My Wolverine build updated 8-13-2012 new pics pg. 2 95% complete

Re: My Wolverine build New pics added!!!!

Looks good I wonder if there is anyway to get the jacket to look a little worn or beaten up if you know what I mean.
Re: My Wolverine build New pics added!!!!

I've heard of people wearing it in the shower (no joke) rubbing it down with alcohol and also river sand to give it that worn look. I might try one or more of those techniques before NYCC.

I actually started early this year so Ive got some time to play around :)....Who knows I might even make dragon-con.
Re: My Wolverine build New pics added!!!!

Got the buckle in and got her painted up. I didnt take any progress pics but I washed the whole buckle in acrylic black to start. Then I dry brushed the feathers 6 or 7 times with white then mixed up a little grey and did the ends of the feathers again before finishing the tips in black.

Everything else I painted by hand and then sealed with acrylic semi gloss clear coat. I let that dry for about 45 minutes

After that it was down to the local park and the nearest creek bank. I held the buckle under water and grabbed a handful of river sand (its all different size stones) and smeared that onto the buckle.

Ended up doing it twice to get one spot that I missed but all in all I think it turned out very nice.Just wish I had a better camera so I could do it justice.


I went back over the buckle with the semi-gloss acrylic sealer afterwards. Let me know what you guys think.
Re: My Wolverine build New pics added!!!!

For leather distress i use super fine sand paper and steel wool do areas that normally wear and tear elbows around zipper etc etc.
Re: My Wolverine build New pics added!!!!

For leather distress i use super fine sand paper and steel wool do areas that normally wear and tear elbows around zipper etc etc.

I don't think I am gonna distress the jacket as I plan on wearing it even when I'm not in costume. The fit and that butter soft leather just wont let me do it :)
Re: My Wolverine build New pics added!!!!

Claws will be here tomorrow! Will post plenty of pics, all I'm waiting on now are my boots. I had to go with Dingo slouch boots since my calves are so damn big.Walking in regular boots is next to impossible because they rub.
Re: My Wolverine build

I think you have the look locked down. With the facial hair, cigar, jacket, and dog tag hanging out, you've nailed it.

Just got my Wested jacket in today as well as my Levis 527 jeans and both of them fit perfectly. I think the reason this jacket is getting a bad rap is because people that are 6'2 and lean are trying to to get the jacket to fit them the way it fits Hugh Jackman and thats just not possible.

Tell me what you think. Can I pull this off?

Re: My Wolverine build New pics added!!!!

Thanks Bhodie I really appreciate it. Have the entire outfit complete with the exception of the boots which should be arriving in a few days. My son helped me snap some pics hope everyone likes.

As always Im open to criticisms or comments.As you can see from the pics Ive darkened my hair and am now on a diet to lose the beer gut before NYCC.I really want to do this character justice.

Re: My Wolverine build updated 8-13-2012 TONS of new pics

Hahaha I just went to the gas station wearing the jacket and a kid asked me for my autograph! That was awesome! Totally made my day.
if your boots have a good heel on em, you'll get the height for it too. if you're super serious about losin the beergut quick, i'd suggest p90x if you can find a cheap copy from a friend or somethin. that dvd set is no joke! it might even broaden your shoulders a bit more.
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