My Daughters CBS Supergirl!


Sr Member
As many of you who know me, I seem to put alot of time in any project I create, including my daughters.

I never like to go half measure, and always want to look great. Her Pink Power Ranger suit has been amazing and fun to work on.

Recently with Supergirl she was super excited about the costume. She had the Halloween sparkly costume for 4 years, but quickly was growing out of it.

The first thing I grabbed was custom Boots by Studio Boheme, Highly recommended, and they used 1 picture to make them.

I made a video on my channel here:


She actually started wearing these with her old Supergirl costume and an my old OLD Superman cape from Rubies.


The past 2 weeks to get ready for the final convention of the season I pushed to get the suit done and did it all myself! The sewing is not fantastic, but overall she is super happy!

I found some great thin vinyl for the cape and lined it with a suede I used for my MOS cape.


The red and blue were a super texture 4 way stretch which was awesome as well! Not perfect but close!

I used a a shirt of hers and a pair of underpants to draft and create the pattern myself.

The top-stitching is okay, but I did not want to do to many panels for her.



The belt was EVA foam with craft foam as detail, and the S was patterned and hand cut from craft foam and painted.


Take a look and let me know what you guys think!

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Thanks Everyone!!

Here are a few great shots from the weekend and her new tights:



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That is so awesome!! She is so lucky to have a Dad like you!! It's good you're teaching her about costuming, you wouldn't want her to pick it up on the streets. Really wonderful work!
Love it! She's got the attitude and the poses down perfect. I like how the cape, skirt and boots all look slightly longer in proportion to the costume. I think it suits the smaller frame, giving it a younger look, but probably also allowing her to grow into it so she'll get a lot of use out of it.
Awesome work, my 3 year old daughter is in love with the Supergirl show so I'm working on a costume for her.

No sparkles or tutus or weirdly sexualized children's costumes for my girl, she (thankfully) wants the "real" Supergirl's suit, I'm glad to oblige :)
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