New Episode 7 X-wing


Sr Member
I'm sure you all have seen the trailer, I won't post it again. But the new X-wing with the s-foils open is pretty neat. I wonder how long it will be before we get a decent kit. Also, the Falcon has a rectangle dish that I'm sure is Lando's fault.

If Bandai keeps the license, I hope they still make stuff from the previous films that never was adequately released and not concentrate on Episode VIIs vehicles. There is a year to go yet so hopefully...

Is it just me, or does the MF look a bit squashed?


No, it's not just you, it's me too.
But till you mentioned it, I thought it was just me.

Maybe it's so that when they make the model kit the sidewalls, which will inevitably be made too tall, still look in proportion.

(Also, isn't there a bit missing from the pic above? On the right side beneath the engine panel and between the laser blasts, shouldn't there be some of the 'arm' thing's underside showing?)
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Yeah, maybe just a touch, but we still haven't gotten a straight on shot. It might just be an optical illusion due to the angle.
I think it looks dead on,....based on the 32" Falcon, she's not that fat...but the 32" never got a good lasting shot in the films (apart from hanging on the Medical Frigate) .....she has been refined though.....superdetailed....look at the sidewall near the engine......SO much more detail than normal,....also the hull skin looks really thin

I did a little enhancement myself.

On the wing you can see this is Red 5 (if the stripes look red to you, as they do to me) or Blue 5 (if you go by the blue fuselage stripe).

Yeah, love how the wings fold out and up (to show the marking). X-wings have always been impossible to tell apart from the side. :lol

You know, if Abrams had been as respectful of the Enterprise as he appears to be of these Star Wars ships... I would have forgiven a lot.

But don't ask me why X-Wings are flying at ground level with S-Foils in attack position. I guess the technology has improved in 30 years?


Maybe they're about to attack something?

Yeah, as there is no atmosphere in space, the S-foils don't contribute to flight, they just move the cannons further apart maybe for better range and targeting. So regardless if they are in atmosphere or space, the result is the same.
I think it looks dead on,....based on the 32" Falcon, she's not that fat...but the 32" never got a good lasting shot in the films (apart from hanging on the Medical Frigate) .....she has been refined though.....superdetailed....look at the sidewall near the engine......SO much more detail than normal,....also the hull skin looks really thin


That is the beauty of CGI, in a real model sooner or later details are just too small to add, you have no such limitation in CGI, whatever details they put on the full sized one can be added to the CGI one.