Original Golden Idol from Raiders here...

Yeah, it has been restored! Not sure exactly when it was restored, but it was damaged while they were using it in the movie, and the damage can actually be seen on screen!
I know for many years it has been hugely debated if a frown mouth idol ever actually appeared on film in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

After seeing some new screen grabs from the Raiders blu-ray, I think I am convinced that this type idol can be seen!

Although on the picture below, you can not clearly see the corners of the idols mouth, the shape of the upper lip, which dips down in the centre, is exactly like the frown mouth idols, and not like the Hero or Belloq idol.

See what you guys think:


And a frown mouth idol to compare it to:



I know for many years it has been hugely debated if a frown mouth idol ever actually appeared on film in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

After seeing some new screen grabs from the Raiders blu-ray, I think I am convinced that this type idol can be seen!

Although on the picture below, you can not clearly see the corners of the idols mouth, the shape of the upper lip, which dips down in the centre, is exactly like the frown mouth idols, and not like the Hero or Belloq idol.

See what you guys think:


And a frown mouth idol to compare it to:




Can't believe I missed this Andy. That really does appear to be a curled down idol. If so, that is huge! Do you know when this frame is from?
I have the idol that Indy throws in the escape sequence, it was presented to my uncle who worked on the film and I inherited when he passed away , it is a resin cast stunt and is painted to resemble the idol on the (decending ) column.
Going through my old Comic-Con photos, I found several of the Prop Store Idol that I had taken back in '09. Andy, I know you requested these (over a year ago), but I thought I'd bring this thread to the top again with a post containing some new images. Hope these are enlightening, or at least entertaining.

Kind regards,

Interesting that the auction says the idol is of Pachamama... first time I've heard that name associated with the prop.
So who is currently making the best idol? I saw a SideShow idol at a store the other day and I wasn't impressed (plus the lacquer over the gold paint was flaking off, it looked bad). I've been waiting years to get a good one and I'm not sure any currently on ebay currently cut the mustard.
Interesting that the auction says the idol is of Pachamama... first time I've heard that name associated with the prop.

And they have it so totally out of context. Pachamama is the mother of the earth in the Andes, not of fertility.

I can't count the number of times we poured a sip of beer on the ground upon opening the can, as tribute to her before drinking.

Very traditional in that zone.
Going through my old Comic-Con photos, I found several of the Prop Store Idol that I had taken back in '09. Andy, I know you requested these (over a year ago), but I thought I'd bring this thread to the top again with a post containing some new images. Hope these are enlightening, or at least entertaining.

What did this prop sell for? I sort of like this one. It has the feel of the screen version.