New BTTF "Save the Clock Tower" Flyer Project


Sr Member
I'm starting this thread so we can get the details perfected as much as possible on the flyer. I have posted my own version of the flyer in the BTTF thread that looks very close to screen accurate, however I have recently been shown that there are some issues with font/typeface differences and some of the text positioning.

It isn't anything major, or anything that anyone is really going to notice outside the RPF, but now that I have checked it out, I really want to get this thing 100% anyway.

So I will attempt to post the actual PDF of my flyer as it is.
Hopefully this can be used so we can work together and get this thing as perfect/screen accurate as possible. :thumbsup

I will get the PDF posted later. I still have a lot of catching up to do since I fixed my computer.
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I just bought some pale blue paper today and was about to print your version of the flyer when you hit me with this!!! I almost wasted my ink!!!! :lol But seriously, awesome work so far - not that I can see anything wrong.

I do have one question though and I don't mean to knock your work, but is it too high quality?

The way I figure it, the ladies at the Preservation Society would have used a photocopier (built 1985 or earlier, so not a very good one) to photocopy a 30 year old newspaper onto the flyer.
I don't mean to sound like a smart-ass but the way I always pictured it would be the newspaper part of the flyer to look photocopied.

What do you think? Or am I being too damn fussy?
I've considered this same thing myself. I think the props were meant to be a little bit sharper/clearer than a real flyer would be, so it would look better on film.

I also considered all the points that Roland made in the Auction PDF thread, and realized that there was still a lot of work to be done. I think I have it a lot closer now. I corrected all the issues as well as I'm able to and I think it turned out pretty good.

I also changed the font for the article text. I found one that I think works better for the flyer
and looks more like something you would see in an old photocopy. I will post it in a few minutes.
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Here it is, I even managed to correct the shape of those "C"s :lol

I used Roland's photo, which was already really nice.
I modified it slightly to look more like a photocopy of a newspaper photo would look.

I even used one of my original Earl Hays prop papers as reference to make sure all the text was justified perfectly.


I will post the PDF later today.
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... Would you care to elaborate on the mistakes you found in the flyer I had posted? I knew the photo wasn't exact, but I reconstructed all the text in adobe illustrator directly on top of a medium resolution image of an original prop, so everything should be spaced perfectly. But if there are any errors I would like to correct them, especially the "wrong fonts". Thanks.

Yes, of course I'll help you. So let's compare your flyer with the originals! Following you can see:

- the flyer with bright blue background is a scan of an original flyer used in scenes with Eric Stoltz (with the inaccurate clock tower pic)

- the flyer with darker blue background is a scan of a copy of an original flyer screen used by Michael J. Fox. Actress Claudia Wells ("Jennifer Parker") use these flyer copies at her autograph sessions.

- the flyer with white background is yours. :)

If you compare your "CLOCK STOPPED AT 10:04" phrase with the originals, you can see your letters are too wide, particulary the letters "L", "S" and "T". And your number "0" is too thin. The edge on top left of the number "1" is vertical on the original, yours is transverse. The horizontal line of the number "4" is too low on your flyer.


The letter "C" of the large title letters: The beginning and the end of the letter is transverse.


The first three page numbers of the left columns are cropped at their right sides on the original flyer. It seems the designer of the original flyer commited a blunder. And the page number in the fourth line, right column, is a "7", not a "11". I think your mistake was to use for comparing the newspapers made in 1989 (second movie). But they are slightly different from the newspapers made in 1985 (first movie).


As you can see, the spaces between the letters on your flyer have always the same width: zero. To justify your text, you stretched only the spaces between the words. But as you can see on the original flyers, sometimes the spaces between the letters are stretched too.

I don't know, what a font you used, but the most accurate font for this text I found, is "Stratford Medium".


Comparing your phrase "Plans To Launch Tests of New Toll System Here" your letters seem to be too large (the drawing of the letters, not the font size). Look e. g. the letter "o" in the word "To", then you can see it.


Your Cent character is centered, but should be on the bottom. The slash in this character is larger and has a more acute angle on the original flyer.


Let's compare the words below the clock tower pic. Please note: The following comparing is just my own opinion. Maybe I'm mistaken.

First column: If I look on Claudia Wells' flyer copy, I recognize "murder" instead of "warded" on your flyer. The first letter of the word "renewals" is lower-case. The word "to" seems to have a dash at the end ("to-") and the last word could be an "if" or "of", not an "as".

Second column: Perfect! :)

Third column: Your Chairman "Pollak" looks more like a "Poliak" in originals. And the social organization seems to be "new".


And here is a resized (shrinked) pic of my selfmade clock tower pic. The blue background is just to show the lookout when it's printed out on a blue paper. My original has a white background. I've been trying to get a more copy-like lookout. If you compare with screen used flyers: The pic on the flyers looks more like a copy of a newspaper photo. It's not very accurate, if it looks exactly perfect like a newspaper photo.


I hope my annotations were helpful and you understood everything.
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Yep, I think I got it all! :lol
But I can see that photobucket is resizing my images again. :confused
I will fix that and post a larger one shortly.
I don't want to use the Stoltz version of the flyers for reference on this. There are some differences that will affect the accuracy of the finished flyer. ...

As I can see, the only differences are the vertical spaces between the different parts of the flyers, the order of the paragraphs in the main text, the letter spaces in "CLOCK STOPPED AT 10:04" and of course the wrong clock tower pic and the text below. In any other cases you can use this flyer version to look for details.
As I can see, the only differences are the vertical spaces between the different parts of the flyers, the order of the paragraphs in the main text, the letter spaces in "CLOCK STOPPED AT 10:04" and of course the wrong clock tower pic and the text below. In any other cases you can use this flyer version to look for details.

Thanks. I wasn't sure on the other details.
How does it look so far?
Here it is, I even managed to correct the shape of those "C"s :lol

I used Roland's photo, which was already really nice.
I modified it slightly to look more like a photocopy of a newspaper photo would look.

I even used one of my original Earl Hays prop papers as reference to make sure all the text was justified perfectly.

I will post the PDF later today.

Looks much better now! Congratulations! :)

There are two other inaccurate details I detected:

The two dashes in the weather forecast are too short. They look more like hyphens in your flyer, but have to be en or em dashes. The dot after page number "C3" is just in the 1989 made newspapers. In the newspapers made in 1985 there is no dot, but the line ends with a slightly space.


The same thing with the seperated word "conference": there is no hyphen, but space instead of it.

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Just another thing:

The clock tower pic ends on the same line like the word "shed". The text below has to be displaced more downward.

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Here is my large version of the clock tower image. Don't look too close on it! It looks terrible. :lol But as I said: Printed on paper in original size, it's looking good. ;)
I've got everything updated now except the photo. Should have it all done in 15 minutes. :thumbsup
Me again! :lol

You forgot to modify the letter spaces in the word "seem" (in the paragraphs beginning with "An immediate investigation"). As I can see, this was the last one that is justified with letter spacing. All other words in the main text is justified with word spacing.
It's looking almost perfect now and if there are more inaccurate details in it, I think the most people won't notice it. :)

Of course I will continue making my own flyer, because there is much work behind it up to now. ;)
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