Nintendo is releasing a miniature NES with 30 built-in games

Really, here's the smart move:

You release this item to test the market's appetite. It comes with 30 games pre-loaded. You can't add more.

Then around Xmas 2017, you release the 2.0 version. THIS one has a port to attach to an ethernet jack or wifi connector (sold separately), and you can buy individual cartridges, priced at between $1.99 and $5.99 each, or buy themed bundles for anywhere from $20-60 a pop. The new device's storage is, like, a 32gb thumb drive, so you could conceivably download the entire NES library onto a single device if you're willing to pay. That package, by the way, is available at a bargain for the low, low price of $1000.
I suspect they will do what Atari has done and release numerous versions with different games on each new one.
Honestly, either option is fine for me. I hope it sells enough for more versions to come.

As long as the quality is there, I have no problem giving them my money.
Oh man... just reading those titles... the fun of just plugging in a game and playing right away...

no hours of story... no cinematics... a controller with 2 buttons....

Just down a gin and Redbull and clean King Hippo's clock. (I say that cuz I never beat Tyson).
I've been playing all my old favorite NES games for years on the MAME software on my PC (for free) and yet this still appeals to me.

Something is wrong with me.

Im the same exact way. Guess we are what you call "diehard" fans. Hell I still go to swap meets and look for cartridges when I know I already have the playable game somewhere.
Solo4114 Bionic Commando is one of the greatest games I have ever played. Did you play Bionic Commando Rearmed on the Xbox arcade a few years ago? He could jump!

Side note, when I was a kid, I didnt know that you were killing Hitler at the end of the game.
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I'll be all over this and the Sega one. Have the old systems but this is cheap and cool. :)

Does Nintendo have the rights to all the old 3rd party games?

If so, why not make one with every game made including famicom versions and sell it for 150-200?

Or use the old cartridge slot for microSD cards.

This is Soo close to being awesome.

The problem is, most who would want this, already has these games... But might not have or want to spend big bucks for megaman6...

Kind of a missed opportunity...

Here's hoping for a 2.0 or a secret card slot under that door!!!
Hopefully they figure this out considering apparently there's another sega version coming out with all new games on it. I have amazon ready to email me when it becomes available, i'm sure even if it sells out they'll make more on back order.
I have the Sega one and its pretty terrible. The sound is just awful. I always plugged in my own controller, but I read that the included controller is also really bad.
But at least you can plug in your own game and then its fine. Best feature is its size. But most of the games I played on Sega Genesis were re released on newer systems anyways. The one game I had wanted to play for years was Sonic CD, after my Sega CD died. Thankfully they finally did release it for PS3.
A part of me wants this but another doesn't. To reiterate others, only 30 games? For less than the selling price of this machine, you can get a Raspberry Pi and set it up with not just NES but SNES emulators and get the entire catalogue for both consoles for free. Slap that in a box with NES decals (which can also be found freely) or use them prop making skills to make an NES shell and buy one of those NES-but-not-to-avoid-legal-troubles controllers for real cheap and wham, bam, thank you, ma'am; you're gaming old-school but in the future. It's a helluva lot more cost effective in the long run too if they're gonna do future versions.
I have the Sega one and its pretty terrible. The sound is just awful. I always plugged in my own controller, but I read that the included controller is also really bad.
But at least you can plug in your own game and then its fine. Best feature is its size. But most of the games I played on Sega Genesis were re released on newer systems anyways. The one game I had wanted to play for years was Sonic CD, after my Sega CD died. Thankfully they finally did release it for PS3.

None of those sega systems have good speakers but i usually have the sound off. I have the handheld genesis and it has an SD slot that runs roms so you can put every genesis and i think maybe master system games on it. That said it's picky about what sd cards you use.
But the thing is this: this isn't really a real re-release of the original NES system. This is looks more like a Raspberry Pi unit in a scaled down NES case. But then again, I already have an NES and some games I wanted. So I guess I won't really judge.