Well, looks like I made my first posting mistake by posting an intro outside of this thread! Please don't hurt me!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm Eric and a newbie to RPF. I'm a Redmond tech company minion and this is what I do in my ample free time.

I've been looking through your forum for the past week and I can't tell you how helpful you all have been and how impressed I am at the level of skill and talent here. Truly amazing!

In taking the PKD collection plunge, I have ordered a Enforcer Snub kit from Rick Ross which I should get early next week, hopefully. His work is wonderful and a natural extension of the Blade Runner aesthetic, IMO. Can't wait to start on the build. This will be my second build (I built a long rifle from a kit in high school.) I'll post pics as I progress.

Also, I've committed myself to purchasing a fully-assembled World Con Blaster from Richard Coyle. It''ll be an awesome Christmas present to myself.

Future plans include:
- Tomenosuke Rubber Blaster
- Tomenosuke Blaster Pro kit (if they release more next year)
- Assorted Star Trek (film and TV) phasers and communicators (I watched TOS as a kid when it originally aired...and on a B&W TV!)
- Mal's Pistol from Firefly/Serenity
- The Korben Dallas Blaster from The Fifth Element
That should be good for starters.

Yep, I caught the bug bad but this is one of those YOLO moments! And Blade Runner is my all-time favorite movie!

I hope I can ask questions along the way given all of your collective knowledge. (And please let me know if I overstep any forum rules as I learn my way around.)

Thanks everyone!
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Hello Everyone :)
I discovered this site yesterday and thought wow this is cool, so have joined. I am interested in making costumes/props from Doctor Who mainly. I belong to a club that has been going 30 years and needs something to spice it up. So I thought why not. First project will be to try and make the foam cyberman costume. Having never done anything like this, its going to be intersting and hopefully a lot of fun :D
Catch you all on the threads :)
My name is Jessie and I'm to the board. Hello. I teach computer graphics during the year and fashion design during the summer, and I geek out over making things with my hands whenever possible. I'm prone to fixating on books, movies, and characters that interest me and then obsessing over little costume details that no one cares about, so I love reading the posts on here by such a huge community of like minds.

Usually my creative binges follow the following formula:

Step 1: get very sick or very injured so I can't leave the house.
Step 2: get stir crazy and decide to learn a new medium through internet research so I don't start setting small fires to alleviate the monotony.
Step 3: parade around the house in a cast/sling/cold-medicine haze swinging the new sword I just built in my attic studio.

This summer I sprained my left ankle and got a crazy throat infection, so I learned how to work with leather by making a bunch of skull masks. Once I got the handle of this I made suit of armor based on my D&D character and wore it to a few events. I was on a roll, so I decided to go for something different after I'd finished the armor. I made myself a Captain Jack Sparrow costume using Halloween as an excuse. Sadly, I sprained my right ankle a week before Halloween and got stuck in the house again, so now I'm working on a Fili and Kili head to toe set from scratch so my husband and I can wear them to an event in the spring. I don't sit still well, but at least I'm productive.

Here are a few photos of the most recent things I've made. I'll share more as I finish more, though hopefully I don't have to sustain another injury to make something cool.

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Hello, new here. Came across the site looking for BTTF replicas, found some amazing info. Love BTTF, slowly building my collection, also collect anything Marvel. Looking to get some replica Air Mags and mod them, following advice and tuts I've found on here. Cheers for now!!
Hi there,
I'm a big Lord of the Rings fan and collect all sorts of props from the movies. I also do a lot of Stormtrooping; I love going out to take pictures and give high fives to kids and adults.
I hope to learn more about making my own pieces for convention use, or just to have.
Hey there all! I learned about this site from Richard Coyle over on Prop Summit! He and I have been working on a project of mine (I will have to discuss after being a member here for a bit longer) dealing with the blaster from Blade Runner. BR is really my main sci fi film and I find its props and fans to be of the highest quality and fun to geek out with. I'm also an enormous Star Wars geek and love those films almost as much as any I have ever watched!?!
My main hobby right now is building Blade Runner blasters and collecting props from the film...I have been a huge fan for years but started my collection only a few years ago...hope to learn more about the film and meet some other fans here as well...if anyone has any questions about thefilm or props if I can help I will...great to be here...Cheers!
Greetings from Holland :D
My first ever post on the RPF. I'm a new member and just started my first build.
Mjolnir - The hammer of Thor. I'm 4 to 5 hours into the build. Just let me know what you think so far... any tips suggestions are welcome. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress.
Hey there!
I'm a big comic book fan and I've wanted to craft some superhero/video game costumes for a while now. I searched online and couldn't find anything helpful to get any ideas off the ground before I found this site.
I've been lurking around this website for sometime now and I see a lot of cool stuff come out of here. And while I've had an account here for a couple months i haven't used it and don't really understand how to use this website.
If anyone can show me the ropes and help me get connected it would be much appreciated!

Cheers everyone! Like many, I stumbled onto RPF thanks to @Donttrythis. The talent within this community is truly amazing and has inspired me to finally try my hand at some steampunk-themed projects I've been obsessing over lately.

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Hi I'm john. My buddy told me about this and it's pretty awesome all the stuff you guys build. I've always loved building props for Halloween or for anything at all. This year I did my biggest costume prop to date. The slime blower from ghostbusters 2 ( not screen accurate)
Hey Guys! New to RPF!

Hello everyone,

I'm new to RPF but I really like the community around here. I'm big into costuming and I just recently got into pepakura, so I joined the site for occasional advice. I'm currently working on a ROTJ Boba Fett costume using pepakura for the hard pieces. I've also been looking at doing an Iron Man or Master Chief on the side. I've never built hard pieces for any costume I've ever done before, so this is all new to me.

Just dropping in to say "hi"

Joshua C.
Greetings I'm Albert. I'm into filmmaking and I just got recently into cosplay making this past Halloween year 2013!

I want to learn how to make costume and prop designs by hand before buying a 3D printer do that work for me.

My first attempt to creating my first cosplay character was after watching the Batman Arkham Origins trailer. Deathstroke caught me eye and I decided to give him a try. So I did and started using foam mat materials when I was reading some tutorials online. Bought some extra tools to help me out and bought more materials for my build.

It was successful, but after putting on the costume on Halloween Night everything fell apart literally my body armor wasn't properly attached to my body and I didn't know how to do so.

I learned from my mistakes and hope to rebuild Deathstroke.

That is why I came to this forum to look for help.

My future cosplay characters I would like to build are -

Archangel Tyrael
Vile from Mega Man X
Cyborg Ninja
Raided from MGS
Sentinel from X-Men's 1990 animation show

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi everybody!

My name is Frank, and I'm a young cabinetmaker/carpenter that love videogames and every sci-fi stuff (mechs, guns, armors, etc).

I love build props, but my father told me this isn't a real work (I started to work with him four years ago and we're freelancers). I had my parent's words on my mind until I decided to change, follow my feelings (oooooh! :$) and work harder to turn my hobby into my job, like others famous propmakers did it. Really, thanks a lot all you!

And now, I'm on it.

Now, the pics:

My first gun replica. A pulse rifle from Dead Space.

M-23 Katana from Mass Effect. I made it to Nebulaluben Nebulaluben (Laura & Erik (a.k.a Nebulaluben & Erikku-kun)) on deviantART

An actual comission: Leona's Shield and Sword, from League of Legends. I'm still on it.(Poor quality)

And a personal replica. Another pulse rifle from Dead Space 3. I'm on it too.

For more info you can see my website or find me in facebook or deviantart.

You can notice that I not usually spam much info...

Thanks for reading! :)


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Heya, New to RPF, but have been quietly hovering for a couple months now, huge fan of the process that goes into prop making & costume creating the level of detail is one of my favourite aspects, I myself have never attempted anything yet, but will soon like to start on a cosplay piece [a Death Knight].

My favourite movies are Jurassic Park, Watchmen, Back to the Future. I also play WoW occasionally, I first heard of the site by Adam Savage when he talked about it in a Tested video he had done.

I currently do not own any props but would love to, once I famillarize myself more in the culture.
hola amigos:), solo pretendia presentarme, me llamo Nuria y este año para carnaval aqui en España queriamos hacernos unos disfraces relacionados con la guerra de las galaxias, somos un grupo de 14 personas así que tendremos que elegir personajes para todos...
y si he de ser sincera vuestra página me ha parecido de lo más interesante..y me gustaria aprovecharme de vuestros conocimientos y habilidades: Angel, para intentar hacerme algun disfraz como el que habeis puesto en la web, aunque me temo que no se pareceran mucho: Wackoen fin
espero podais ayudarme;) y lo dicho un saludo y muchas gracias por tan buena web: Thumbsup
hey all I'm a new member and so far my current collection of props is I have made Hidan's scythe from naruto am currently working on sasukes grass cutter for a friend along with zangetsu and kenpachi's sword and am looking into building deadric armour from skyrim for me and some mates which will take me ages i recon i made the scythe out of conveyor belt and timber the swords im making out of timber
Hi All! New member, finally decided to create an account. I was happy to read all the useful threads about Batman Returns Catwoman when I was making the costume, so very helpful!! I finished my Catwoman for Halloween and really have a great time when wearing her! I also create a lot of other costumes, Rogue being my most favorite.

Photo is by: Dan Morrill, taken at Jet City Comic Show
Hello Everyone. Tony here form central Indiana. Im new here and mainly interested in horror makeup and costumes. Starting a few builds again I have been away from all of these things for a few years. Did a few masks and such back in '05 and the bug has struck again. Little bit about me. My main hobbies are Flying Radio Control Helicopters been into that for many years it consumes most of my free time. I also play some Airsoft and have owned a photography business in the past im 37 years young and still a big kid at heart. I am currently starting a costume build of the Nemesis from RE2. Just to get back into the swing of things. Just finishing up the lifecast to start carving some clay for the mask.. After the project I plan to Build one Werewolf Underworld rise of the lycan style. Digistilts, Fur. the whole deal. Its something I have wanted to make since I was a kid.
So thats a little about me I have been gleaning the many great resources I have found here already looking forward to being part of this community.
Hi Everybody! My name is Michelle and I've just joined. I'm engaged to Mobiuscorpus and he's been harassing me to join the RPF for the last couple of weeks. I'm a knitter, seamstress, and writer. I just completed my first cosplay for Hallowee; Elizabeth Comstock from Bioshock Infinite. I'm very proud as I haven't sewn anything since Jr. High! I'm excited to be here and I'm incredibly impressed by the amount of talent I see represented. I'll try to keep up!