NeoRutty's Prop Projects - ANH Stunt Stormtrooper Bucket - Pointers requested?

Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Authentic parts Obi Grenade neck swap!

Beautiful work, I can sympathize on messing up the neck, I personally wanted to kill myself after putting marks in not 1 and not 2 but 3 Graflex clamps trying to open them up for a bubble strip.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Authentic parts Obi Grenade neck swap!

Beautiful work, I can sympathize on messing up the neck, I personally wanted to kill myself after putting marks in not 1 and not 2 but 3 Graflex clamps trying to open them up for a bubble strip.

Yeah I like the consider myself pretty meticulous, but this neck proved me wrong. But it's all good now, and time to forget it - be even more careful down the line. Who woulda thunk it would be SO HARD to turn that neck out!?

Man, this thread though, been a while since I've worked on anything. I've been in the new place for a few months, but anytime I have free time, it's spent cleaning out the garage to make room to WORK on these pieces.

And of course... making room for HAN!

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Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Authentic parts Obi Grenade neck swap!

So I didn't plan on updating my Obi saber until ALL parts were in, but then this weekend I did a *little* work on it, had pics, am now bored at work, so here is an update!

Last weekend I met up with Edraven and picked up my "Gender Reassigned Male Balance Pipe" I got off of Teecrooz (a male BP from the engine buy a while back - "a tale of nine balance pipes"). Since I now had all the vintage parts needed, I figured I should stop being lazy/chicken, and actually chemically weather the grenade I had.


So I took out the perma blue, and first did a test run on a Roman's replica I have for a future "reveal saber". It looked pretty good after two quick 5 second dips in the bluing. So I decided to drop in the real grenade.




I didn't worry about getting the grenade cleaned PERFECTLY and left a few specs of rust and paint... hoping it would add a little something to the weathered look when done. But after the first pass I noticed that any little spec of paint or rust that I left on stood out like a sore thumb. It looked bad - not natural at all. I figured I was in for having to take the bluing off and get rid of ALL traces of rust before trying again. I put the grenades aside and went on to do the rest of my days errands.

However, when I got home and checked out the grenades again, they looked AWESOME. I guess over the hours the blacks got deeper, and a light rusting color took to the cuts and grooves. It actually looked better than I thought it could. Both grenades looked great after a few hours.


So I guess my warning to anyone else doing it... Blue the grenades then let them sit 4 or 5 hours before doing another pass. They may already be done after your first go at it.

Happy with the grenade, I put it all back together for a quick look at how it will look finished... and it's great.


So next I'm just waiting on some transistors, washers, and then in the next month or so, I'll get the sink knob drilled for a D ring and configure everything correctly... But for now, that's it!

I leave this post with a question for other Obi weathering guys out there... should I be spraying down the grenade with anything to keep it as is... will it continue to rust now?

Thanks for looking!
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Bluing a Grenade... and Male BP add-on

Looks great! I didn't know you don't have the transistors... I've got an extra set that I can sell you along with a single Roman washer...
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Bluing a Grenade... and Male BP add-on

Looks great! I didn't know you don't have the transistors... I've got an extra set that I can sell you along with a single Roman washer...

Thanks, but already have Chris sending a set...
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Bluing a Grenade... and Male BP add-on

Looks awesome. You can oil the grenade occasionally to keep the rust in check. Some people use clear coats or waxes, but you don't have to.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Bluing a Grenade... and Male BP add-on

Looks great indeed ... any plans for the windvane outer ring and neckpiece to be darkened?

Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Bluing a Grenade... and Male BP add-on

Looks great indeed ... any plans for the windvane outer ring and neckpiece to be darkened?


I'm tempted to leave as is... it's pretty dark in person... and looks dirty and old... in some ways the natural grime may look better than if I brass blacked it. I dunno.

When I add the last little bits, I'll have a once over and see if I want to start darkening parts.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Bluing a Grenade... and Male BP add-on

Found this today!

Preeeeetty sure this the correct flash. I don't have it in hand yet... sent my father out to pick it up cuz I've been living in my studio. won't see it in person until tomorrow, but pretty sure that's the correct Praco.


And got it in a box of cameras for 40 bucks. I'll probably throw the box of cameras back up for 100 bucks. make $60 on this.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Found a praco! the right one? think so!

Looks like it indeed ... as long as it has the emitter 'shroud' you're good to go ... I hope you got an extra set of grips and oilpan :)

Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Found a praco! the right one? think so!

Looks like it indeed ... as long as it has the emitter 'shroud' you're good to go ... I hope you got an extra set of grips and oilpan :)


I DO have grips, lambo wheel and oil pan... I was going to use them on a praco I bought off a member here... one with a black end.

So I guess the black-end praco will go to the junkyard... After I get a good look at this and make sure there's no parts missing. The guy I got it off was just an 85 year old dude looking to get rid of some of the crap in his place and put up a box of camera odds and ends for sale.

I've been to a lot of garage sales and flea markets, never found anything worth while... It's no MPP or 5 dollar graflex, but I'll take it as my first find!
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Found a praco! the right one? think so!

Definitely a worthy "find", man. Congrats. These may not cost as much as a Graflex or an MPP, but it's definitely much more rare than either, from my tracking records.
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Found a praco! the right one? think so!

Yea, I think that's the one! Nice find man, it's how its supposed to be, finding someone trying to unload junk ;)
Re: Finishing my Prop Projects - Found a praco! the right one? think so!

Looks all good now that I've seen it in person. Looks like I'll finally do my Yoda from a praco...




And we have a shroud!

Look forward to popping the band off and seeing if the correct screw is in there as well.

Funny how much I like this saber, considering I really don't like when Yoda uses one. :behave
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