needed...USCM Armor pep files

Hi everyone!
i was looking and following this community for quite a while now, always checking for ideas and so on. i must say, that i am really impressed, what people work out.

after bulding a few helmets i have decided to start building a complete armor. since i am a fan of the uscm since the first time watching aliens, i thought this should be the first armor to be built.
i started with the less accurate pep files because i couldn't find the HD files. currently i have pepped and fibre glassed most of the parts. the idea was to add the details with body filler. last week i finally found the HD files and in order to reduce the time sitting in a cloud of dust and decided to restart with the HD armor with the cavities and trenches. unfortunately i don't have the back, seems it is missing in the zip-file i've downloaded. and this is the point were i need your help. i hope that anyone has the file and could send it to me or give me a working link. this would be a great help and i would really appreciate it.
The back is in the FOAM pep files on page one of this thread. It has everything except the helmet. I know I have seen helmet is in other sets of files.
Thanks, i have the foam templates and actually this is my plan b, modifying the templates by adding flaps and so on. I just thought if anyone had the original pep file it would be a bit easier.
The helmet is almost complete. I have an old M1 which i used to build a mold and recasted it. The lobster plates and the other attachements need one more round of body filler and then they are ready to be painted.
This thread is more than 8 years old.

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