NeoRutty's Prop Projects - ANH Stunt Stormtrooper Bucket - Pointers requested?

Re: Finishing my O.T. Saber Projects -Ba-BAM! (or Ba-bANM2!!)

WOW so cool! congrats man, you've got beautiful pieces
Re: Finishing my O.T. Saber Projects -Ba-BAM! (or Ba-bANM2!!)

Not quite sure what you guys mean by using the flash hider in the build... The cone itself doesn't come off that base... It's a solid piece.

I'm recalling from memory here... I think that comes from someone hypothesizing that the flash hider could have been cut down and used as a spacer/connector under the clamp... Apparently if it was cut at the right length, it might have fit inside of the recessed area of the grenade where the cap screws in, or something like that.
Re: Finishing my O.T. Saber Projects -Ba-BAM! (or Ba-bANM2!!)

I'm recalling from memory here... I think that comes from someone hypothesizing that the flash hider could have been cut down and used as a spacer/connector under the clamp... Apparently if it was cut at the right length, it might have fit inside of the recessed area of the grenade where the cap screws in, or something like that.

Well that aint happening... no cutting of this cone.

I'm surprised it wasn't used on blasters... it's pretty damn cool looking.
Re: Finishing my O.T. Saber Projects -Ba-BAM! (or Ba-bANM2!!)

I wouldn't do it either, just passing along what I remember.
Re: Finishing my O.T. Saber Projects -Ba-BAM! (or Ba-bANM2!!)

I brought a replica bearing when it is inside the clamp the booster will simply screw to it securely and hold tight.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Paint removal on Obi Grenade

So I was home sick for the last week, so decided to tackle removing the paint from my Obi Grenade...

I would LOVE to have left it alone, but the beige paint just looked awful. I've seen a few on these boards that had a natural petina or rust that enhanced the grenade, made it look more of a Star Wars relic, but this was not the case with mine.


Talking to TeeCrooz, I went out and got a few steel brushes for my dremel and with some paint thinner, got working. Talk about tedious. I actually went through 6 brushes, and still have a bit to get rid of. I may leave it on though, so when I do the bluing it give it some texture.


I'm actually completely surprised how clean and crisp the cuts where under that paint. It's now looking a lot closer to the world of Star Wars than a badly painted WW2 relic... but I need to move it even closer to something that would be in the hands of Alec Guiness.

I'm not going to jump right into bluing. I want to think about how I want to handle the next step before I jump in.

If anyone has any other ideas, I'm open. I'd like to get as close to how it would have looked in ANH as I can.

Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Paint removal on Obi Grenade

That cleaned up nicely ... the beige color was ... unnatural to say the least ... perhaps burry it in the moist ground and leave it there until right before leaving the house for the move to the new home and let nature take it's course as parfaitelumiere did with some of his?

Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Paint removal on Obi Grenade

Sheesh! That's nice! Well done.
One day I hope to find some vintage stuff for my obi.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Paint removal on Obi Grenade

soak that sucker in acetone or paint thinner... will take it right off with little effort.

JamesKenobi is the man for making it look old...

I thought he said something about old used motor oil soak...
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Paint removal on Obi Grenade

Pretty much cleaned off at this point... I did use paint thinner. It helped, but man, still ate through those dremmel brushes.

I looked online a bit about oil soaks, and most talked about using blowtorches and burning the crap out of it. I'll have to see if James had a different way. If not, bluing may be the route.

I'm hesitant on letting it rust on it's own... hm. The cone holding the emitter of my AFBB version started rusting just from the BC air... I'm thinking if I let it start, it won't stop.

Either way, don't think I'll be doing anything until I get in the next place... I'd also like to have that booster in hand (June)
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Parts for Luke Broadsword?!

I'm bored at work, so thought I would just throw up a few pics of how the potentially sacrilegious Luke Broadsword is going...

These parts have been gathered by a mr Thd9791,



and Roy has done some test renders...




Soon I will grab track from Roy Goslig, and start figuring out exactly how to go about putting this together (hopefully with electronics) come Summer (when I'm settled in my next place).

Enjoy? Ha.

Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Parts for Luke Broadsword?!

haha those look great! Sorry bout the blurry photos - I cant wait to see how this goes!

nice work on the grenade too - without the paint it looks excellent!
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Parts for Luke Broadsword?!

haha those look great! Sorry bout the blurry photos - I cant wait to see how this goes!

nice work on the grenade too - without the paint it looks excellent!

No worries, I'll take better shots down the line...

Yeah the grenade has been sitting like that for a while now, and I've grown to like how it looks bare steal... there's a slight tint to it.

So I decided to just leave it like that for now until the rest of the parts arrive, and decide then what to do with the finish.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Parts for Luke Broadsword?!

Totally agree.

Having it the other way makes a lot more sense as a hand gaurd type of design...

I like the broad sword renders, but I would flip the graflex slaves over, and have the ears closer to the hand
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Parts for Luke Broadsword?!

I dunno. Aesthetically, I think it looks better like above... Here's Roy's renders of the down facing ears.



keep in mind if you held the sword upright, the "cross" would look upside down... Any design on midievil broadsword would be the designed so it's upright when held blade up.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Parts for Luke Broadsword?!

Have you already done the version with the bunny ears all on one side? Wait that would look weird, I like what you're doing hahaha
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