Playing with foam....

A little different & some new challenges ... a realistic foam crowbar & lump hammer commission for stage use designed so that you can throw at/hit someone with, without killing them! Great fun to do ..


As always C&C's welcome.




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Workbench Wednesday has come around again. Just a couple of projects on the go .. beginning to come together ...


As always C&C's welcome

Your foam work and painting are amazing, MungBean. I've decided to take up your invitation.

Quick invite to all 'foam smiths' out there ... I've shown you mine so feel free to show me yours! By all mean add to this thread and show what you've built. I am simply amazed by the amount of talent that you guys have got for building stuff!


I am a total novice at this hobby, so I wanted to start small. A skullcap or cervelliere was fun to try.
I have a lot to learn and look forward to your updates.


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I'm not here t fo(a)ment anything, but you leave us foaming at the mouth for more.

Is it foam-fitting? I'm gonna foam my friends! Do people know this isn't real, that it is foany ?
spacedog - Many thanks, really appreciated. That's skullcap's looking really good, keep it up. It maybe the picture doesn't do the final piece justice, but you could try adding a few more washes (dark brown/black ) to the final piece to really bring out the detail and give it some more depth, either way it's still fantastic!
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Hi All,
I've added these as separate threads (apologies for the double posts) but just for continuity and to keep this up to date, latest completed projects shown below:

Fantasy Armour (helmet, shoulder, upper/lower arm):

Witch King of Angmar:

Viking Berserker Mask from Ubisoft For Honor:

As always C&C's welcome!


- - - Updated - - -

I'm not here t fo(a)ment anything, but you leave us foaming at the mouth for more.

Is it foam-fitting? I'm gonna foam my friends! Do people know this isn't real, that it is foany ?

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear ... :facepalm
MungBean - Thank you for the advice. I added a couple of muddy washes and then I used a little rub n buff to shine up the larger areas.
Hopefully these are better photographs to show the change in depth on the silver. I'd love to know what you use to make that rust effect.
On to the next project.


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spacedog .. that's nice looking great depth on the shading.

For the rust effects as I've never got on with the powders, what I tend to do is add a small amount of sand (salt also works) to the rust coloured paint mix (I use acrylics). Make it kind a of claggy/gloopy mix that you can still paint on. Slap it on where rust would naturally occur & wait for it to dry. You get this lovely subtle crusty texture .. it is a bit of trial and error but then again rust is never uniform so it doesn't really matter if you screw it up! After it's all dry dependant on what it looks like and the effect I'm after I may knock it back a bit with some further highlighting/dry brushing. I'll sometimes also add a couple of very thin washes if I think it needs to blend together a bit more ... hope this helps..

look forward to see what you come up with next ..

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Knight Warden 'great helm' based on UbiSoft's For Honor game is getting there. Needs another 1-2 coats of latex and then ready for paint!

great_helm.jpg for_honor_warden.jpg warden_greathelmLHS.jpg warden_greathelmRHS.jpg

As always C&C's welcome

For Honor Knight Warden 'great helm' now has 1st drybrush/wash added .. starting to come together but still not quite right. A few more dry brush/wash combos i think are required to add some depth, then I can add some heraldry and weathering.

warden_greathelmRHS1stcoat.jpg warden_greathelmLHS1stcoat.jpg

As always C&C's welcome!

Amazing paint work! The faded, flaking paint and rust effect are top notch.
Makes me envious. I hope to have some wip photos soon.
This is my attempt at a "grenade face" helmet. I've tried using bondo spot putty to smooth and fix the seams for the first time with limited success.
It's going to take some practice to get better at it, but I'm happy with how it is coming together. I'm almost to the point of painting it.

Looking good there spacedog. I use decorators caulk (sorry don't know what this would be called in Canada) to fill seams as when dry you can sand but it still retains some flexibility. Do I spy Kylo Ren & Bobba Fett lurking in the background?

Keep it going my friend!

Thanks MungBean. You are correct, those are Kylo, Boba, and Phasma sitting on the piano.
They are waiting for me to get a lot more skilled before I try "fixing" them.
My family and I are planning a casual Star Wars cosplay in September.

I need to work on cleaning up my edges and globs of glue etc.
I'm guessing decorators caulk is not silicone? I read somewhere you can't paint it once it's dry (plus you can't sand it).
I'll check around for it if you tell me the brand name.

The helmet is coming along. I've decided to go with the orange checked face plate since the couple other helmets I've seen went silver and I want to be different.
The hard part is the weathering. It's fun, but obviously takes practice. The art renderings make it hard to tell if the brim is leather or metal. I'll have to decide soon though.
What do you cover your helmet with after you've painted it? Do you use a clear coat so the paint doesn't rub off?

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spacedog .. that's coming along nicely.

I think in the States (and possibly Canada?) it's made by a company called DAP? I found a link to what I think is something similar to what I use: to give an idea. You're right about not using anything Silicone based!

Yep, weathering just takes practice & it's one thing I love playing about with. I'm forever taking pics of rusty metal, eroding concrete, moss covered stuff and god know what else on my phone when I'm out n' about (drives my other half nuts!) & then use these when I'm looking at weathering things. For leather try googling images of worn/beaten up leather jackets etc. to give you an idea of what it looks like. As it's 'weathering' even if you screw it up it doesn't really matter too much as nothing ever wears/weathers in a uniform way (or the same way twice). Forgotten the amount of times I've made build mistakes or screwed things up & then covered it up by 'weathering' it :0)

Main thing is play & try different things out. For the great helm paint chipping I used a salt mask technique (I think there's a tutorial on RPF somewhere) that I've used before but never on foam so had no idea if it would work. When it was all dry, rather than brush the salt off to reveal what's underneath I decided to scrape it away with a Stanley Knife to be a bit more brutal & see if I could get that paint peel effect - it worked, but I had no idea if it would!

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MungBean Thanks for telling me about the salt mask. I found the thread and tried it out and I'm pretty happy with how it worked.
I've started my next project, another helmet, but it looks so terrible I'm going to hold off on putting up pics of it for now. I'm trying something much more difficult and...we'll see.
Here are some pics of the finished grenadeface helmet.
I also found the DAP product you told me about, so I'll give it a go.

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