My SS BSG Builds

Cheers there dude.

That was no problem on the pic's,Mate.
From one newbie builder to another,i'm more than happy my builds may have inspired you a little.Hey,if i can get them looking like this,i can't wait to see what you do with your's.The light kit was pretty easy to do and i went the headphone plug so i could remove it from the stand rather than running permanent wires to it.
That wasn't my idea either,just something i'd seen used on another build by someone.
I think Mike S. still does the V2 to order,you'll have ta shoot him a PM.But he isn't casting at the moment as far as i know because of the cold weather.
I can't tell ya how impressed i've been with both of the kit's i've purchased from him,they are real easy kit's to put together and the casting's are incredible.
You'll have fun for sure.;)
Thanks again there,Mate.
Those are truly studio qualty! But,you knew that(of course)!:rolleyes

Thanks Newbie,i really don't see em as being that good though,they can't be,i did em!:lol
Maybe i'm just too much of a critic of my own builds?:unsure

Great work! Would love to see a picture of the MiM kit along side Salzo's...

Hey no problems i can do that for ya.
Thanks also for the compliment.:cool

OK,heres a couple of pic's,seeing them together just shows what a great looking bird the Salzo version is.

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This one shows the size difference between the two SS kit's.

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OK,well this is the last one i've done,it's the new TOS Viper from Mike Salzo.
Now this is a Viper,nothing like me other one.
Real crisp the detail again the same as the Raider.
Went together real easy even with putting the light kit in!:cool

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Guess ya can all tell i like me BSG?:rolleyes
Thanks for looking,hope ya's like

excellent work mate the salzo rocks
i hope to do one of these soon
excellent work mate the salzo rocks
i hope to do one of these soon

Cheers there,Brian.
I can tell ya mate,you wont be disappointed when you get one.
It's a beautiful kit and easy to build.:)
We'll be looking for it when you get it.

I caught myself saying "Oh wow..." literally out loud! Quite a difference between the two kits! Great pics! Thanks!

No problems and thanks again.
I think i've used some more colourful words when comparing em.:lol
It's amazing the difference,i can't see a lot of MiM kit's being sold anymore.Thats if they ever did sell a lot in the first place?
The Salzo bird is just an outstanding piece,the two Mike's really have knocked out a real gem with there's!:cool
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