Nightwing EVA Foam build

What kind of foam are you using? Ive been getting the sheets from my local fabric store (Michaels, and Hobby Lobby) and they dont look like what you are using.
weird ! :O ... i got the foam from micheals too ( they have letter size foam sheets, 1/4" of thickness ) and i bought a big anti-fatigue mat roll from walmart. that's all man.
they are different though, the foam from walmart it's like ... ugly jaja , and the sheets from micheals looks really cool. the previous pic, almost all the pieces are made from the foam from micheals the only piece that is from the foam that i bought from walmart is the piece that is between the chest and the abs, the one that looks like a seagull :p
Ive been having issues getting the paint to look right, ive been experimenting on scarps for awhile and they all just look sponge-y. even after i modgepodge or plastidip them.
Ive been having issues getting the paint to look right, ive been experimenting on scarps for awhile and they all just look sponge-y. even after i modgepodge or plastidip them.

Well, i did seal my foam first with my heath gun, did you try that before plastidip and mod podge ? ...

i did a little progress today, made the pieces that are like... rib cage armor ? anyway :p ... i haven't glued nothing these days because is damn hot outside and i really don't want to turn off the A/C to open the window of my room ( i'm using contact cement ) so i'm working just in cut and design. still have a lot of work xD

I'm still thinking about the legs... i think i'm gonna do something like what DynamiteWebber did with his new 52 nightwing cosplay ( amazing ! ) but i don't know yet what kind of shoes i'm gonna wear -_- ...any advice ?


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Straps and velcro ! .... at first i thought that i could just use contact cement on the undersuit and the armor but ... i didn't figure out how to do that, in a way that the armor pieces were aligned and everything... so i'm taking the straps and velcro way :p, besides i only have two more weeks to finish this before SDCC and i don't have a lot of free time D:
well... i think today made a lot of progress :p ... put the velcro and the straps to the knee and shin armor, also i made a mask... it's not what i wanted, i bought latex and a friend was supposed to helped me to make a mold of my face and all, but my friend is really busy and can't help me right now and is too late to order one from tiger stone FX , so... i worked with what i have :p ....

i thought that would be cool add detail to some of the pieces with .... puppet eyes ! xD haha they look nice once you painted them ... you still can hear the eyes moving though.
Also i join the abs armor because i think that is going to be easier attach them to the undersuit that way.

i began to put plastidip to some pieces that are finished, like one forearm, the abs and the mask... this week i'll be working on the back and if i have the time the escrima sticks... so i can do paint job, the next weekend, i would like to give a carbon fiber look to some of the pieces, i haven't do that before but i hope that turns out well :)

any thoughts ? suggestions ? ...

Time goes so fast :( ... SDCC Is Coming, valar morghulis u_u


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Looking great! Damn wish I could go to the SDCC. Couldn't get tickets and I'll be in town that week too. Can't wait to see your finished build!
Awesome progress! Looking forward to seeing it all together.

On the carbon fiber texture, you could try getting door screen (you can usually get it in rolls at the hardware store). Cut that to the size of the pieces and contact cement it down. Then, coat over it with your ModPodge and Plastidip. That screen is pretty flexible and can be molded around complex curves (like the chest and shoulders) as long as they aren't too crazy.

Awesome progress! Looking forward to seeing it all together.

On the carbon fiber texture, you could try getting door screen (you can usually get it in rolls at the hardware store). Cut that to the size of the pieces and contact cement it down. Then, coat over it with your ModPodge and Plastidip. That screen is pretty flexible and can be molded around complex curves (like the chest and shoulders) as long as they aren't too crazy.


Interesting SMP ....i'll try to get some of that door screen to try it thanks for the tip :D .... today i tried the " trick " of the caron fiber effect made with those anti slip mats... but maybe it's not that good or i did it wrong xD haha i didn't take a picture of it, but i'll do it later to show you my mess :p ( i tried on a scrap piece )

today i plastidiped the shin armor and painted, the logo ... i didn;t like it at the start but, after some more layers of paint i did like it :p ....i decided to leave the black parts just with the black plastidip... i think that looks cool that way.

It's the first time i paint something with spray paint .... when i did my Red hood Helmet i use a borrewed airbrush ( great results ! ) but this time my friend could not borrow his airbrush :/

What do you think ? :D

Thanks !


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Ugh i hate sewing the velcro .... do you know if i can use contact cement to attach the foam pieces to my undersuit ? ...i think i can, but i don't know how... i think that i would need to have some kind of mannequin or something like that , or maybe wear my undersuit with another clothes under the undersuit so the contact cement don't touch my skin .... what do you think ? that would be easier ?
Ugh i hate sewing the velcro .... do you know if i can use contact cement to attach the foam pieces to my undersuit ? ...i think i can, but i don't know how... i think that i would need to have some kind of mannequin or something like that , or maybe wear my undersuit with another clothes under the undersuit so the contact cement don't touch my skin .... what do you think ? that would be easier ?

Have you thought about using neodymium magnets? You can cement them to the foam and then just use them on the inside of the under suit to snap them in place. They're crazy strong and your pieces will be removable for cleaning and touch ups.
Have you thought about using neodymium magnets? You can cement them to the foam and then just use them on the inside of the under suit to snap them in place. They're crazy strong and your pieces will be removable for cleaning and touch ups.

That would be great.... can i found them at home depot ( any other hardware/ craft store ) or do i need to order them online D: ?
i found the magnets at home depot 12 per pack ( at micheals they only sell you 6 per pack and are more expensive a dollar expensive :p ) buuuut when i arrive at home, my mom ask me " how are you going to attach that to your suit ? " and she look at the magnets and .... well, she decided that she would help me to sew the velcro to the undersuit, i guess she didn't like the magnets idea haha, and yes she sew all the upper armor velcros in like an hour o_O by hand... so, thanks mom !.... i just need to finish the back and i'll see if i can finish the escrima sticks...

Well.. here is a couple of pictures of the progress( i hate the flash of my phone but my room don't have a good lighting) , need to put plastidip on the left forearm and paint it, i really didn't know what to do with the biceps, i had another ideas but those would take more time ( that i don't have, i'll be going to comic-con from friday ) and take something inspired by the Dynamite Webber's Nightwing costume.

i'll be posting a Fit-test soon :)

Thanks !


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Hi !

here are some pictures from comic-con .... the costume is 90% finished i think , i still want to add some neck armor, the things on the sides of the abs ( i already made those but didn't had the time to attach them to the undersuit) add more details to the legs and make the sticks .... i like the results so far :)

ps. my girlfriend made her katana's cosplay two days before :p ... i helped her to made the mask and the knee pads.


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