to start.
Unfortunately, I have to get in on this too... I ordered the gauntlets in October with an ETA of early November. Spotty email communication since then. I got the "your item will be with you soon" message in January, stumbled on this thread and then saw all the facebook page complaints before they were deleted. I sent 4 messages to get a status update, but haven't heard back from them since... I'd like to believe that we'll still get our (recasted!?!) ;( gauntlets or money back but...
All our hopes and dreams are resting on that tracking number link @fra dark knight ;)
I'm no expert on Batman but kapow7 would be a good place to start.[/QUOTE]

+1 for Jons' Batman props. Not sure if he's doing the gauntlets, but my TDK cage has quite a few of his gadgets ;)
Hi, new to this forum, but found it due to problems with FUC, cowl ordered in early December, some e-mails- now stopped entirely and needed to vent my frustration about this company.
All Facebook posts deleted and a new e-mail name on his eBay seller page.
Basically have no idea what to do next!!!
I received this message from FUC this morning after I started all the fires this week:

Hi Darren,

I understand that you would want a refund, thing is that I have shipped your Gauntlets this morning (the courier has been to collect it an hour ago - I have added the tracking information to the PayPal transaction as well).
You can check your tracking status later once the courier has been to the depot to drop off the parcel for scan tonight - you would be able to see that is has been collected and that it is due to arrive on Tuesday next week.

With all the threats coming my way I have worked through the night to finish a few items so I can ship them out today before the weekend. I understand that I have caused all of this by being too slow with production and everything, but now I have actually finished your Gauntlets and sent the off - so now I’m not sure what you would like me to do? Please let me know.

Kind regards,
Selena also listed an apology on her Facebook page. I also confirmed UPS picked up my order. So, things are going in the right direction. My only concern now is that the items I ordered live up to expectations. I'm afraid they may have been rushed and corners were cut to meet the my demands. I will post an update when the items arrive next week.

In the meantime, lets be patient and give Selena a chance. I know what it's like when health issues slow you down. Had she explained this to us earlier I'm sure we all would have been fine with waiting. My issue was never so much the time it took to get my items; rather, the lack of communication from FUC when I repeatedly asked for an update. Then all the other complaints from other customers started coming out and red flags and sirens started going off everywhere.

I've dealt with Fan Universe before, I don't recommend them. They'll *eventually* get you the product but they really suck with deadlines and managing expectations. Also I have yet to see them advertise an actual photo of their work, probably because their quality is very very average, and in some cases arrives with minor defects from what I've gathered from another forum member.

My only purchase from them was their TDK cape, and even though I wasn't expecting much for that price point, I was still disappointed. First they took forever to ship it out, and when they created a shipping label they basically sat on it for 2 or 3 weeks, probably did that to cover their ass with PayPal. Their cape material was too velvet and the length was a good few inches shorter than ideal for a stunt cape. I already own coofunkcurly's hero cape and was getting a 2nd cape just for trooping around in more crowded venues so I'll stick with it, but the bang for buck wasn't there.

Also bear in mind this is a company that created an account on this forum and pretended to be a happy customer, posting rave reviews about them and subsequently getting banned within a few days. I wonder, shouldn't they focus their time and effort more on getting product out the door than creating spammer accounts on forums?
today on Facebook

"I would like to publicly apologise to everyone for not having responded to everybody's emails for so long. I'm truly overwhelmed with everything at the moment and I know that it looks extremely dodgy and unprofessional on my side - I'm good at making props - I'm an artist - but have yet to learn to organise and manage the rest and up my performance in that area by 200%. I have stopped taking direct orders for now until I've caught up with everything. This is entirely my fault as I have been too slow, too scattered with my ADD brains, and the stress of everything has been affecting my health as well which has only increased the backlog to absolute overwhelming amounts. I want to be honest with ya'll - even if it makes me look absolutely unprofessional, I'd rather be open and show that I'm merely human - and that humans sometimes don't handle pressure and stress all that well not realising the extent to which it can cause themselves and others damage.

I hope that you can forgive me for my shortcomings, and that you won't judge me too harshly.

- Selena"

yesterday i've send an email to selena, i asked if the shipping was confirmed...she answered me with positive message. next week i'll have my gauntlets
Dear members of therpf and Fan Universe Creations customers who have been waiting for much longer than is fair in any situation.

My name is Selena Johnson and I'm the person in charge of making the props and responding to emails at Fan Universe Creations.

I came here to publicly apologise and own up for my recent shortcomings. There are a few accusations floating around here as well which I would like to set straight, but first I want to make everybody understand that I completely own up to the fact that I have been extremely *****ty* at following through with deadlines and responding to emails and as if that wasn't already enough, I've had constant obstacles thrown in my way making a complete mess of everything. I've been struggling with organising the production as it's only just me who is working on the items and what started out as an easy to do job with a simple order turned into an overload of work which I lost control over, and once people start threatening you and using nasty language in emails, it will quickly become a daily nightmare.

I am scared out of my mind now that I see the full extent to which my shortcomings are affecting everybody, and I feel ashamed that I wasn't able to better handle everything.

This is all entirely my fault and I have been struggling for quite a while now trying to make it right but only becoming more and more overwhelmed to the point of complete desperation.

I could try to explain how it even got this far but to be completely honest I don't even know how exactly this all happened. I just know that I tried every day to somehow work through it and spent hours trying to organise it, and trying to communicate in a way that would make it a little bit easier, but there came a point where I spent more time writing emails than actually making items, again leading to me not being able to meet the discussed deadlines.

So I want everyone here who is burning red-hot with rage to please send me another email, so I can start afresh to deal with you in the way that you deserve, and standing up for the fact that I have failed so tremendously.

The reason I've deleted all the comments on Facebook is because I decided to start cleaning up the mess I have created directly.

And the reason the eBay account kept changing was because of listing limits - which now doesn't matter because I've stopped listing and selling completely so that I can sort this out.

It makes me sad to see though that there are also a few things being said here that really aren't true.

Such as:

Our items are NOT recasts - and it is very frustrating to have someone else say this to you when you spent months sculpting something to only have them say to you that all that work is a lie. Our items are NOT recasts. They have been sculpted by myself.
We did actually post a few real pictures. I will post a few real pictures here as well if you don't mind:

So, I guess in the end everybody will just believe what they want to believe - I know that I have certainly caused enough reason for everybody not to believe a word I say - but I hope that the fact that I came here to own up to everything publicly and continuing to make items and ship them out as soon as possible - will show you that I'm not actually a bad person - that I've made quite a few mistakes which have escalated - and that I'm now here to make it right somehow. It would be nice to see people post here who actually have gotten their items and were very pleased with them - but unfortunately those people don't look for forums talking about bad experiences - and in the end it doesn't change the fact that I have been neglecting communication and meeting deadlines - and I'm deeply sorry.

Kindest regards,
Fan Universe Creations
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Could you post wip photos please of your work.

Hi kapow7,

do you mean work in progress from when I sculpted them? If so, I have found the once from the Gauntlets on my hard drive but I have to dig up the pictures of the Joker and Cowl as I'm not sure where I saved them, as it has been such a long time ago but if I find them I will post them.

For now I have the Gauntlets base here (the fins and top part must be somewhere else on my computer or another hard drive or USB stick but I can't find them at the moment)

I started with the rough sculpt at the beginning and showing the progress towards the end:

gts ip.jpgIMG_1523.JPGIMG_1522.JPGIMG_1530.jpgIMG_1538.jpgIMG_1539.jpgIMG_1750.jpgIMG_1543.jpgIMG_1776.jpgIMG_1767.JPGIMG_1771.jpgIMG_1763.jpgIMG_1757.jpg

That's what I have found so far, the last picture is still a somewhat rough sculpt, there was more fine tuning after that but as I said I can't find the rest at the moment, if you want any pictures of the actual props in progress, I can post them while I'm working on them today. Let me know if that was what you meant. And I'm going to try and dig up the pics of the Cow and Neck Armour and Joker Mask sculpting progress if I can find them somewhere...


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Thank you for your reply

So where are the recast accusations coming from? Do you have evidence? Whatever the poor business practices of the seller are, recasting accusations should be backed up with evidence, and we haven't seen any in this thread.
Information I was give was from a friend who has gauntlets from HK and them and said they was the same other than changes made to removing part
And it's been talked about on several other boards
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